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Ontario to spend $7-billion on sweeping climate change plan


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I don't have the background to argue yea or nay on the issue. Even scientists disagree. You know they can skew data to support their hypothesis. All I know is what I have seen.We created a micro climate at the plant years back. You didn't know if it was day or night, if the sky was clear or overcast. The city would be covered in smog, same looking across the lake at times at Toronto. Now multiply that by the thousands of manufacturing and highly populated urban cities across the globe. Is it enough to change the global environment? I believe it is. Could we see the polar ice caps years ago from outer space, nope. But we can now but there is not much to compare it to in the last 10,000 years.


I believe what I experience.

Yeah, but what you experiencing could be minute, or it could be huge.


You are experiencing the effects on a human, not on the earth itself.


As I said all we can do is guess. And ponder what the cost of that guess is


Who plays god and makes that decision?


If ontario goes "green", does that remove one drop from an already half full bucket?


IMO an effort would have to be grandious in scale worldwide, and we cant even co exist peacefully as humans so good luck with that happening

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There a still industry funded scientists who say cigarettes don't cause cancer so it's no surprise a even bigger industry can find greedy immoral scientists to deny climate change.


However there is consensus. cigarettes cause cancer and carbon emissions cause climate change period.



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I dont know man, im not convinced.


Global warming exists,as does global cooling. Its nature running its course.


Scientist cant confirm anything other then anecdotal because there is NO MODEL to test.


Global cooling, sure that was before man made climate change came into play. That is unless you believe one of those crackpots who states we are in a global cooling phase right now :)

Edited by scuro2
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I dont know man, im not convinced.


Global warming exists,as does global cooling. Its nature running its course.


Scientist cant confirm anything other then anecdotal because there is NO MODEL to test.

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I can't imagine these self-pleasing, pat-your-own shoulder, look-what-I-did enviro laws would currently work anywhere else but urban or newly developing areas. Basically, I see this as a shun to rural Canada and those who live simply and can't afford to invest in new tech.


Same as the new vehicle safety laws. What a shot at low-income (or frugal) people who can't afford a new car every 10 years. All in the name of taxes, because we all know manufacturing of vehicles isn't going to grow here anytime soon

Edited by Rod Caster
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Man when we get another prolonged blackout in the winter it's gonna be a major clusterbuster if we're all electric heat. gas furnaces run if you have a small genny to power them and if you have 12v, even better. what's next ? gas stoves ?

Edited by woodenboater
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Anyone want to bet that when it is all said and done, that 7Billion ends up being close to double that? I can say that with a degree of certainty as their track record of delivering ANYTHING, is pretty abysmal.

Someone earlier mentioned $1000/month hydro bills, I thinkin that soon enough, that'll be a bargain!

Off for my "grumpy old man nap"....


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Glad it's not my money. When do I get to vote on it.


Some people are off grid. Maybe they will ban that too.


Well they are not getting any money out of you if you are off the gird. I heard that in certain areas you are not allowed to go completely off the grid, assuming populated areas. Not sure if there is any truth in that or not.

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I'm sooo embarrassed to say I live in this province.

When I travel both in Canada & outside the country I tell people I live 3 hours from Winnipeg.

If I do admit to be from Ontario I make it very clear I am very far from the GTA.

There is no way I want to be included with that liberal voting bunch of clowns.

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what surprises me is that a poll just done said 52 % would vote for liberals if a election held today... wow. they would be a super majority


Was that federal or provincial? Trudeau hasn't screwed up nearly as much as McGuinty/Wynne.

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what surprises me is that a poll just done said 52 % would vote for liberals if a election held today... wow. they would be a super majority



we would never be able to singlehandedly save the planet if we didn't vote for them

Edited by Dara
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Question 2. how are we going to generate additional electricity to charge the cars and heat the houses.

Mini wind turbines mounted on the front of our resident blowhards. They may like that twirly thing and deem their time spent on this topic productive.

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I was looking at houses there and you arent kidding trailers or small modular house for 400k ouch


Hopefully I get a good buck for my cabin when I retire.

Will need to buy a house in Panama and a good 25-30' center console boat to chase the fishes with. ;)

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I can't imagine these self-pleasing, pat-your-own shoulder, look-what-I-did enviro laws would currently work anywhere else but urban or newly developing areas. Basically, I see this as a shun to rural Canada and those who live simply and can't afford to invest in new tech.


Same as the new vehicle safety laws. What a shot at low-income (or frugal) people who can't afford a new car every 10 years. All in the name of taxes, because we all know manufacturing of vehicles isn't going to grow here anytime soon

Farmers out here in Haldimand are standing in line to lease their land to the Wind Farm and Solar Farm conglomerates. Pretty easy farming cashing the check every month for leasing their land. I was told one farmer here is pulling in $5500.00 a month for land leases.

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I'm thinking that this whole idea was a test balloon to Gauge reaction . She and her government are idiots but they want to be elected again.. I would worry more about wood burning being banned than about natural gas....

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Farmers out here in Haldimand are standing in line to lease their land to the Wind Farm and Solar Farm conglomerates. Pretty easy farming cashing the check every month for leasing their land. I was told one farmer here is pulling in $5500.00 a month for land leases.


That farmer would have had a ton of land available to lease... likely about 100 acres to get that return a month.

Edited by Steve
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