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Military Shooting in Ottawa


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I'm a backwood hillbilly and I don't appreciate the comparison, makes me look bad haha.


I'm going to let the authorities do what they do and I'll read up/make my opinion after all the facts are released. Terrible situation, but providing useless/uneducated opinion and stating my political beliefs isn't going to change anything.

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So a policeman wears a turban…SO WHAT!


I am proud to be Canadian exactly because of that!!!!!!!!!


Proud of the Canadian tradition of freedom and tolerance.



Before this thread gets locked I have to say I agree with LA's post too!!


What seems to be overlooked here is that the latest 'terrorist' murderers were lifelong Canadian citizens (Quebecois).

They only recently found Islam and only used it as an excuse to murder because they are losers.


All these ISIS dudes (who are evil too....) are British, Canadian and American citizens.

Not turban wearing visible minorities hoping for better life.


These latest murders are by life long CANADIAN CiTIZENS.


This is a tragic situation. Please God help us.



No wonder i rarely read this board anymore with all this intolerant and racially biased diatribes.

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So a policeman wears a turban…SO WHAT!


I am proud to be Canadian exactly because of that!!!!!!!!!


Proud of the Canadian tradition of freedom and tolerance.

At no point did I say I had a problem with a policeman wearing a turban, all I was pointing out is that we have made many concessions to our laws, traditions, and way of life to accommodate others religions, beliefs and choices.



It seems we are expected to be tolerant of others but we are also expected to freely give up our rights, customs, and beliefs so that we might not offend them. It has to be a two way street, you want my respect, you respect me too.



I just drove past one of our local schools, It seems that they were made to change one of their signs from Halloween to Trick or Treat night because someone was offended by “Halloween”. Give me a break!



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Remember today you are safe to wear a turnban, kirpan, burka or hijab and feel safe but not your military uniform. That just doesn't sit right with me personally.

pretty sure most this board would share the same feelings. regarding the military uniforms, i still dont understand that call? its military, they are always targets. no reason they cant display themselves in public,proudly. also im sure our military doesnt fear these random attacks that rarely ever happen
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Man I have to admit I have read every single post in this thread..Thanks to the mods for not locking it up..Everyone has such good points, as to what makes us Canadian. We are tolerant flexible and most importantly a loving-giving country. This is what makes me proud to be a Canadian.
Now after having said that, these nut jobs this week are going to be an ongoing problem. What would have happened if they didn't take on middle east names and were indeed pissed off tax payers? Would that have made us feel any better? I willing to say yes most likely.. I don't have answers just more and more questions. I do think with this latest attacks on our freedom, our government is about to slowly start hacking away at those rights and freedoms. These men were indeed Canadians. Our federal government knew about them both and about 90 more of them..If they need to change our ways and cut back on some of our freedom and rights, i say start with them. Go pick every one of them up, every one that has pubicly threatened Canada. If your passport has been revolked and your a suspected terrorist your guilty untill proven otherwise. Stuff them on a plane and let them go fight a holy war where the war is..FYI I agree with most posts in this thread and it quite frankly crushes my spirit as a Canadian..

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what seems to be a huge question is how do you know someone is "radical" in a free society??? If I post distain for our government over the interwebs, am I subject to round the clock government intervention? in a free country we can express our opinions without fear of punishment. so this becomes tricky when things get posted, like this shooter apperently did. I cant blame those in power for not arresting this guy pre incident, because how does anyone distinguish a post or tweet between an actual physical threat??? its impossible. so do we arrest anyone on the spot that posts distain for our country, our people or our government??? if thats the case we ALL lose freedom. we can and should be able to say anything we want. acting on that is obviously a huge difference however. that being said, i think canada should adopt open carry laws. take the burden off police and military. let us show how we WILL protect one another in this great country. and drifter great post on that video. man thats a overwhelming moment.

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Drifter, thank you so much for posting that link, that is the mark of a true Canadian, brave, courageous and yet still humble! :worthy:


I just found out that he is retired RCMP and was here in Yellowknife up until he retired. :)

His brother is here in town and a teacher at one of the schools.

