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Something has been bugging the dickens out of me to go back up to the rocky mountain foot hills where my trail cam went missing, so I did first thing this morning. In my almost 70 years on this planet, one thing I have learnt is to go with my instincts. I knew there was a poacher prowling around in my stomping grounds from the tracks I'd previously found. Well this morning I found fresh tracks leading into the bush so I followed them and I caught him in the act, sneaking through the bush with a rifle. He didn't see me but I saw him. To try and make a long story short I beat it the Hell out of there as there is no phone service, once I had service I phoned the report a poacher no. about 40 minutes later a game warden showed up and I led him into the bush where the guy was and with the help of the game warden and my walkie talkies we caught him red handed gutting a white tail doe. We caught his buddy as well of course that was driving around so as not to create suspicion with a vehicle sitting on the side of the road. I told the warden about my camera gone missing and he asked me what brand it was and I told him, he reached into the back seat of the truck and brought out a trail cam and asked me, does this look familiar? Sure does I replied. So I got it back minus the SD card. The warden ran their ID. turned out the two guys had multiple warrants for poaching and fire arms offences, so the warden called the RCMP and they were cuffed and taken to the crow bar hotel where they belong. So all in all this was a very rewarding day, got my camera back and put two bad guys in jail. Thanks to those who took the time to read this, I know it's a long one, as usual Hahah.24 points
This one will be a while for me to beat. It's definitely the heaviest rainbow I have ever caught.17 points
If you see someone trying to launch or retrieve his boat that appears to lack experience, don't sit and criticize him but go over and offer some advice or even offer do it for him. Too many people forget they were new and inexperienced at boating at one time themselves but would rather sit back and ridicule others rather than offering to help.17 points
With all of the things going on in the world we have found that we needed another set of hands here at OFC. We have asked a long time friend and active member of the board to help out. Misfish or Brian has stepped up to the plate and has accepted the position of Administrator to help us deal with the management and problem solving issues that pop up occasionally. We want everyone to give a warm welcome to Brian and to know he is here to help with any issues that you might have. OFC15 points
There is no question that the year has been difficult. Everyday we wake up and face life a little differently than we did before, and that is surely a stress for many... No matter where each person stands in their beliefs to Covid, also be aware of another contagion which seemingly troubles more and more people. It is called intolerance. It is an illness born in moments of stress, anxiety, fear, helplessness or hopelessness, and is often one's self-defence in their attempts to ward off personal despair or misunderstanding. We can honestly say that many days this past year have bothered us all, considering this moving forward, we just might find a better acceptance and some easier answers if we remain empathetic for each other. Best wishes for a happy and hopeful, healthy holiday season. Worry less in the moment about how much to give or how many to give to, and take on the Christmas spirit of simply giving and sharing the best of what you can and who you are.15 points
15 points
Well I have been very fortunate to have had (and still do have) many wonderful fishing partners but the best one was my brother in law Herb. Herb was a lousy fisherman, not very good on the net, but he let me sleep with his sister 😁15 points
Man, it has been a very bizarre ice fishing season! It was our first good ice fishing season in a few years! Lots of good ice out there, if fact the first year in a while that we've seen truck out there but the latest snow that we had received has made it a mess out there> Not sure I'll get out there again this year. One interesting thing that I noticed this year, was the number of BIG JUMBO's that stayed relatively shallow <15 FOW. We did catch some great fish, lost some possible giants and hope that conditions improve to the point where we can get out again!14 points
Well I decided it was high time to put a rod longer than 7'6" into my Daughter's arsenal. She does have many options to choose from but any time a rod longer than 7'6" is needed she's had to borrow one of mine. So as a surprise that she'll see this afternoon I built her an NFC HM St 964-2 (9'6" ~ 6-12 line rating), and paired it up with a Shimano Twin Power C3000XG. I'm thinking she'll be quite surprised. 🙂14 points
