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Military Shooting in Ottawa


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anyone catch this article?



ISIS to Canadians: 'You will not feel safe in your bedrooms'
September 22, 2014 9:32 am


The spokesman for the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham called for attacks on Canadians on Sunday in an apparent attempt to deter members of the military alliance that has formed to challenge the terrorist group.

In a 42-minute audio speech, Abu Muhammad Al-Adnani urged ISIS supporters to kill Canadians, Americans, Australians, French and other Europeans, regardless of whether they were civilians or members of the military.

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As in all countries we have places that are deemed important or sensitive places that an armed presents is shown to discourage people from choosing them as targets. To see armed personnel at the airport and the bank is acceptable and has been for years. With the changes in the world climate we have to broaden the places that we guess is the target for terrorism such as major financial, political, monuments as well as places that if attacked will make the most spectacular news. Terrorism is about instilling terror not about damaging a specific place or person for the most part. The choice of the attack in Canada was to violate a sacred place not about killing SAA Vickers. Outrage is what I feel at this attack because it has struck at the foundation of a society that is close to me. Much has been taken away from the citizens of Canada and I do not nor do I suggest how Canada should react to this issue because I do not have to pay the price of the action taken. The US has changed since 911 for the most part we have continued to be able to have a normal semi safe life from terrorism but at the cost of billions of dollars and a loss of our innocents. It is a dirty road that we travel and it sickens me to see another country have to make the hard decisions that are being forced on you. I grew up with a society that finds it o.k. to show our claws when needed and to fight for what we feel is correct. I joined the special forces when I was 18 because I believe in what USA stands for and took an oath to support and fight and kill if needed to protect my country and any other country who stands with us. The only reason I chimed in on this thread is some of the members here have a misconception that the US have a militant atmosphere which is not true. It has the potential to keeping our Northern friends from coming and seeing the great country that I live in. I also chime in on the threads that discourage people from the US from enjoying the great people and outdoors up North that you all enjoy.




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Wow, "Ignorant" for a spelling mistake (and you couldn't even copy it correctly) that is a bit extreme perhaps some might even say radical! And you have the audacity to call me ignorant?


I do believe we have been far too tolerant of others customs and costumes!


Just a few examples:


We have changed our laws so that Sikhs can wear their turbans in the RCMP, they don’t have to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle and they are allowed to wear their Kirpan in most public places in Canada.


How many changes or concessions have we made to Canadian customs or laws to accommodate the wearing of the burka or hijab? The list is long.


We have removed our Christian religious symbols, from most public places because they might offend someone, a Christmas tree for Christ sake; if it offends you go back to where ever you came from. Christianity is the foundation that this country and our values were built on. We are supposed to be tolerant of others but they don’t need to be tolerant of us?



As for a solution to the problem we face today:


Well, first of all when he wanted to leave Canada and go fight with ISIS, they should have let him go, in fact the remaining 90 or so that are still within Canada should be put on a plane and sent over there. That is when their passports should have been seized so that once out of Canada they would have no way to get back into the country.


You want to go and fight a religious war by all means go and fight like a man! Don’t hide here in Canada like a coward and think that because you can kill someone who is unarmed and protecting your rights and freedoms you are some kind of a hero.


I like to visit this place to read about my favorite past time : fishing


But in light of what happened in Ottawa I clicked on this thread and began reading the posts.


Let me preface my comments by saying that my father is a WW2 veteran in this 92nd year and my nephew is a US Marine Staff Seargant with 4 tours of Afghanistan. I am a Christian and I have the upmost respect for the people that protect our country our way of life and what it stands for.


I don’t know you and you don’t know me but when I read your post Cliff it really bothered me and it has continued to bother me. In this day and age anyone can post anything and not worry about who they offend because its just words … opinions, right ?


At first I thought… just let it go , you don’t need to get involved , but then I thought why should I let this guy spread his hate mongering opinion without someone responding with their side.