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Have you been to DC or Times Square in NY. I haven't been to Times Square but have been to Washington, DC 3 or 4 tmes and haven't seen them.


I didn't see any there either. I also didn't see any heavily armed guards in Kalamazoo, Sault St Marie, Detroit, Chicago, New York, Los Angelas, Denver, Houston, San Francisco, San Jose, San Diago, Tampa, Orlando, Philidelphia, Allentown, Harrisburg, St. Louis, Seattle, Buffalo, Rochester, Okalohoma city, Arlington VA, Cincinnatti, or Bellevue. I can't speak about the other cities and towns

Edited by JohnBacon
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This is a response from a few pages back but...

I was a reservist for 7 years and whenever we were out in public we were never issued live ammunition. It was done like that to appease the liberals fear of our military having real bullets in public. We did carry blanks though. Usually only issued 5 blanks per person and a bayonette. Of course things could have changed in the last 15 years but who knows.


Would it have mattered realistically if he had of had a 30 round magazine of ball ammo with one stuffed down the chamber? I really don't know. I wasn't there. I am not saying he shouldn't have had real ammo. I just don't know if it would have made a difference. One thing that I do find VERY disturbing is that he was alone. A single soldier in public is a very easy target and is very vulnerable. Especially given they don't have live ammunition. If there was two soldiers with ammunition. Its possible this would have never happened to begin with and if so something could possibly have been done right at that moment. Even if all it was that first aid be applied immediately. Everyone in the armed forced in Canada undergoes emergency battle first aid that could have been applied seconds after.

Of course there are many flipsides to this like, a gun fight in the streets between the second soldier possibly injuring others, or having two soldiers down. One thing I can say for certain, neither myself nor ANY Canadian soldier I know or knew would not have given up anything in the world to have been there standing beside him even if they fully knew this would happen and there life could have also been taken.

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All I can do is bite my tongue, and pray for the friends and family of the soldier that was killed. If I had it my way, these problems would suddenly disappear. POOF.....gone. The bleeding heart mentality in this country is going to take us all down. Its about time we stand up for ourselves.



You hit the nail on the head, just have to ask our selves when this crap started. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Like I have posted before the end is coming and it's just started.

Edited by Fish Farmer
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I just found out that he is retired RCMP and was here in Yellowknife up until he retired. :)

His brother is here in town and a teacher at one of the schools.


I guess his son is an RCMP officer as well.

It is a shame that it took this shooting for this proud and strong Canadian to be recognized. I don't know if I could have pulled the trigger; but I'm proud that this man did. He likely saved many more lives doing so.



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these last few days are bizzare. sadly folks died. no cheers either way. people lost lives and families lost loved one. has anyone addressed the mental health issues in Canada. the closing and cutbacks has put many vulnerable canadiens within grasp of these violent groups.. sure we can all wave the canadien flag and say hurrah.,wackem deport them whatever. my thoughts go out to the families...

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O.K. I checked we do not have police armed with m4. M16, grenades or even 22 pistols hanging out in the streets protecting people. You will be hard pressed to find that in sight around the exterior of the White House. I know I live 45 minutes away. Now what we do have in strategic positions around the White House are roof mounted M60 machine guns snipers in the trees and roof tops with rocket launchers. They have been there since the 60"s not because of the unrest in the world presently but to protect our # ! person for a long time. Once you get 10 blocks away from obvious targets you will not find anything out of the ordinary only what the police force carries such as 9mm, shotguns etc. Some of the ideas thrown out about what is just across the border in the US is based in internet ignorance and should be thought thru before repeated. We put our pants on just the same way all of you all do and we feel the pain and insult of the actions of this terrorist act.


On a second note CCMT you have been a member here for almost as long as I have and I have mete you a few times as well as the people in your personal life. I will say that the racism that is cast at people because of how they look is the worst kind. To be tried and prosecuted visually is a curse I wish on anyone. I have always seen you as a friend, musical, and fellow fisherman who will always have a seat in my boat.




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O.K. I checked we do not have police armed with m4. M16, grenades or even 22 pistols hanging out in the streets protecting people


its not that far fetched at all







M16's, grenade launchers, the whole 9


just cause you may not see it doesnt mean its not there

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