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CrowMan last won the day on July 14

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  1. Same here. My 9 yr old Merc has performed flawlessly. Buddy's always comment about how effortlessly it starts even when stone cold...it's like instant on when you turn the key, you never even hear the starter. Didn't want it initially, but the deal on the package was too good to pass up. I had also had 25hp Merc for 20 years, which I then passed on to my brother who has still has it after another 20 years...still runs like a top, never been in the shop once. On the other hand, I once had a Merc 65hp 2 stroke triple....that literally blew up on me...to the point that folks on the lake called the fire department... I also had a 9.9 Yammy as a kicker on an I/O boat. Ran fine once it started...but it was always reluctant to fire up. Needed a new starter after 5 years. You never know...
  2. Maybe I'm missing something, but are Deer Haven and Bay Marine Authorized Mercury Dealers ?
  3. Yes, makes perfect sense. Shut down the clown show during the Salmon run, but allow more opportunities for Steelhead and Browns later in the autumn.
  4. That's brutal. You would think the factory would do more to enforce the warranty policy with their dealers. Afterall, corporate holds the hammer (loss of dealer status) and they have to pay out regardless.
  5. Maybe I was mis-informed by the factory rep, or I'm missing the fine print...but a quick search comes up with this:
  6. A few years back I bought Lund/Mercury package at the Toronto Boat Show. I had gone to the show earlier in the week, but returned on the last day and was able to negotiate a really good deal on a floor model. One of my concerns was, if it ever needed warranty work, that the dealer I was purchasing it from was in SW Ontario, but most of the time I would be keeping it at my place in eastern Ontario. Before pulling the trigger, I walked over to the Mercury display at the show and spoke with one of the factory reps. He assured me that any authorized Mercury dealer in Canada is obligated to perform warranty work for any motor purchased in Canada. Fortunately, I've never had an issue with the motor. I'm not sure of other mfgr's, but generally the purpose of a dealer network is to provide widespread standardized service for a product.
  7. One of the reasons I like coming here is the lack of political Bull. I can find that anywhere...nice to have a place that is a respite from that crap.
  8. Same fish ?? https://ontariofishingcommunity.com/topic/91095-world-record/
  9. As of today, $1.38 at the stations on the Tyendinaga Reserve...full serve including cleaning the windshield. With the drive-thru weed shop beside the pumps, you can fill up on everything and not even get out of your vehicle...lol. My understanding is the Mohawks are bringing in gas from the US through the Akwesasne Reserve which straddles the border on the St. Lawrence. On the way back to my place, there's an agency LCBO that's still open...although people are carrying out cases of booze as fast as they have it delivered. There was a line up of delivery trucks there today, for a shop that normally doesn't sell more than a few bottles a day.
  10. I always seemed to have problems with my lead-acid batteries in the boat...I was lucky to get more than 3 seasons out of them. Buddies would get 5 yrs +, but not me for some reason. It was like I was cursed. Maybe it was a lot of towing on bumpy roads into back lakes. They would always let me down at the most critical time...I would carry around jumper cables and a booster pack after being stuck a couple of times. I then switched to lithium for the TM and AGM for the cranking..they've been flawless. The peace of mind has been well worth the investment.
  11. Can't offer any fishing advice on that lake, but north of Chapleau at the end May...be prepared for Black Flies. Bring repellant with DEET, and maybe even a bug suit/head net, if you're particularly annoyed by them. As for cold...even up there, by that time of year it's pretty rare to drop much below freezing at night. This year we had 75f at the end of May in northern Ontario.. .
  12. Brown's is in the background of the Laker photo. Largest lake in eastern Ontario with over 250km of shoreline. I have 38 acres and 450 ft of frontage on the east side (sunset view). Not a neighbour in sight on either side. Nice thing about the Crow/Bobs system is that over 35% of the shoreline is Crown land, so it's not over developed like Muskoka or the Kawarthas. Browns is a little congested for my taste. Seems like a lot of the occupants are Americans.
  13. That's why I chose to build a place on my lake in Frontenac...Walleyes and Lake Trout in the same lake. Not common in inland lakes in Southern Ontario. The Bass, Pike, Whitefish, Burbot and Crappie are just a bonus...somethin's always bitin'...and I never get bored.. Now..if I could only sneak in some Musky, I'd save myself a trip to NW Ontario every autumn...and if one of the incoming creeks had a Steelhead run...oh my...lol
  14. Good shooting ! Lake Trout lakes typically have populations of nutrient rich baitfish like Cisco and Smelt...that's why the Walleye get big....as compared to shallower lakes like the Kawarthas where the forage is mostly Perch and Shiners.
  15. For Ontario residents, under 18 and over 65 have the limits of a full SPORT licence. As a proud 65 yr old, I'm glad to be able retain the maximum amount of fish, if I decide to..
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