As a veterinarian, I am glad Ontario put restrictions on Pit Bulls. The problem is the breed is poorly defined. Crossbreeds, Staffordshire crosses etc. Mastif type dogs are related. Of course owners that are kind and firm will have better outcomes with their Bullies. Training and leadership are necessary for all breeds but especially the potentially aggressive breeds. Most human and inter dog attacks are by intact males. Not long ago most dogs were bred for a job. Herding, guarding, fighting, hunting etc. In the last century dogs became pets and became part of the family. The traits originally selected for are still within the breeds. Without training and discipline these traits can come to the fore. Bullies and mastifs have powerful bites and tend to hold on, resulting in terrible damage to the victim. When several dogs are together, especially if not neutered, their aggression is increased. Leaving kids, especially small ones, unattended with any dog involves risk. That risk is much highly with Pitt Bulls and several other breeds. Especially if not neutered. My 2 cents. Peter.14 points
Its been a while since Ive had something to report.. but we finally.. finally made it up To Camp Jiggy Jiggy. It was winter of challenges, and a spring of projects we couldn't get away from but finally after 7 months we are back.. It always amazes me how well the place holds up in our absence. Last year I installed a camera with cell service outside, and added a solar panel the battery made it to the end of Feb before it died.. but had manages to take a charge again and reset it self late march. Its really quite nice to see the pace all winter long and know all is well. The camera overlooks the river as well. The one couple we know locally used to comedown here to fish occasionally, but they retired in the fall and moved away. Its the beginning of july and the camera hasn't picked up a boat or a canoe on the river yet. So for now at least we have our little stretch all to ourselves again, something Im very grateful for. We've had the place for about 18 years now i think and i know its selfish, but its hard to share lol. here are some pics for everyone. My mug.. yes i need to shave... My view from my office this morning.. Had to clear the trail in as always every year. The kids got me this Milwaukee chainsaw this year.. honestly for light to medium work its a game changer. Ill never ever tire of the view up the river Fishing is still as good as ever, maybe even better this year.. theres a nice size year class of pike that's prevalent in our space that are all about 30 inches, and some like Moniques best yesterday are a bit bigger: this one went right back in the water: LOL.. this one diddnt... Creek is still coughing up dace which we used last night to get four eating sized pickeral. After all this time bigger pickeral still elude me, but we have at least found some spots for some for eating. Still cant find the bigguns though. So that's it for now.. gonna be a hot one up here.. oh and last but not least... they look silly but on a breezeless day saved our afternoon from baking in the boat.. although we had trouble not laughing at each other.....13 points
Hello gang Most of you don’t know me as I’m not very active online anymore… but I used to be many years ago I was a cocky bugger and often mistook some sage advise of some of the members in here… puffed my chest… and was very argumentative and dismissive in some cases for some reason for a while now I felt the strong need to say 2 things on here 1 - to all you you cocky live scoping… power poling… satellite imaging…. $100k boat driving… and all the other stuff I don’t even know about… 20 something year olds trying to get a foot in the door of the fishing industry… youtube… guiding… pro staff… sponsored… etc…. the older long standing members on here know their stuff… nearly all the advise i can remember ever getting on here was right or at least came from a good place but it took me too long to realize that. So please really try to understand their advice and be accepting of it. I've lost friends… opportunities… fishing spots… time… all cause i didn't listen 2- to anyone that ever tried to help me… if I didn’t say it… thank you... trying to remember some… Bill M? Terry? Pikeslayer? Spiel? of course Lew…. Mercman… many many more now I'm 38…. Have 2 kids and a respectable job… fishing is for me and making me happy… I hated guiding even though I delivered good results and still get calls 10 years after stopping… it just wasn't for me… sometimes gas money isn't worth as much as a good net man that can keep a secret… fishing trips sometimes aren't about fishing and thats ok… and sometimes you gotta fish for what your buddy likes or some day you wont have any fishing buddies Anyway sometimes you just gotta do or say something and that's all this post is about for me Thanks and tight lines13 points
Well for me anyways. I have been tying the Ice Grub the past few years, keeping it my own way, and improving on it each year. This year I thought I came up with some cool ones . I guess they were good enough to get asked to sell on a web site. Meegs lures asked if I was interested, and after a talk,I was game to see how they would do. Reaching out to more customers. This is a one time batch of my ties to see what interest there was out there. Day after they were posted on the site,there was an order going out to Lithuania . This was crazy news first time. Pretty cool to see my name on a web page. https://meegslures.com/?fbclid=IwAR1bFeJW3Tiy1pWObZ-tL4FpWE2iqgDK4kzypJhLAJZaU4eNYAKnIo8OFGc13 points
