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Climate Change -Hysteria? NF


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1 hour ago, Toronto_Angler said:

Damn just when I thought some of the ignorance in this thread couldnt get more ridiculous.....Hilarious how people believe what aunt thelma shares on that there facebook over what actual scientists and professors who study this for a living and have done years of research and schooling...

what is hilarious is how many gullible people believe  so called "scientists"  who promote what they are paid to promote for a paycheck. 


just as many scientist have opposite views and evidence to that which mckenna , trudeau , bill nye(the pseudo-science guy) and greta and the UN preach


whats even more incredible is how people want to willingly line up for more taxation and eventual theft of their wealth, land and freedoms..........in name of climate change

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 I don’t buy into this natural cycle business. How can we not have a hand at global warming? I’m afraid to look at it for fear of what it means. What it means to my kids, what it means to my grandkids.  What it means to the rest of the earths creatures. I want to do the right thing but I can’t afford a full roof full of solar panels and electric cars etc. But if all these things were affordable, I’d do it in a heartbeat. 

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6 hours ago, Toronto_Angler said:

Damn just when I thought some of the ignorance in this thread couldnt get more ridiculous.....Hilarious how people believe what aunt thelma shares on that there facebook over what actual scientists and professors who study this for a living and have done years of research and schooling...

YouTube is where I get all of my facts and information from. Michael Scott knows what I’m talking about 


1000’s of articles from scientists saying climate change is scientifically proven, one YouTube video comes out about “proposition 2” and the tinfoil hat crowd jumps right on it lol.

sounds wayyyyy too much like “the new world order” chem trails, etc etc all great misinformation sspread by the deep hole that is the Internet.

blanket statements about “liberals getting more money”...couldn’t possibly be that a group of blatant for profit businesses would lobby or spread misinformation right? Couldn’t possibly be the richest industry in the world trying to spread a little counter information, nah it’s those tree huggers that have it out for us lol. 

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It is truly upsetting that worldwide politicians are using climate change as the divisive difference for their election to power.If anything this issue should be totally non partisan and as Greta said" Shame on You".   left and right

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We need to control the name calling or group labeling. If you have facts just present them. We all will have opinions and if they are right or wrong you need to respect them or I will lock this. I think it is more important for us to be friends than any discussion we have over the internet that divides this group. 


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27 minutes ago, aplumma said:

 I think it is more important for us to be friends than any discussion we have over the internet that divides this group. 


I don't think anything's dividing this group Art, just a bunch of guys having a discussion about something important and everyone giving an opinion.....not unlike a bunch of guys having a few beers around a campfire discussing stuff and we've all been there.

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We are all aware that NASA is at the forefront of tracking the changes associated with climate change right? They are an agency that works with multiple countries all over the world for the purposes of developing science and knowledge related to not only space exploration but also understanding the very planet we live on. They don’t maintain a specific political agenda specifically because canadian, British, US, Russian, Chinese politics all don’t mesh. The work that is done in outer space and by the agency sole purpose is to Complete scientific observation. They are the only type of organization that has satellites in outer space monitoring our planet. Their resume, I would argue speaks for itself? People walking on the moon, Rovers driving around on mars...I’d say their scientists are pretty decent? The government that funds their operations is actually anti-climate change. So can someone please explain the conspiracy theory surrounding the science that the 20,000 people employed by NASA are engaging in? I mean if it’s all lies? As we all know the more people that know a secret the harder it is to keep.

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2 hours ago, dave524 said:

Greta sounded scripted  ? , strangely similar,  yes it is the the daughter of 



Yep no doubt stole her speech, not much doubt there. Father's another hypocrite if you've ever seen pictures of his house(s) and wood burning fireplaces. Especially the one he co owns with an oil distributor...amongst other things! 

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I'd love to save the planet but I'm to busy trying to keep up in the hamster wheel. To me that's the biggest factor, I'm not a denier but If I was it would be save myself from guilt of my carbon footprint. If I was out there preaching the end is near... well then what am I going to do about it? Sadly nothing because I'm caught up in that societal hamster wheel just like everybody else. A greener zero emission earth will happen when it's profitable

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On 9/28/2019 at 4:51 PM, Gordy Mohr said:

what is hilarious is how many gullible people believe  so called "scientists"  who promote what they are paid to promote for a paycheck. 


just as many scientist have opposite views and evidence to that which mckenna , trudeau , bill nye(the pseudo-science guy) and greta and the UN preach


whats even more incredible is how people want to willingly line up for more taxation and eventual theft of their wealth, land and freedoms..........in name of climate change

Not true---not by a long shot. Something like 99% of scientists have similar views.


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3 minutes ago, SirCranksalot said:

Not true---not by a long shot. Something like 99% of scientists have similar views.


Yeah, but someone on Facebook probably posted a very believable (lol) conspiracy theory about how the scientists are all making it up. You can imagine how convincing that must've been!!

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On 9/28/2019 at 4:51 PM, Gordy Mohr said:

what is hilarious is how many gullible people believe  so called "scientists"  who promote what they are paid to promote for a paycheck. 


just as many scientist have opposite views and evidence to that which mckenna , trudeau , bill nye(the pseudo-science guy) and greta and the UN preach


whats even more incredible is how people want to willingly line up for more taxation and eventual theft of their wealth, land and freedoms..........in name of climate change

So you are saying that these 500 UN scientists are not paid by interest groups to report that climate change is a hoax?? As ordinary citizens, we have no clue what goes on behind closed doors with the corporations and the politicians. None of us have any idea. Its just our opinions is all. Some believe it some don't. For me as a conservationist and environmentalist, who believes in protecting our natural resources, I will support any action that helps with the reduction of any pollutants that impact our daily lives. No one on OFC is an expert at this. Its just peoples opinions. What we can do as a group is support any actions that will help with reducing all emissions that impact our life. Fishing, Hunting etc...

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I find it tough to watch any of these videos! Social media has sure changed the way people express their opinions.

I'll continue to do my little part and hope I don't get taxed to death through expensive initiatives that don't really do anything.

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9 hours ago, DRIFTER_016 said:

The batteries for electric vehicles are improving. Let's face it, electric vehicles are  in our near future. There maybe a delay in cold weather areas until it is proven they work ok there. Wonder if we will have all our boat motors replaced with electric ones.

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11 hours ago, DRIFTER_016 said:

Might not be for everyone, but it would suit my needs. They’ve made some serious strides since. I’d probably wait a few years until the new technology proves itself in a truck, in Canadian winters. My next vehicle will be a hybrid at the very least. I hear Ford is working on an F150 Hybrid also. GM has announced an all electric pickup coming. It will be our eventual future and I’m for it. I don’t expect everyone to agree or be on board.

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