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Serious question about verbal harrasment while fishing


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Hope everyone is doing well on the board.

My go to spot for fishing decent fish, is the only fishable spot on the west end of town  I've been skunked there for many years, but finally figured out how to get the bass to bite. This year, Ive caught two so far.  First time many years ago, I tried bass, and I know this is a touchy subject, but I personally prefer the taste of bass.  The rest of the family doesnt eat fish and cant stand the smell of fish, but surprisingly they will eat bass and cant even tell I brought one home. 

Anyways, last two times I went to the pier, caught a nice 2-3 lb bass and kept 1 each time.  I know I'm within my rights to keep it, and to keep 2 out of such a large body of water in one season is not going to harm anything.  There are tons of bass there, just not easy to catch.

So there is another fellow fisherman who regularly fishes there, and if he sees that I kept one, makes a big deal about it.  Last time I took a friend, and we had a double header.  He yells from halfway up the pier to ask if we kept both.  We said yes, and he starts swearing and saying you guys suck. Needless to say, a fun experience became a stressfull one, since we had to wait for him to leave before we could leave ourselves as we didnt want any kind of additional harrasment from him.

I know simple answer is to ignore and fish on, but fishing should be a relaxing time, and not stressful.  God knows, with the price of everything going up, a little extra protein goes a long way, especially when legally caught.

I guess the question is, can I report him, or better to leave it?  

Edited by huzzsaba
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I eat bass, my son eats bass my kids, grandkids and great grandkids all eat bass and if we want to keep our limit we will! If you want to take your limit it is your right to do so. Like misfish said get his plate # and report him. Enjoy your bass dinner. 

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As far as I know, it’s illegal to harass anyone who is legally engaged in the sport of hunting or fishing. Like the others said, report them.

Section 13 of the provincial Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act clearly states that it is illegal to obstruct or interfere with lawful fishing, hunting and trapping

Obstruction of hunting, trapping or fishing

13 (1) A person shall not interfere with lawful hunting, trapping or fishing by,

(a) tampering with traps, nets, bait, firearms or any other thing used for hunting, trapping or fishing;

(b) placing himself or herself in a position, for the purpose of interfering, that hinders or prevents hunting, trapping or fishing; or

(c) engaging in an activity, for the purpose of interfering, that disturbs or is likely to disturb wildlife or fish.



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We gotta be careful these days but most older people know if they go off the rails and you coldcock'em, they asked for it. 

Pops couple summers back one-shot dropped a guy in a CTC parking lot because the dude wanted his parking spot so bad but my dad didn't drive out and give it to him quick enough.  So, guy blocks my dad from coming out, gets out of his car, walks towards my dad cussing and hollering until he was close to take an unexpected hail Mary in the kisser.  That shut him up when he hit the ground.  Great thing is, a kid would cry and sue ya, I guess when this guy came around he musta figured he'd had it coming.  You could weight the pros and cons for doing the same thing in this case.

It does suck though... I think it was Clive from here who was with me one of the last times I raised my voice on the water.  It can actually be kinda fun and good for you too, to let the steam out.

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Of course, if the number one dickweed is a 300 pound biker you need to consider your personal safety first...............but I agree, take a photo (or even better a video) of him, get his plate number if there is a vehicle, and make a complaint to a CO.  Easier said than done of course, and confronting a dickhead like this will be stressful for sure.  I like the idea of two on one, so when the scumball bothers you the next time, hopefully you have your partner there with you.  Good luck!


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It's hilarious the guys that think keeping 1 rainbow  in the eastern ditchs is criminal.

You go to Georgian Bay and a caught rainbow is a dead rainbow.

On the eastern ditchs most know I won't take there crap.

Then I point out the charter industry kill more rainbows than I have in just 1 day.

i wouldn't eat bass if their was other option, but I have and will eat any fish.

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Thanks for all the replies.  Really appreciate it.

I'm hoping all the salmon fisherman coming up will deter him off the pier for some time.  But if I do see him, and  he does it again, will do as you all recommend to report him.  I'm sure with a lot more people around, he may not even speak out. 

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I hear your frustration.  Years ago I was at Bronte Creek and almost punched some dude who was trying to put a salmon that I just caught in a garbage bag to feed his family.  He was giving me a lecture on how it was going to die anyways.  It was full of eggs.  After that I decided to roll up my sleeves and deliver newspapers (worst job ever) 7 days a week for 6 months to purchase a boat.  Haven’t missed shore fishing at all, but now boat launches are a whole different story.  

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On 8/25/2021 at 8:38 AM, RayK said:

As far as I know, it’s illegal to harass anyone who is legally engaged in the sport of hunting or fishing. Like the others said, report them.

Section 13 of the provincial Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act clearly states that it is illegal to obstruct or interfere with lawful fishing, hunting and trapping

Obstruction of hunting, trapping or fishing

13 (1) A person shall not interfere with lawful hunting, trapping or fishing by,

(a) tampering with traps, nets, bait, firearms or any other thing used for hunting, trapping or fishing;

(b) placing himself or herself in a position, for the purpose of interfering, that hinders or prevents hunting, trapping or fishing; or

(c) engaging in an activity, for the purpose of interfering, that disturbs or is likely to disturb wildlife or fish.



So what in the above is calling someone names actually contravening? I disagree with what the dude has to say but he's not breaking any laws by expressing an opinion.

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25 minutes ago, jonasdry said:

So what in the above is calling someone names actually contravening? I disagree with what the dude has to say but he's not breaking any laws by expressing an opinion.

you arent allowed to verbally harrass people or specifically intimated/threaten them.


If our guy Huz is adhering to the law and some guy begins to verbally harass them, swearing at them and intimidating them and carrying on, the guy is breaking the law.

The funny one here is that guys say that that they would walk up and beat his you know what in, but i can assure you they wouldnt. No one here is actually going to take an assault charge and go to court, serve time/pay a fine over someone talking ish. this isnt the 1970's, you fight in public you literally go to jail.

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2 hours ago, AKRISONER said:

you arent allowed to verbally harrass people or specifically intimated/threaten them.


If our guy Huz is adhering to the law and some guy begins to verbally harass them, swearing at them and intimidating them and carrying on, the guy is breaking the law.

The funny one here is that guys say that that they would walk up and beat his you know what in, but i can assure you they wouldnt. No one here is actually going to take an assault charge and go to court, serve time/pay a fine over someone talking ish. this isnt the 1970's, you fight in public you literally go to jail.

100%.  Also closes a lot of doors when it comes to employment.  Best to not say anything.  Pretend your deaf😃

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Been a long time since I stopped by, saw this, and kinda felt I would actually comment:    I 100% get your concerns. Who needs this kinda crap anytime anywhere, but especially while trying to chill out and relax?   Two things occur to me, 1, honestly, I suspect this fella may have some emotional issues that he is acting out like that, and 2: 

I was sitting in Bazil's with a friend and coffee

Thinking the world a fine place to be

When the man on my right got up to leave

And left a piece of his mind with me

He said, "faggots like you should be put in asylums"

Tell me, who takes the blame

For his being scared, so unaware

That he'd fire his fear without an ounce of shame

Whatever happened to love thy neighbor?

Nothing more than a worn out cliche

Are all men created equal or has this too become passe

You don't need to open your mouth for me to read your lips

I can follow the language displayed on your finger tip

They don't look before they leap

And they don't think before they speak

They just sharpen their tongues on you and me

Spit poison darts between perfect teeth

You've got to take it from the source

And look at where it's coming from

You're got to take it from the source

They're only wasted words on me


Spirit of the West 

I'd ignore him  

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