Getting my ties out there to many anglers and those that help promote them, and meeting the right people, it has gotten me an invite to next months,June 17th fly tying seminar at Cabelas here. It will be a bass,panfish and pike tie combination . I have the bass and panfish baits covered and working on a pike one . A 6" dragon tail . A bit of a challenge,but I will have it down come the 17th, I hope. Now I wonder if they will allow to have a cold one,while tying at the table ?13 points
I was at one of my suppliers when one of their employees approached me and asked if I had fishing rods stolen. I replied yes in deed I have. Well this guy found some rods near his house last October and reported it to the police. I got his name and phone number and went to the police station. At first, with me being me, demanding they go through their recovered property and see if they have my rods. Emails went back and forth to the point they said the items I was looking for were not recovered and it must have been mistaken. Well, a week goes by, low and behold, I receive another email from the stolen property recovery stating they in fact DO HAVE MY RODS. With the description and photos submitted, it was without a doubt, my property the email said. I go to the station and was quickly reunited with my fishing rods! Everything in tact, only, my IMX tip top guide is missing the SIC insert. The police had them in their possession 4 days after reported stolen! 😳 Bottom line.... I'M HAPPY TO HAVE MY HIGH END RODS BACK! CHEERS...13 points
13 points
It seems like everyone has an opinion on this, or an opinion of the people involved. Putting that all aside, the security camera video evidence is crystal clear. https://youtu.be/KaQwdSekfQg At the 1:35 mark you can see the O'Leary's boat appear, with its lights on. At 1:53, it hits the other boat. At 2:10, the other boat begins turning on its lights. Regardless of who has money and who doesn't, the one thing that cannot be disputed is that the boat Mrs O'Leary hit did not have its lights on. The court got it right, fault lies with the operator of the second boat. Everything else is just window dressing.13 points
Look out fish, my son just arrived and we are booked for Simco with Tim Hales tomorrow and I got my shipment today. Thanks Brian they are beautiful 🤣12 points
What started as a low level tieing for minimum profit, has got me in a bit deeper then expected, but the rewards of seeing what I can do, is a bonus. Retirement is coming and well, I want to keep my hands and brain busy . Some of my latest works. o12 points
Got out yesterday with Tim Hales, a solid 8+" of ice where we were. It started off slow, didn't have a single bite in the first hour. Then I landed a nice one and as the day progressed so did the bite. It never got crazy busy but the ones we were getting were all good size most were in the 11 to 13" range with several over 13. Now here's the interesting part. My fishing partner was using our triditional drop shot rig, he caught 10 fish all day. Of all the other huts we talked to, most reported 6 to maybe 15 fish, I used my new secret weapon.12 points
Out to Camp Jiggy Jiggy.. Holy crap is it quiet out here.. been 6 months since were last here. Everything in perfect condition for another year thankfully. Ha da bit of Crown to power down last night and slept for 10 hours.. best sleepy poo I can remember lol.. sure is quiet out here.... anyway went for a quick troll up the river and Monique managed this one!12 points
Well Karma really is a good friend. After drooling over pictures of small lures for Crappie and other panfish I made a wish and Misfish sent me a care package in the mail. I am amazed at the creative mind and the talent in his hands that found a new home down here in the South. Thank you once again Brian for the more than generous gift and I will report how well they work after the thin ice melts and allows me to go fishing again. Art12 points
You won't believe the places this thing will go..... we just picked them up on Saturday. Well you know the first thing we had to do was drive them down the road, through a ditch and into the river. Swamp grass, water, mud, beaver dams, you name it, we tried it and all they did was keep amazing us. We ended up hitting a little lake we knew for some pike, OMG amazing, we caught so many fish we lost count, ( you couldn't get there any other way) we went places you couldn't get with a boat or an ATV, we went places where you couldn't walk. We went places you couldn't get to even with a float plane, ( well you might make it in but getting out would have been a challange 😊 Now I will admit you can get them stuck. Yup I did LOL, I tried to cross a small creek just wider than my wheel base, it was deep with very steep sides, ya, my son did have to winch me out. Well if you don't get one stuck you don't know what it takes right ? 😊 IMG_1325.MOV12 points
Been a bit busy on the vise . Kid wanted some yarnies and single eggs Then wanted some balanced jigs for under the float Thought I would play with some rabbit hair balanced ice jigs for perch.12 points
