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First Fish in the New Boat!...and the second!!!


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Got out on Friday with a buddy for the first fishing trip in the new boat. A few weeks ago I picked up a 17ft Princecraft with Merc 115hp from another member on this forum (Thanks G.mech!) and couldn't wait to get on the water. We launched out of LaSalle Park in Burlington around 7am and trolled along the Hamilton/Stoney Creek shore towards Grimsby. This was our first time fishing Lake Ontario so we didn't have super high expectations, but we each bought a dipsy setup, some new spoons, and I got a new Daiwa trolling combo while he used his Muskie setup (the guys at Fishingworld in Hamilton were a big help getting me setup and giving a few pointers - many thanks)


Once we got out from under the skyway bridge we setup the divers and started trolling in 40-50FOW. We marked a few schools of bait fish but that was about it. Water temps early in the morning were 40F but climbed up to 44F by the afternoon. We didn't mark a single fish for the whole morning but it was a great day to be out so we weren't too discouraged. Once 1pm hit we got about 10-15km from the bridge so we turned back and decided to troll a a little closer to shore (20-30FOW) for the return trip.


20 minutes after the turnaround we start marking some good size fish near bottom..not long after that my buddy's reel starts screaming - he's on one. I grab the net and he starts bringing it in. Being new to this type of fishing we have no idea what it could be which made it that much more exciting. I get a glimpse of the fish and see it's a good size, he reels it right do the boat and in the net it goes - a 12lb Lake Ontario lake trout which was the first fish in the new boat, his first fish out of Lake O, and also his first lake trout.







We snapped a couple pics and sent it back to be caught another day. We were both really happy to have turned the corner on a slow day, so we got the lines back in the water and continued on our way. Not too long after that my reel starts going so I pull it from the holder and set the hook - fish was off... That happened three more times on the way back but couldn't land another one. I guess the shallower water was they key.


We pulled the boat out around 4pm and called it a day with sunburnt foreheads but feeling good about our catch. After that we may try and get out again next weekend but if not we have a trip planned for some Balsam lake pike with a few other buddies at the end of April.




Edited by FishFinder17
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Great, stuff! That boat has seen a lot of fish and I'm sure you'll enjoy putting a lot more in it!


I put the first few fish in my new boat this weekend too down in Detroit but none of them were very photo-worthy. Very poor fishing Friday & Saturday on the Canadian side of the river from Lasalle all the way up to St. Clair but there lots of smallish eater sized walleye being caught on the US side up at the mouth of Lake St. Clair so we joined the pack and put a few in the cooler.

Edited by G.mech
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Thanks all, it was a great feeling to try a new style of fishing and have success with species we've never landed before...the perfectly sunny day wasn't bad either.


Many have said once I start trout/salmon fishing I will be addicted....I think you're all right :Gonefishing:


Can't wait to get back out there and learn a little more.




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Went out again yesterday for some more Lake O fishing. Added another species to the boat with this 6lb brown trout caught trolling a 5/8oz Demon Dancer spoon on a dipsy in 25 FOW. Water temps warmed up a bit to just below 50F and conditions were really rough in the early morning but calmed down nicely as the day went on. Another great day on the water...








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Great, stuff! That boat has seen a lot of fish and I'm sure you'll enjoy putting a lot more in it!


I put the first few fish in my new boat this weekend too down in Detroit but none of them were very photo-worthy. Very poor fishing Friday & Saturday on the Canadian side of the river from Lasalle all the way up to St. Clair but there lots of smallish eater sized walleye being caught on the US side up at the mouth of Lake St. Clair so we joined the pack and put a few in the cooler.



Thanks Greg,


Glad to hear you got out and found some fish too. How was everything with the new boat?


My brother-in-law has been down on the detroit the past few weekends with varied success. A few meals but some slow days in between.

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