As I write this it still bothers me because it reminds me of the racism I noticed growing up even though being born in Canada. First of all I don’t understand how you are connecting Sikhs and turbans and Christmas trees with what recently happened. I can only think that for you …. its hard to identify a white French Canadian with mental illness that becomes self radicalized and decides to kill people. But people wearing turbans must be to blame for all this including having no Christmas trees on display…. LOL

(BTW Jewish people don’t celebrate Christmas) lets blame them as well.


I am proud to be Canadian and I will defend the rights that come with being Canadian. We have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms and that’s what makes our Country great… that’s what our soldiers fight for ….


Don’t paint everyone a terrorist because of what they look like. Your post just doesn’t make any sense relating to the tragedy that has happened … all it does, is further propogates misconceptions and hatred.


Now I’m going to pay my respects to Corporal Nathan Cirillo along the Hwy of Heroes.

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Wanna show solidarity and unity? Put a flag on it. I have red maple leaves on my car, truck and boat and raise a flag on Canada day( need to fix me a permanent flag pole). Might seem life a small token but man would it be nice to see flags and decals everywhere. Or is that reserved for winter olympics or junior championships while cheering for dancing monkeys on ice?

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I don’t know you and you don’t know me but when I read your post Cliff it really bothered me and it has continued to bother me. In this day and age anyone can post anything and not worry about who they offend because its just words … opinions, right ?


At first I thought… just let it go , you don’t need to get involved , but then I thought why should I let this guy spread his hate mongering opinion without someone responding with their side.


As I write this it still bothers me because it reminds me of the racism I noticed growing up even though being born in Canada. First of all I don’t understand how you are connecting Sikhs and turbans and Christmas trees with what recently happened. I can only think that for you …. its hard to identify a white French Canadian with mental illness that becomes self radicalized and decides to kill people. But people wearing turbans must be to blame for all this including having no Christmas trees on display…. LOL

(BTW Jewish people don’t celebrate Christmas) lets blame them as well.


I am proud to be Canadian and I will defend the rights that come with being Canadian. We have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms and that’s what makes our Country great… that’s what our soldiers fight for ….


Don’t paint everyone a terrorist because of what they look like. Your post just doesn’t make any sense relating to the tragedy that has happened … all it does, is further propogates misconceptions and hatred.


Now I’m going to pay my respects to Corporal Nathan Cirillo along the Hwy of Heroes.

I did not see one thing that Cliff wrote as being racist

he stated that things are changing, he did not say he hates them


he did not talk about Sikhs and christmas in the same sentence .


he stated what he believes to be facts about how things are changing



besides there is a big difference between prejudice and racist




political correctness has become the morons cry just so they can be heard

Edited by Terry
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I did not see one thing that Cliff wrote as being racist

he stated that things are changing, he did not say he hates them


he did not talk about Sikhs and christmas in the same sentence .


he stated what he believes to be facts about how things are changing



besides the is a big difference between prejudice and racist




political correctness has become the morons cry just so they can be heard

I concur.

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Jds63; you are right, I don't know you and you don't know me but if you did you would know that I have friends of every nationality and many religions. I try to judge every person by their own individual merits and I am not usually too quick to judge anyone preferring to give them the benefit of the doubt.


I am sorry that you read my post as being a racist hate mongerer, again if you did know me you would know that this couldn’t be further from the truth and that I am always quick to stand up for the rights of others and offer a helping hand to anyone!


I am disappointed and yes perhaps even upset that we consistently seem to be having to give up our religious symbols and customs to appease others. All the while we are expected to just accept that they have a right to exercise theirs. What about the rights of me and my family, my kids and grand kids.


I think it has gone a little too far when a school can’t even display words like “Christmas” or “Halloween”. When a Christmas tree can’t be displayed in a public place because it could offend someone who is not Christian or a crucifix can’t be worn openly but other nationalities religious symbols can.