I love Zone 14 bass opener. I've got my milk run that I've been doing for quite a long time and it never disappoints. Water temps were 66 when I got to my spot, started off quick and that wasn't going to be the ticket today. Long bomber casts with spybaits was the pattern that worked for me today. Winds were ripping out of the west so it was bumpy out there. I did keep two fish (I know, unheard of for this guy) and one was still full of eggs. Spawn has been crazy this year. If I would have known that she would have gone back. I did however set a PB for another species I chase in Gbay, lol. The funny thing is I swear I've raised this fish 3 times over the past 4 years almost every single 4th Sat in June. It was nice to finally meet her. This is definitely her home base and today was my lucky day. I was by myself, it was chaos, I'm so happy I left my muskie gear in the boat (Net included). I tried to get a tape on her but with her not sitting perfectly straight in the net it was almost impossible and I wasn't taking her out to lay her in the boat to do that. She was a giant. I don't know if she touched 50 or over but it had to be close. She spent a few seconds out of the water for a quick pic and back in she went. Took about 5 mins to revive her, I'm glad the water temps were low. Way too long of a fight on bass gear but not much I can do about that. She righted herself and stayed a few inches below the surface for about a min or so, and I just followed her around with the boat. After that some healthy tail kicks and down she went. I'd love to meet you in the fall sweetheart when you've got a feedbag on! It was really nice to make your acquaintance.12 points
That take a bit of the pain away, of not working due to the 19,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Whole part of the lake to myself til around 8 am this morning Thank goodness for my little toon launch to get out and stay sane.12 points
12 points
So the last few months we've had quite a few complaints about the shenanigans that go on, generally in Non Fishing Posts, around here. Seems like some people just can't be reasonable and are offending quite a few folks sometimes very deliberately. We do our very best to try to keep this a moderated board, it's not facebook after all and we want everyone to feel comfortable here. I have never ever been a big fan of removing/banning people from the forum / board. I also have tried my best to keep most of the discussions in one place, (for 20 years now) but sadly I think we are done with that... so without any further ado, were announcing a couple changes for the better. 1st thing: all posts that are not Fishing or at least outdoors or outdoor equipment related should be posted in our new sub forum. (if they are not, they will be moved there) Non-Outdoors Open Discussion You'll notice we've moved some posts there already! We've had a lot of feedback from folks that really only want to see fishing or outdoor posts when they first get on there, but I've always said that as a COMMUNITY we should feel free to be able to ask for help and discuss subjects that are not outdoor related, so now there is a special spot for that! 2nd thing: We're going to start using some of our Moderation tools a bit more effectively. If a member can't be reasonable, they will be put on whats called ModQ, which means for a period of time all posts will have to be approved by a moderator when one happens log in. Honestly, if a user (ANY USERS - OLD OR NEW) can't be reasonable here and feels the need to troll there are plenty of other places to do it. We will be using this tool more and more in the coming months. If you can't say something nice or in the very least constructive, please don't say anything at all.. (Your Mom should have taught you this already) So that's about it. Have a great day everyone!! Be Safe Out There.12 points
"You People" "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him." -G.K. Chesterton Hundreds of thousands of Canadian soldiers have given their lives in the last century for "you people" to live in this great country. On November 11th we pay tribute to their sacrifice and remember the soldiers who made our freedom; including the freedom of speech, possible. It is because of them that "you people" can write whatever it is you wish on social media, it is because of them "you people" are free to express and follow whichever religion, sexuality, belief or ideal you choose to; free of persecution. On November 9th 2019 Don Cherry spoke the words: "You people... you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you can pay a couple bucks for a poppy or something like that. These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada, these guys paid the biggest price." He is not wrong. The words "you people" don't translate to "immigrants" in my vocabulary. But it did for the tens of thousands who brought their complaints to the attention of SportsNet and multiple social media platforms. "You people" to me represents ANYONE who enjoys the freedom we are given in Canada without a second thought about the cost of that freedom. "You people" targets those with a total disregard for how we pay our respects to our servicemen. Don Cherry was not disrespecting Canadian soldiers of different ethnicities. His comment was directed to ANYONE purposefully not wearing a poppy but enjoying the freedoms our country provides. However, if you were one of the humans who got offended and saw it as "racist" or "xenophobic" all I can say is... ....if the skate fits, go ahead