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thanks Huzz, that's good first hand info, hopefully the authorities figure out what happened so at least we can learn from this tragic event and not repeat it. 

Never knew him, but he sounds like a passionate outdoorsman. It's a terrible thing to die so young and terrible for the family.

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Even though it is not reported as official, its close enough for me to say its most likely and in which case I'd like to offer my sincere condolences to Kevin's family, close friends and acquaintances (to many of you by the sounds of things).

He sounded like a top notch guy and I wish I could have known him. May your fond memories stay strong and help ease the sorrows you my be experiencing. Be safe everyone and live life to the fullest.

Edited by Hack_Fisherman
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5 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:

Does anyone know what the weather, wind and water conditions were in that area of Lake O Thursday? We might all learn from this tragedy. No one is immortal and it can happen to anyone here as some are on the water as much as on land. I have to tip my hat to those that do the search and recovery for tragedies like this. As well as EMT, Police and Firefighters. I know Lew was a Firefighter. It must be tough to do that type of work.  I know I couldn't do it. Back when I was out of grade 13 you could walk into the Central Police Station or local Fire station and if fit  get a job with a good recommendation and pass an aptitude  exam. I couldn't do it.

Weather was fine.   I was fishing out of Port Hope that afternoon/evening.  Water temps were 75-76 and the wind was SE maybe 5-10km/h.   Nothing that I would consider rough or bouncy.

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Such a tragedy and so very sad.  Highest condolences to Kevins life circle of family and friends and to all those who have lived through his amazing journeys on the water.  An endless loss to the fishing community.  May he rest in peace.  Huzz ... Such a peaceful claim to Kevins transition on his last night doing what he loved to do.  Amazing image of a dream we all share ... Kevins life ended way too soon.  I am lost for words

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The more I read and hear about this, there is a real possibility that what happened to Kevin had nothing to do with being on the water or in a boat. 


It could have been a heart attack, annurism, stroke. It's uncommon at that age but these things do happen. For me, it would be the most logical explanation if they came back and said something had happened before he went into the water.

My thoughts and condolences go out to the family. It is always a tragedy to lose someone so young, regardless of the circumstance. 

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9 minutes ago, jerpears1 said:

The more I read and hear about this, there is a real possibility that what happened to Kevin had nothing to do with being on the water or in a boat. 


It could have been a heart attack, annurism, stroke. It's uncommon at that age but these things do happen. For me, it would be the most logical explanation if they came back and said something had happened before he went into the water.

My thoughts and condolences go out to the family. It is always a tragedy to lose someone so young, regardless of the circumstance. 

My guess is he fell into the water and the boat got away due to the trolling motor. 

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27 minutes ago, jerpears1 said:

The more I read and hear about this, there is a real possibility that what happened to Kevin had nothing to do with being on the water or in a boat. 


It could have been a heart attack, annurism, stroke. It's uncommon at that age but these things do happen. For me, it would be the most logical explanation if they came back and said something had happened before he went into the water.

My thoughts and condolences go out to the family. It is always a tragedy to lose someone so young, regardless of the circumstance. 

Agreed there jerpears, one of my son's friends is like 29 - 30 and had a heart attack this spring, and out of all his friends he seemed to be in the best physical condition, a regular at the health club working out, luckily he had a better outcome.

Lost a couple of friends years ago, one to a brain aneurysm and one to a heart attack, and both seemed very healthy, and with them being truck drivers both had a DOT physical every two years, you just never know?

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I've mentioned it here before but my Mom's brother was a bomber pilot during the war and him and his whole crew were all killed when their plane went down but the wreckage was never found so it was presumed they hit the ocean.

Mom always said it was terrible they were all killed but the worst part was never knowing where they died or the fact they were never able to bury them and get closure.

I thought of this when they couldn't find Kevin but now it'll be easier on all his loved ones.

I also lost my son when he was only 37 so I know what they're all going through right now and it stinks.

Edited by lew
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Yes this is a sad thing what happened - we must always respect the water - here in Pa. thus far 14 people have died from boating accidents and the one common factor between them was the victims did  not wear their life jackets - I noticed in some of Kevin's videos he was not always wearing one - a tragedy like this makes me think again about wearing a jacket - something I must confess I don't always do - if the motor is running and you fall out of the boat without a jacket and your way out from shore your a goner

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I wonder if he had a big fish on, and was hanging over the side of the boat getting one of the notorious underwater shots he was so good at.  

I never had the pleasure to meet Kevin.   But I certainly watched a lot of his Simcoe ice fishing videos to get me all pumped up pre-season. 

Condolences to everyone who held him close to their hearts. 


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I am sorry to have lost a member here who has done nothing but good for so many people. From what I have heard he was a person that I wish I had met in life. This is one of the hardest things about being so far from all of my friends who Live up North I do not get to see them as often as I wish I could. 


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We  lost Mom just a few weeks ago. She had a full life and left a legacy that will live on for generations. It is tragedies like Kevin loosing his life so young that I grieve for, when it comes to Ma and others that lived well into their 80's  I celebrate their lives and the legacies they left.

I hear more often these days of  young men and women in their early 40's and younger dying from sudden heart failure , stroke and blood clots etc. Can it be the Gen X diets of fast food garbage they have had since old enough to play in the kiddy playroom at MacDonalds. When we were kids we got chips and Pop a few times a year and that's it. If you didn't eat what was on the table you went to bed hungry. Many of my nieces and nephews and friends kids ate anything they wanted anytime they wanted it.

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think it's reply about another member talking about how unusual/rare it is for young people to have cardiac issues, aneurysms or strokes. Age is a factor but sometimes it's genetics. Had a friend young woman (under 30), full of life, suffer a debilitating stroke. She's no longer who she was and is mostly non responsive.

as well, the point of wearing a pfd, is that if there is a health issue, it will keep you on the surface at least and thusly, easier to rescue/ recover.


also I do hope they can confirm the identity so that the grieving process can begin for the family. such a tragic loss of life...



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condolences to his family and friends. I only met him once, but we had a great chat and he was a truly nice guy. His videos humbled my skills at both fishing and filming.

  He will live on in those timeless replays of the passion we share. The tug of the line, the view over the horizon, the rising sun, and the graceful flip of the tail from the fish swimming back to fight another day

Rest in peace Kevin

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10 minutes ago, spincast said:

condolences to his family and friends. I only met him once, but we had a great chat and he was a truly nice guy. His videos humbled my skills at both fishing and filming.

  He will live on in those timeless replays of the passion we share. The tug of the line, the view over the horizon, the rising sun, and the graceful flip of the tail from the fish swimming back to fight another day

Rest in peace Kevin

Very well put spincast

I was lucky to have met him and fished with him two times (river).  Sad to see anyone pass younger than I am.

Kevin, tight lines and fish on where ever you are now.  RIP

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