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  1. So the gov closes the boat ramps to protect people. but at the critical time when the virus was being flown in what did they do? Did they close the air travel from places that had the virus. The people making the decisions are the problem. Please tell me what good they did.
    5 points
  2. My very first loaf of homemade sourdough bread, it was easier than I thought but I had to modify a couple of recipes; one would have made way too much bread for one person, one didn't include instructions for feeding the starter.... non the less I'm really happy with the results and now I don't need to worry about keeping yeast on hand.
    4 points
  3. There's also seems to be like 5 million essential workers and workplaces in Ontario, with everyone 6 feet or less apart, but I can't launch my boat and fish far away from people.
    3 points
  4. How many people are going to die because some people won't accept that this is not a game?
    3 points
  5. my parents are elderly, my grandma is really elderly, if there is any problems with them I swear I will be arrested for getting in trudeaus face, I’d love to smash his face right now, he’s a spineless pos
    3 points
  6. I am not trying to prove anything when people quit going for their daily walk and walking their dog I will quit fishing I have my truck and a boat there is not reason anyone should ever come near me so if you are staying home and never going out good for you but if you are getting food or working then I am far less likely to get the virus then you and I am not using a boat ramp i am now checking in on a cottage for people who can not come up to it and I am able to put my boat in there
    3 points
  7. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/tim-hortons-to-open-400-locations-to-support-truck-drivers-211046742.html
    2 points
  8. It's not just about social distancing. The actions from the provincial government are being done for more than 1 reason in fighting the spread of Covid 19. From a social distancing perspective going fishing by yourself or with people in your home is not an issue. At a time when we need our emergency services to be focussed on a true threat, staying off the waterways gives them one less thing to respond to. Kind of falls in line with the restricted fire zone in Ontario.
    2 points
  9. When I say canning I'm talking about roasting them and jarring. Dad had a mini cask that everyone's wine vinegar came out of. Yes he saved much of the bad wine to top up the cask. He brought the "Mother seed" back with him on the plane from Italy in the 70's. That stuff was the best ever. Unfortunately the cask went dry and the vinegar was never the same again. I gave it to a pals son. He's not 30 yet and is carrying on all his families Italian traditions. Right down to the Lions next to the driveway and the big fountain in the back yard.
    2 points
  10. Lol, trying to hatch a dead grouse....lol. He sure does. Because I’m always videoing when fishing, he now knows that when he hears the 3 beeps of my GoPro starting to record I probably have a fish on and comes running over...so smart!
    2 points
  11. Whole can of worms, but if the cottagers are anything like the crowd up in muskoka or pointe au baril that pay to have, their boats put in and out, their docks taken in and out, the cottage winterized and opened, cleaned, fixed etc etc then absolutely friggin not. if people are at a property by themselves and taking care of themselves how could you ever say they don’t belong there? I came up north today, packed groceries from the city and have fuel that I purchased weeks ago. I literally won’t see another human while I’m here unless a boat goes by
    2 points
  12. For as long as I can remember smallmouth bass have been my favorite fish to catch. Aggressive, sometimes elusive but never dull I love fishing for them While I haven't fished for everything that swims based on my current data set smallies are the cats A#$ for me Newest post if up https://www.northernjacks.com/post/the-bronze-bomber Cheers Andrew
    1 point
  13. Still not enough. I'm sure suspending hunting privileges in Ontario for life is going to stop these poachers from hunting ever again. https://mnrwatch.com/illegal-hunts-result-in-lifetime-hunting-licence-suspensions-and-almost-60000-in-fines/
    1 point
  14. Terry, no battles, it just seems to make a strong argument for keeping production of essential items at home? https://www.cleveland19.com/2020/04/03/third-individuals-test-positive-covid-cuyahoga-county-are-health-care-workers/ and it's happening around the country because of shortages.
    1 point
  15. I don't like the situation either. but ask yourself? if your mom needed a mask? would you give hers to a neighbor?
    1 point
  16. Yes. Everyone should have the right to be equally irresponsible.
    1 point
  17. Sadly the competition between States and the Federal government has driven up the price of ppe
    1 point
  18. Misinformation and in some instances outright lies abound.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. I would Un share it. A number of the small unknown launches I frequent are still open. I’ll be darned if I’m going to post all these spots for people to flock to. Mums the word in all instances. But, I absolutely applaud Chatham- Kent for their stance. If every dummy and his brother can flock to his nature trail while he’s on mandated holiday, why can’t I go fishing alone in my boat on my days off.
    1 point
  21. Hi All, Still lots of ice here but spring is on the way for sure. I used to take my dog fishing lots more than I do now, even though he makes it quite clear when I am heading out that he wants to go. Unfortunately for him he suffers from the same thing I do, my brain still behaves like a 17 year old, but my body doesn't, and he will injure himself in pursuit of what he loves. With less snow, warmer temps and the need to drive to access lakes I can normally get to by sled, taking the pup with me becomes more feasible. I just wish he could hunt as well as he fishes, lol, its a complete @#$% show taking him grouse hunting.
    1 point
  22. Nice Cliff Just did 2 full rib racks in brine to smoke Sunday or Monday. Now sitting here watching a Dean Martin Jerry Lewis movie . You,r never too young . LOL
    1 point
  23. When my dog was a lot younger I would put a small hoodie on and of we would go. Never had an issue and always lots of fun. My dog LOVES fish. We were out in cold weather and caught a fish let it go.. Doesn't the fool stick his head down the hole up to the ears chasing it. Then runs out into the cold. Wet long fur cold.. His mouth fur froze shut together then panics. Once in back in the hut, all was good but will forever laugh at it.. My dog too old for ice fishing now but in his mind he wants to still come
    1 point
  24. Gets better, Trump asks medical supply firm 3M to stop selling N95 respirators to Canada https://globalnews.ca/news/6772979/coronavirus-3m-n95-respirators-trump-canada/?utm_source=notification/ Ok, enough news for me today
    1 point
  25. Max usb current is .5A for USb2.0 giving a max 2.5W output. USB3 rises to 900mA max so 4.5W Cheers
    1 point
  26. Note the wording 'confirmed cases'. If someone is at home with mild symptoms they are unlikely to go to the hospital. I think the 'iceberg principle' applies here.