and lace that b*tch up and wear it. We have a Prime Minister who openly mocks minorities with countless "black face" party tricks. He has discriminated against and disgraced women in his cabinet and breaks promise after promise to our aboriginal population. But a true Canadian PATRIOT rather un-gently encourages the public to wear poppies in remembrance of veteran sacrifice and he is fired from an iconic career. I ask anyone who was offended by Don Cherry's words to walk down to your local Legion right now and ask a veteran why they did what they did. When the vet is finished explaining, I want you to explain to them why Don Cherry's words offended you personally. You won't. "You people" will have no way to justify your easily offended feelings after hearing a vets selfless response of why they risked their own life for our country and the freedom "you people" take for granted. "You people" owe every Canadian veteran your life, but because of their sacrifice your life will likely never be called for collection. The least "you people" could do is give them your respect.12 points
Had an unexpected opportunity to hit Simco yesterday, turned out CPH was planning on getting out for the day and we were able to hook up. What a great day, we did really well, no idea how many fish we caught but it was plenty. I only kept 10 nice sized perch and 2 herring. I'm not sure how many Steve took home but his pail was a lot heavier than mine. I started off with some of my favorite go to presentations while Steve used some of his own creations, both were catching fish but I can tell you that artificial out caught live bait. So now I plan on spending today making some more grubs for future trips. it's always so satisfying when you catch fish on the artificial baits. We talked to other fishermen in the area, and from all accounts, we did significantly better than most that relied mostly on minnows! So in summary: a great day fishing with great company, some new lessons learned and a nice feed of fish, how can you ask for better than that😊11 points
The Queen did it again! Left the pickeral alone and drove around looking for pike.. lol.. took us an hour to get 300m from camp... even had a double header at one point. Then back for wings and a nice warm fire and movie!! I even let her beat me at cribbage. Also had , at one point, 6 golden eagles hunting over camp, we usually see them in pairs, so that was something I've never seen before. Probably about a 5 foot wingspan. Rainy day today so a good day to sit by the fire and read.. get some quiet time in. Oh.. and no more wondering whats going on at camp when were not there. Got this handy camera to keep an eye on things while were gone. One tiny bar but it works like a charm! Even managed a couple small pickeral the evening before to have for breakfast. Place is full of smaller pickeral... even after 15 years here I cant for the life of me find the bigger ones...11 points
Came across some old pictures I'd forgotten about and this is one I always liked. It's my son holding the 1st musky I ever caught about 50 years ago. Keeping muskies and mounting them back in the day was sorta the norm but ever since then I've regretted killing it but what's done is done. Lota musky slime under the bridge since that one so many years ago.11 points
Winter is here. Actually winter has been here for nearly a month, it’s just taken me a while to catch up to it, getting older I guess. The lakes started locking up Nov 15th give or take a few days and we headed out over the weekend and found 6” of clear black ice with just a few inches of snow cover on a favourite local walleye spot. Fished for a couple hours from 1 pm , leaving before sunset with 15 or so fish between the three of us. Many of the fish released as they were over 18” , only one fish over 18” per person allowed in a limit of 4. Anyway, enough reciting the Zone 5 regs……..11 points
I tied these up, not many. Wanted to get some feed back if they would sell. I would charge 2 for $5. They are weighted. Lead wraps and bead.11 points
Don't see 'em this big too often... not in Ontario anyways. Just 1.2 pounds shy of a record. A "HUGE" one through the ice captured on a short video. Link: One "HUGE"... LINK!!! Cool catch! Stoked. Bunk11 points
Fishing and travel is what this is about. Balancing a life in the north and south, pointing a moral compass, maintaining some sanity, and fighting the clock while experiencing all that’s possible. This past year I visited Nunavut’s highest north, most east and furthest west communities for work, essentially and finally leaving my footprints in all four corners of the Arctic Territory. Outside of that accomplishment, there has been fishing, and the past four seasons witnessed so many personal best catches for family and friends and days on the water, that so much can just never be forgotten. My fish, many other's fish like personal bests for Leah, Bren and friends, and so much of the best I could get of the scenery, please enjoy this one… LINK ON IN HERE TO........ BIG FISH, BIGGER WONDERS. BIG FISH, BIGGER WONDERS. Best to all in 2022.11 points