You are free to have your opinion, this is Canada but I think that very soon we are going to have to stand up and demand equality! If we don’t, it won’t be long before this won’t be the Canada I was born in and served proudly as a member of the RCRs.


So, sit behind your keyboard, toss out terms like racist, hate mongerer, propagating misconceptions; accuse me of hiding behind my keyboard but I hide from no man and I stand behind what I believe and that is my right as a Canadian.

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Wanna show solidarity and unity? Put a flag on it. I have red maple leaves on my car, truck and boat and raise a flag on Canada day( need to fix me a permanent flag pole). Might seem life a small token but man would it be nice to see flags and decals everywhere. Or is that reserved for winter olympics or junior championships while cheering for dancing monkeys on ice?

I put an Unauthorized Canadian flag on my hardhat at work. My foreman would never say anything to me but I'm waiting for HIS boss to tell me to remove it ... I would refuse still...
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That clip on CTV at 6 tonight shows that the public has reasonable modicum of solidarity in supporting the CF. Hats off to those who took the time to line the overpasses and highway to pay their respects. It sent a healthy shiver down my spine. I know when my parents came to Canada in '52 from war torn Europe, they adapted and embraced what was here to flourish and do well. Nowadays, it's become a real head shaker. I'm of firm belief, you come here and adapt, you don't have to throw away your previous heritage, but don't try to make it another country.

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Thanks Bill, I was at an overpass here in Brighton, a lot of folks were here.Shed more then a few tears today. Last night the skies were a glow with Trenton setting off flares... It was something..


But at the same time...




I want to say a lot more.... This is not the correct venue


I wish peace to his family.... Thank you for your service.



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you wanna talk onions and stuff fin yer eyes ? I say any member here who doesn't bawl their eyes out when they hit the link ain't a real man ;) if you know the National War Memorial, you'll understand better



Edited by woodenboater
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The base in Trenton last night, light up the skies here last night.... The sky glowed red and orange... Went on for hours. At first I thought it was a fire close by..... It was the base honouring Nathan in their way.


It was cool to witness and at the same surreal.



Edited by Gerritt
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Jds63; you are right, I don't know you and you don't know me but if you did you would know that I have friends of every nationality and many religions. I try to judge every person by their own individual merits and I am not usually too quick to judge anyone preferring to give them the benefit of the doubt.


I am sorry that you read my post as being a racist hate mongerer, again if you did know me you would know that this couldnt be further from the truth and that I am always quick to stand up for the rights of others and offer a helping hand to anyone!


I am disappointed and yes perhaps even upset that we consistently seem to be having to give up our religious symbols and customs to appease others. All the while we are expected to just accept that they have a right to exercise theirs. What about the rights of me and my family, my kids and grand kids.


I think it has gone a little too far when a school cant even display words like Christmas or Halloween. When a Christmas tree cant be displayed in a public place because it could offend someone who is not Christian or a crucifix cant be worn openly but other nationalities religious symbols can.


You are free to have your opinion, this is Canada but I think that very soon we are going to have to stand up and demand equality! If we dont, it wont be long before this wont be the Canada I was born in and served proudly as a member of the RCRs.


So, sit behind your keyboard, toss out terms like racist, hate mongerer, propagating misconceptions; accuse me of hiding behind my keyboard but I hide from no man and I stand behind what I believe and that is my right as a Canadian.

Cliff, say what you will, I still don't understand your comments about Christmas and religious symbols in schools, my kids always wore a crucifix in school so I am really confused again what this has to do with this whole tragedy !!!


But right now I am overcome with emotion after attending Cpl. Cirillos procession, I feel so moved by this whole event.


On the news I saw folks in Cold lake Alberta including military personnel helping to clean up for a vandalized mosque , and I think our petty differences don't mean crap !!!!

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I think we need another meet and greet.... Like we all did way back when this site first started.... Just folks that like to fish together...


Perhaps then You would understand.... Cliff is probably the most generous person I know here.



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