    1 point
  27. Michigan received convictions: Onie Miller III, Onie Miller IV, Makes you wonder about the future of Onie Miller V
    1 point
  28. honestly...when you go to that extent, how is there no jail time? Fraud, falsifying documents, hiding and destroying evidence...all for significant monetary gain. Thats gotta be jail time.
    1 point
  29. RPW, firstly I feel your pain and that of most on this forum. I don't think that the severity of the situation has actually sunk in yet. Many members here and/or their loved ones fall into the category of at risk of severe or fatal repercussions. Opening up boat ramps is not the answer. Staying at home and sucking it up is! We are still not getting it.......construction projects still business as usual. Furniture stores like Leons and The Brick still open, go figure!. Cannabis stores still open with social gatherings outside. Some still using Timmies and McD drive throughs and then socializing in the parking lot. Until a unified national effort is in place with ALL non essential services closed and only essential inter-provincial travel (trucks) allowed, this will get MUCH worse, quickly. I can only hope that I am very wrong and say hi to many of you on the water during 2020.
    1 point
  30. Congratulations on the new granddaughter Dan.
    1 point
  31. I tie balanced fly's for float fishing. My fun is taking idea and developing something new. The funny things is when I was happy to get thread feathers on a hook they still worked. Most of my early attempts looked like a horse walked on them and a dog pooped them out still worked.
    1 point
  32. So 16 test results sent to people saying they were negative, yet they were positive . That is not good.
    1 point
  33. Can we please leave politics out of this.
    1 point
  34. How many freedoms are you going to give up for the greater good.
    1 point
  35. Works until you lose electricity............which is why I can stuff...........
    1 point
  36. My 2019 Princecraft Resorter 160BT, 40 hp Merc 4-stroke tiller, with a Minn Kota Terrova iPilot 80 lb electric on the bow, and Humminbird graphs at the rear and bow. Love the boat so far, lots of room and fantastic fish-ability. The big Terrova with iPilot allows effortless trolling and anchoring. A couple of opening-weekend walleyes and a nice smallmouth caught in front of my place on the Ottawa River.
    1 point
  37. Agree Bro everyone still at LCBO beer store grocery stores but that 6 ft must be different than the 6 ft in boat lol. Enjoy post pics
    1 point
  38. If you can launch at a private ramp or you have a dock at a cottage of course you can go fishing. They haven't banned fishing,,,,,,,,, yet. If you eat some of your catch you are actually doing a service to all if it keeps you out of a grocery store even once. And of course there is far less a chance of contracting this thing out in the middle of a lake than anyone that is essential and goes into work everyday. My wife for one. Rant deleted.
    1 point
  39. Please everyone, please just stay home. The more diligent we are today the faster we will be able to beat this thing and go fishing. Set an example for others.
    1 point
  40. The whole meat and ground meat recipes produce a canned product like cooked meat/ground meat and is NOT CURED. The salt in them is simply for flavouring - you can absolutely can the meat without salt. Sausages may or may not be cured, but in general I would only can fresh sausage, not prepared sausages. And of course bacon is cured. What you put into the jars is basically what you get out of them but of course it is cooked, and sealed. BTW all of the recipes are my own, and by all means experiment to get the flavours YOU want.
    1 point
  41. Thanks I am self taught . Just grabbed a fly rod one day and went out . I am no expert trust me , but you tube is my friend .
    1 point
  42. He knows best how to do it https://nypost.com/2020/03/30/king-of-thailand-isolates-from-coronavirus-with-20-women/
    1 point
  43. Good for you, I doubt your petition will ever amount to much but wrong or right you are fighting for what you want. I have nothing against fishing, in fact I love to go fishing! My issue is you might follow the rules of social distancing at the ramp but you can bet there will be others that won't. It sounds like you are going to do whatever you want regardless of the consequence. I truly hope and pray that neither you or any of your family or friends pay the ultimate price for your actions. Me, well I am going to continue to be socially responsible and do my best to insure that I am not part of the problem.
    1 point
  44. Now is not the time to become complacent! Many people are nearing the end of their 14 day quarantine and most are getting antsy about getting out and doing normal things, DON'T! Cases of covid 19 are on the rise which means if you have been lucky enough to avoid it thus far the odds of getting it are actually increasing. Now more than ever you should be even more cautious. You might not think it matters, perhaps you are young and strong, even if you get it no big deal you might not even show symptoms but what about those you have contact with? This virus is killing people, tens of thousands of people, nine more just died yesterday in a nursing home in Bobcaygeon. The reason so many people are being infected is because too many people haven't taken it seriously enough, they are being selfish, they are thinking of what they WANT instead of what they NEED. My 14 day quarantine is up as of tomorrow and my initial thought was "great, I can go shopping"! Then I realized "I don't NEED to go shopping, I still have plenty of food, I still have two weeks of medications left, (I'll call the drug store today and see if they can deliver). Sure it would be nice to get some fresh veggies or fruit but I don't NEED them right now, I've made soups or stews with any perishable vegetables I had and frozen them so I'm good for a while. So before you head out the door at the end of your 14 days think about the risk not only to you but to your loved ones, DO I NEED IT or DO I WANT IT!
    1 point
  45. Nice, joined the forum today and here we are
    1 point
  46. it takes work to get a boat propped correctly.
    1 point
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