Hit Tim Hales with Cliff yesterday. Have not fished in a rental hut since the 80's. They have not changed much since then. Warm and comfortable huts lotsa pinhead minnows and no walking and dragging all my own gear out. Action was pretty steady for perch although yesterday the smaller ones visited more frequently than the bigger ones. Came home with 2 feeds for Debbe and I. Cliff did a little better than I did. However my favourite take away from the day was just hooking up with an old fishing buddy who I have not had face time with for far too long. Thx Cliff it was a great day.11 points
Well retirement and lounging around the house was short lived. I think I'm going back to work part time. Not in automotive; I'm done dealing with people having to make grudge purchases. Applied for a position at a firm called Seniors for Seniors. Not sure if I'll get the position; there's a crap load of personal checks and becoming certified in a few areas; which so far can be done on-line? The job would entail that I would become a companion, handyman around the house, driver and help with day to day things (cleaning, cooking ect) that a client may require (No Butt Wiping. LOL). I've always enjoyed being with/helping the elderly and looking forward to a chance to give this a try. Maybe I could get into customizing their wheelchairs? Dan.11 points
Some of you may recall I posted a picture last winter of a very uniquely coloured deer that was hanging around my backyard with her fawn. Yesterday afternoon she showed up again with another fawn so it was a real treat to see her again although she was back in the trees so I couldn't get a good picture but this one of her behind a shed isn't too bad. Always nice to see critters that are a bit different from the norm. First picture is from last year and the 2nd. one with the shed roof was yesterday.11 points
Ordering pizza in our new world CALLER: Is this Gordon's Pizza? GOOGLE: No sir, it's Google Pizza. CALLER: I must have dialed a wrong number. Sorry. GOOGLE: No sir, Google bought Gordon’s Pizza last month. CALLER: OK. I would like to order a pizza. GOOGLE: Do you want your usual, sir? CALLER: My usual? You know me? GOOGLE: According to our caller ID data sheet, the last 12 times you called you ordered an extra-large pizza with three cheeses, sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms and meatballs on a thick crust. CALLER: OK! That’s what I want ... GOOGLE: May I suggest that this time you order a pizza with ricotta, arugula, sun-dried tomatoes and olives on a whole wheat gluten-free thin crust? CALLER: What? I detest vegetable pizza! GOOGLE: Your cholesterol is not good, sir. CALLER: How the hell do you know! GOOGLE: Well, we cross-referenced your home phone number with your medical records. We have the result of your blood tests for the last 7 years. CALLER: Okay, but I do not want your rotten vegetable pizza! I already take medication for my cholesterol. GOOGLE: Excuse me sir, but you have not taken your medication regularly. According to our database, you only purchased abox of 30 cholesterol tablets once, at Drug RX Network, 4 months ago. CALLER: I bought more from another drugstore. GOOGLE: That doesn’t show on your credit card statement. CALLER: I paid in cash! GOOGLE: But you did not withdraw enough cash according to your bank statement. CALLER: I have other sources of cash. GOOGLE: That doesn’t show on your last tax return unless you bought them using an undeclared income source, which is against the law. CALLER: WHAT THE HELL! GOOGLE: I'm sorry, sir, we use such information only with the sole intention of helping you. CALLER: Enough already! I'm sick to death of Google, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and all the others. I'm going to an island without internet, cable TV, where there is no cell phone service and no one to watch me or spy on me. GOOGLE: I understand sir, but you need to renew your passport first. It expired 6 weeks ago...11 points
Good morning Lew I was out this morning. I made my way out using my Shakespeare 55lb thrust electric motor. Top notch and gets me out there quick at a high speed of 3.6 mph. That 3 blade prop sure is sweet. My toon,built in china and shipped here to Canada, is one of the top ones out there. I was jigging with my awesomely fabricated Spro 1 pc 6.6 ft rod. Matched up with a ABU 4500 reel filled with power pro 30 lb test with a 8 ft,10 lb floro carbon leader. Great brand that Sufix is. I was using my home tied fly swim bait today. Great tied fly by that guy. I blame all the above sponsored products, as I did not catch anything . Still,thanks to my sponsors for allowing me to get out,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 🤣 Have a great day B11 points
Yesterday my daughter e-mailed me again, asking why I didn't do something useful with my time. "Like sitting on the couch, watching TV and drinking wine is not a good thing?" I asked. Talking about my "doing-something-useful" seems to be her favorite topic of conversation. She was "only thinking of me", she said and suggested that I go down to the Senior Center and hang out with the guys. I did this and when I got home last night, I decided to play a prank on her. I e-mailed her and told her that I had joined a Parachute Club. She replied, "Are you nuts? You are 73 years old and now you're going to start jumping out of airplanes?" I told her that I even got a Membership Card and e-mailed a copy to her. She immediately telephoned me and yelled, "Good grief, dad, where are your glasses?" This is a membership in a Prostitute Club, not a Parachute Club!" "Oh man, I'm in trouble again," I said, "I really don't know what to do. I signed up for five jumps a week!" The line went quiet and her friend picked up the phone and said that my daughter had fainted. Life as a Senior Citizen is not getting any easier, but sometimes it can be fun.11 points
