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Trudeau on Rice Lake Tomorrow Friday the 13th


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Sure, if you enjoy being taxed to death, laid off because your employer fled the country due to high operating costs and seeing billions of dollars tossed away for literally nothing.


It's a bloody joke that our PM is nothing more than a drama teacher who got in because his fathers past and he bought votes with marijuana. Next lieberal hairbrained idea for our disgrace of a province (that's right, the rest of the country despises ON) is $22k for every working age adult which will only cost a measly $170 billion per year.




Here's to hoping the ice is thin and he's wearing a pair of concrete shoes.

It's a small man that wishes harm on a person just because he disagrees with them. Edited by Dutch01
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What has everybody got against drama teachers? Trudeau was actually a french and math teacher, he studied a couple years in engineering and some environmental geography whatever that is,so he might have been able to teach that but you do a couple gigs as a substitute drama teacher and your scarred for life.

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Labour accounts for 60% of corporate expenses. I wonder where a "businessman" would start cutting if he were PM. Great way to bring jobs to the country....


And while parliament isn't in session, I don't know how much "work" a PM can do. part of politicking is getting your face out there amongst the masses and taking the temperature of the electorate, not hiding away in an office avoiding press and exposure. If we weren't constantly reminded, I bet many Canadians would have forgot what Harper looked like. Accountability? Sure. How many press conferences was Harper available for that he didn't march out on because he didn't like the questions being asked? His very first press conference as PM he threw a hissy fit because he couldn't mandate which reporters could ask him questions.


Just thought I'd throw that in there before this gets locked.


A businessman would cut back on high corporate taxes to ease the burden on them.

He would offer incentives to companies to keep their businesses in Canada. ;)

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play nice if you have facts then post them if you are going to trash someone then don't. What is so hard about these rules? I will wait till i get the standard 3 complaints and then lock the thread. We are up to #2 so far.




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Kevin O'Leary will save us all.


All the Shooting Sports forums have outed him as not being firearms friendly and as a lot of firearms enthusiasts are also card carrying Conservatives he might not go far. Maxine Bernier seems to be the pro gun choice so far.

Edited by dave524
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Carbon Tax impacting everyone in Canada vastly more than you will directly see (it will be hidden in everything you pay for), Ontario skyrocketing power prices as a result of incompetent government management of our power generation, forced early adoption of renewable power generation at prices we could not afford (with the profits from the overpricing going to offshore investors), leaked plans to force Ontarians to not heat your house with cheap natural gas, but rather this hugely overpriced electricity, and now Trudeau saying that he wants to shut down the oil sands. Its pathetic that so many voters seem to be so ignorant of what they really voted for,

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Labour accounts for 60% of corporate expenses. I wonder where a "businessman" would start cutting if he were PM. Great way to bring jobs to the country....


And while parliament isn't in session, I don't know how much "work" a PM can do. part of politicking is getting your face out there amongst the masses and taking the temperature of the electorate, not hiding away in an office avoiding press and exposure. If we weren't constantly reminded, I bet many Canadians would have forgot what Harper looked like. Accountability? Sure. How many press conferences was Harper available for that he didn't march out on because he didn't like the questions being asked? His very first press conference as PM he threw a hissy fit because he couldn't mandate which reporters could ask him questions.


Just thought I'd throw that in there before this gets locked.


Stop talking sense we are incapable of listening!

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Hand him a fishing rod.. If he can bait the hook and take the fish off, then that's a good start.. If he can't or doesn't like to get his hands dirty, then we have a problem.. Lol.. This should apply to politicians of all stripes..

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The guy is a scammer, has no idea how to deal with our money. Let me provide a specific example. My brother in law is self employed with a wife and 6 children. They take out from their business only what they need to survive, other profit goes back into the business. Our government has decided to give them almost $30,000 a year in support payments!!!! Total abuse of taxpayers money. Ridiculous. and that is only one example. I can't begin to imagine across the entire country how much $$$ he is absolutely wasting. Buying votes I guess. Why would you not vote for someone who is gonna give you whatever you want? They were stunned to see the massive amounts of $$$ rolling their way

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Rizzo, I would be very interested in the details of how BIL gets 30 grand in support payments from the Feds for a small business. Having been a small business owner that had to call Uncle in 2008 if I had a cash infusion of $30,000.00 a year in non repayable Federal support funding the 10 people that lost their jobs may still be working for us. That's only 3K per worker per year. It works out to $25.00 per worker per month for only 10 employees. Less with more than we had if our 5 year plan came to fruition with 20 workers, $12.50 each per month. It sure cost the Feds much more than 25 bucks a month per person collecting Employment Insurance and back then it was extended well beyond 26 weeks. I don't consider that neither a waste or a massive amount of $$$ rolling in. I call it a smart investment in our workers by Taxpayers.


Netminder 60% employment cost for a any business no mater the size budget is far too high, even for a unionized shop. When I finished my Batch of Commerce degree at Brock after I retired they drove in the fact that 40% is the number that gets you to CCAA. 30% will keep you in the competitive ball park maybe. That 30% includes your own wages,,,,,perhaps someday.

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Is Canada going to save the planet with carbon tax. What are other countries paying?

Who is getting the money and what are they spending it on.


Global warming is here, is impacting the world now, and temperature increases are accelerating. The consensus of experts in that field predict outcomes from a range of bleak to the end of the world as we know it.


One can always come up with an excuse to do nothing... to shirk responsibility. That might be less of an issue with something like say old age security where say family should be somewhat responsible, but you're on OUR giant space vehicle. What makes those who don't want to pay for upkeep so extra special? A winning personality? :)


If your beef is with who is spending the money and how it is spent then that is a political issue. If you believe Wynne and Trudeau to be incapable of doing this right then remember they got elected with majorities which means the alternative was unappealing. Get involved and help the party of your preference choose leaders who are financially and socially capable. We need good leaders who can reach out to all with the best plan going forward.

Edited by scuro2
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I don't always agree with you Scuro but I do agree with some of the above. Yes many 2nd and 3rd World countries are doing nothing to curb C02 and other planet killing emissions. It's a live for today and the next generation will deal with tomorrow, emission controls or food, their choice, what would you choose? Riding a bike or driving a 4X4 with a V8, what do you choose? I drive the V8 and shouldn't but I do because I'm selfish. I also would rather fly than drive, that doesn't make me a bad person as are the people that work in those carbon positive countries, they aren't bad people.


We as a nation that is supposed to be responsible can be stewards of our planet. I don't want to live where one must wear a dust mask getting to and from wherever you are going. I've been there and it's unsettling. You can cut the stank air with a knife in Tokyo and Osaka. Hamilton in the 60's and 70's smelt like the floral scent of Honolulu compared to those places in Japan.


Should I sell the truck? I will if you do is the same mentality Globally about reducing C02.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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