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I was looking for info on fishing the upper French many moons ago.Thought it was strange that a big old hairy lawyer from Pittsburg was helpful on a Canadian board.I cant tell you how much fun this place has been over the years.I have been lucky enough to share a wobbly pop and fish stories with a bunch here in person.


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I googled Ontario Fishing in 2001, was thoroughly entranced by Canadave, Mahumba and a few others. Members come and go, but some of the best stick around. I've prolly met and fished with a hundred great folks, and call them friends. Even the short furry one.

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Easy for me, it was the summer of 2004, August to be exact, I was on my back deck, my leg in a cast after Achilles tendon surgery, and my wifes friend Julie was there too. She called her neighbour Spiel to find out what site he belongs too and he mentioned this site. I had checked it out prior to Spiel mentioning it, and thought, man, they talk alot non-fishing stuff, haha. Well, I checked it out again and never left. I think the one thing that really got me was that I posted about Banjo Minnows early in my posting day here, next thing I know, some guy from Pittsburg (Marty) and another guy from Sturgeon Falls (TJ) are sending me Banjo Minnows free O charge! Now thats class! And yes, I have caught fish off them too! I still gotta get that pic of Sheriff to prove it!

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I found this place by clicking a link from Superdad's post on the Quinte site. I watched and did not post for a while, got the gears when I did and eventually found my place here.

Met up with Fishnsled at a Ashbridges GTG, thanks Fishheadrick! Now include him as one of my friends and have met numerous folks since!

A special thanks to Gerritt, for , well, being Gerritt! His kindness has been humbling and he to, has introduced me to some great folks!

I have hung around though, mainly because of a rumour about a man in a Tutu!


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I accidentally came across a picture of Lucid holding a pike whilst surrounded by some refuse and a beer can in.....Toronto??

Huh, I thought, can't be??


So I went down to O.P. one day at lunch with no intention of fishing and found a dead pike.


The next day I go back and Lucid, FishheadRic and Highdrifter show up.


Ric tells me about this site.


I told him I've never bothered with any kind of sites (Thought only losers and geeks used them :whistling: )


I believe that was early March 2005.


To my amazement, Fidel proceeded to put on a few extra layers of clothes and jumps into the water in his float tube!


To the annoyance of everyone,


I decided to join.

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I heard about it from addy79 who was already a member of the board. I never really was a computer or discussion board type, so I lurked for about a month just beacuse my friends dont fish or converse on the topic..found some very interesting reads and quite the cast of characters. This is the only webboard I'm a part of.

I believe I joined when I came across the Fishing for Tyler event and auction. The charity and goodwill of the members here inspired me to become part of this community, and I glad I did!

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I was on the Ontario Out of Doors at the time and someone linked an article or topic to this site. I wasnt a fan of the OOD site, found all the same Bull everyday, and started coming here more often. I know dont even look at the OOD site, just this one. Thanks guys!

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I was guiding up in Kesagami, met a red haired, sctoch swilling, dude who goes by the Moosebunk who was their with another fishing fiend by the name of Floatfishin. Scuro was also in camp at this point in time with his wife.


Bunker told me to look up this site when i got home....and so i did.



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Beans kept talking about all these people he was chattiing with on the internet..and meeting some of them too.....since he was an old fart I decided I should check up on him and make sure he wasn't getting scammed or anything....the rest as they say is history...



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What a great thread!!!! I honestly can't remember how I first came upon this place...


LOL.. I do remember saying... if I can only get 100 hits a day, I could start a messageboard though....

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I was looking to get back into fishing after quite a while. A young guy who worked for me told me about this site 5 or 6 years ago. It was pretty wild and woolly at that time and I got beaten up pretty badly by one or two (former) members. I was about ready to tuck my tail between my legs and tell myself that I didn't need the abuse. Well Roy, douG and a couple of others encouraged me to stick around for a while and take my lumps like a man. I did and learned to like the abuse........

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