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It happened in a split second! Updated!

Big Cliff

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Yesterday was one of those winter days that I look forward to, I didn't have to work, the sun was shining, and it wasn't too cold.


A friend had asked me if I'd like to get out ice fishing, no big fancy trip or anything, just the two of us heading out here to see if we could find some crappie and/or perch, relax and enjoy the day.


Conditions were excellent for getting around on the ATV, almost no snow so we hooked up the sled and away we went. The electric drill worked beautifully and we punched a bunch of holes and set up. It wasn't long before we started picking up some keeper perch and we were having a lot of laughs then it happened!


I guess I was going to get another minnow and the next thing I knew I was leaning against my ATV and had no idea where I was or what had happened. Apparently my feet just went out from under me on the ice and I went down hard smacking the back of my head on the ice.


Jim said I was out cold for about a minute and when I came too I started crawling back toward my bike, by then he had reached me and helped me back onto my feet but I had no idea where I was and didn't recognize the shore line (even though I've been there many times over the last few years).


I had no idea which way home was, but Jim loaded up the sled and got me back onto the bike, by then I had sort of started to regain my senses to some degree and while I was still dazed at least knew which way to head for home but I was still pretty confused and some what disoriented.


We got back to the house and had a cup of tea but it took me about an hour just to be able to sort of understand what had happened and I still have no memory of a period of time before, during, or after falling. It really made me think though about the number of us the go off sometimes miles onto the ice with no one else around and how quickly we can get into trouble.


It worked out ok in my case apart from being sore and I think having a mild concusion; even if I had been alone I guess I'd have survived but it sure could have worked out a whole lot differently.


Be careful out there, life doesn't come with a reset button.



Edited by Big Cliff
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As Lew said, i think a quick trip to the doctor to be on the safe side would be a good idea. That $100 bucks you owe me can wait til tomorrow. hahaha


All joking aside, it sounds like you really rattled your head and should have it looked at.


Hope your feeling better





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Yesterday was one of those winter days that I look forward to, I didn't have to work, the sun was shining, and it wasn't too cold.


A friend had asked me if I'd like to get out ice fishing, no big fancy trip or anything, just the two of us heading out here to see if we could find some crappie and/or perch, relax and enjoy the day.


Conditions were excellent for getting around on the ATV, almost no snow so we hooked up the sled and away we went. The electric drill worked beautifully and we punched a bunch of holes and set up. It wasn't long before we started picking up some keeper perch and we were having a lot of laughs then it happened!


I guess I was going to get another minnow and the next thing I knew I was leaning against my ATV and had no idea where I was or what had happened. Apparently my feet just went out from under me on the ice and I went down hard smacking the back of my head on the ice.


Jim said I was out cold for about a minute and when I came too I started crawling back toward my bike, by then he had reached me and helped me back onto my feet but I had no idea where I was and didn't recognize the shore line (even though I've been there many times over the last few years).


I had no idea which way home was, but Jim loaded up the sled and got me back onto the bike, by then I had sort of started to regain my senses to some degree and while I was still dazed at least knew which way to head for home but I was still pretty confused and some what disoriented.


We got back to the house and had a cup of tea but it took me about an hour just to be able to sort of understand what had happened and I still have no memory of a period of time before, during, or after falling. It really made me think though about the number of us the go off sometimes miles onto the ice with no one else around and how quickly we can get into trouble.


It worked out ok in my case apart from being sore and I think having a mild concusion; even if I had been alone I guess I'd have survived but it sure could have worked out a whole lot differently.


Be careful out there, life doesn't come with a reset button.




I glad you are okay. I would also urge you to see a doctor.


If anyone is in this situation, I would recommend heading straight for emergency. Your brain can continue to sustain damage after a head injury; there are medications to reduce the damage that occurs after a head injury.

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Cliff get to a hospital forthwith. Loss of consciousness is a serious condition. I've rung my bell playing ball and at the plant many times but never "knocked out" and am dealing with short term memory loss now. No such thing as a mild concussion. In Ontario if a worker looses consciousness the MOL must be called at it is deemed to be a critical injury.

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Another to urge you to go to the emergency.... lots of stuff can be delayed with a head injury, even a minor one. You might wait for a few hours but it is much better than the other options! Hope you are OK and feel better!!


Burt :)

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Cliff don't know how you will take this.


You would be an idiot not to get your self checked out. Last year I lost a friend of 20 yrs due to a slow brain bleed from a fall.


We being older now don't deal with things as well as when we were younger.



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please go to the hospital ASAP and get checked out. You had a concussion and NEED to have it looked at. Problems can develop later. Please.


and while it may not be necessary, ask about getting a baseline reading. Might have to go to a specialist but this could be very important down the road.

Edited by woodenboater
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Cliff, do not screw around, head straight to Emerg and get checked out. Yu were out for a minute and were very disoriented afterwards. Head injuries arre not to be trifled with. My wife is still dealing with the effects of a concussion from 2 months ago and it is taking it's time to get better.

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Glad to hear you are okay! I'll say the same thing as everyone else said, go get it checked out! You never know what concussions can turn into! Let us know the results as well!

But you're right, seems everything on the water happens in a slpit second, doesn't seem to matter whether you're walking on it or in a boat or on shore lol

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If you like, scroll through from definition to causes and such. I like this website in practice.


Although, not saying that's what happened to you, it just first came to mind. The mild concussion afterwards is possibly the result of your longer effects lasting throughout the rest of your day.


Food for thought..?


Glad you're OK. Scary stuff when you're way out there Cliff. And heck, we all know how hard the ice is when you fall on it and injure anything.

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