Before the masses started to show up and all of a sudden, I felt like I was on a lake O trib. Talk about frustrating. I thought a weekday would of been best, but NOPE. Dosent anyone work these days ? Was enjoying fishing the hole with my new friend. Was nice. Then the cast over your line,up over in front of you. MY GAWD. There was no care in the world by these anglers. It,s like it,s a natural thing to do . If the long walks and hikes didn't bother my knee, I would be all alone. Just the way I liked it. Guess I shouldn't complain then eh ? deal with it,or stop river fishing. NOT. I wonder if I would be arrested if I had a fake AK water gun strapped to me ? LOL11 points
Do not know of the Zoo,but heard of it. I joined up when I got my first PC. Got an invite to join on O F N. A great lady invited me. And here I am still,yet she is not. Miss ya Joey. 🙏10 points
Not a fishing tale but a whole lot of fun for sure! Being new to hunting, it has opened a whole new world to me. Part of this is stewardship, not something I really understood, still don't in some cases however when it comes to the Cormorant population/problem, it really can't be ignored. As a fisherman I did notice their destruction yet never really paid attention to it but seeing it now through a hunters eyes, man, yes this is something I can get behind. There is literally 10's of thousands of them (maybe a slight exaggeration) on Lake Simcoe and Cooks Bay has a metric crap ton of them for sure. Honestly never thought I'd get behind culling, but here I am! Not going to lie had one hell of a great time. My buddy knows a farmer that takes them, believe for fertiliser. Also noticed what tends to be a lack of knowledge on some hunters parts of what is open right now! I've been out twice since Goose opener, and while I haven't noticed any ducks being shot, you definitely know some of them were shot at, even hearing duck calls out there. Good thing is I have seen the CO at one of the launches so if anyone does stray from the regs hope they get caught. Also got my first goose, that was fun.10 points
Yeah I know, this is a fishing site, and forgive me for this; but the old girl is about finished at the spa. She went in about three years ago for the bodywork she needed (Never tell a body man to take his time LOL). She got new rear 1/4 panels, rocker and sills, door bottoms, and lower front fender panels. Now the guys are starting to put on her makeup, with the first coat of primer. All the replacement panels looked like they were fitted perfectly. Door edge gaps and fender skirts are likely a better fit than factory. Again sorry but I was so happy today to get the pic of all the major bodywork being done. I'll update if anyone is interested. The first time I noticed and realized that I liked this body style of Chev, was when we were in Cuba about 10 years ago and there were hundreds of them for me to check out. Took me about two years to find the car I wanted and in of all places was Cornwall. The motor and drivetrain were pretty much done for. So I decided to put a 1999 V8 (4.8-liter) fuel-injected motor and electronic 4-speed trans in, from a Silverado pick-up. Turned the car into an all-around driver. Loved the corner to corner scoots, blowing away a lot of the rice rocket Hondas, and could cruise the Hwy all day long at a buck 20. So yeah I'm looking forward to getting her back on the road. She's already taken me on a couple of 9-hour (one-way) fishing trips up North and I'm looking forward to many more. Dan.10 points
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Pretty much how the media works today Harley Biker A Harley biker is riding by the zoo in Louisiana when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly. A reporter has watched the whole event. The reporter addressing the Harley rider says, 'Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I've seen a man do in my whole life.' The Harley rider replies, 'Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as I felt right.' The reporter says, 'Well, I'll make sure this won't go unnoticed. I'm a journalist, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page...So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?' The biker replies, 'I'm a U.S. Marine and a Republican.' The journalist leaves. The following morning the biker buys the paper to see news of his actions, and reads, on the front page: U.S. MARINE ASSAULTS AFRICAN IMMIGRANT AND STEALS HIS LUNCH That pretty much sums up the media's approach to the news these days10 points
As much as I would love to be up North right now, it is not a good time for our border to be open. I do hope that all of my friends make it through this with the least amount of harm and discomfort. I also wish all of the Lodges get enough support from Canadians to make it through and be open for business next season. Art10 points