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Just said goodby to my best friend

Big Cliff

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Cliff and Sue, my heart goes out to you as the tears well up in my eyes.....Andy was truly something special....my love to you both.


one of my favorite pictures of Andy.....



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Damn Cliff...Looks like you posted this just after I got off the 'puter this morning...Maribeth and I send our condolences...like you said to us when we had to put our Riley down..."he will always live on in your hearts"


Some of my favorite moments with Andy:










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I am truly sorry to hear of you loss my friend.. Like others have said and I can only repeat.. They are like a member of your family no matter how others look at it.. I know you personally and know how you are taking it.. Remember all the excellent times you all had with him and cherish them,,

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So sorry to hear this Cliff. It is hard to even think about, let alone deal with. Your Andy was family, not just a pet. Lucky is 15 and getting close to her time as well. You did right by your dog, and that is the important thing.


Sorry for the mismash of thoughts. Sad news About a loved friend always evokes a whole bunch of feelings

Edited by bigugli
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I tell ya Cliff, its gotta be the hardest thing a man has to do. I've been there twice now, and it never gets any easier. I know how you feel. Its so hard when you know deep down, that its the right thing to do. I found for me, the best thing was to get another one to take thier place.


Its the only downfall with dogs. They just don't last forever. 14 years is great, for any dog.


He will live on in your heart and memories my friend. That, I know for sure. I think about my passed dogs all the time, and it always brings a smile to my face.



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Very sorry to hear this and like so many have said, you did the right thing. The grieving part will be bitter sweet.

Brought a smile to my face when I read FUR-NITURE.


Keep watch for he is going to let you know that he's okay. A good friend had to put her cat down last summer, the cat was 14 years old and loved butterflies. When they got home from the vet, the backyard was full of butterflies. They had never seen that many - ever - and it gave them great comfort.

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Kudos for doing the right thing Cliff. I remember my last trip with my best friend and afterwards just crying like a baby. His ashes will go with mine when I'm done.

Never an easy time, but you were blessed to have him all those years.

Take Care buddy.

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Thank you one and all for your words of understanding, for posting the pictures, and for all the PMs. Those of you that have been here before know how much they all mean and how much they really help. It makes you feel that you are not alone.


They say the price of love is grief, I guess we loved him a lot. They say that time will heal! I don't know if it will really heal but it will help us to walk in the door without the tears when we don't hear his foot steps comming down the hall to great us. It will take time, this we know.


Reading and re-reading all your posts sometimes cause the tears to flow but each and everyone of them are helping us cope. Thank you all!

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Sorry you had to do it Cliff, I am in the same process. I have a lab/rodesian ridgeback cross that is 12 years old now, he has been a cherished member of the family but I am seeing him struggle upstairs and being tentative with his right leg (hip). A dog will never let you know they are in pain or suffering, I believe I will be in the same situation as you soon so I can understand how hard a decision it is.

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Will take a long time to get use to him not meeting you at the door though for sure!


Sorry to read this Cliff and Sue. My condolences go out to you both. It has only been a few short months for us since we had to do the same thing. I think Wayne nailed it. The coming home part still hurts when there is no one there to greet us and at bed time, something still feels missing. All those years of our nightly routine are hard to get past. Take care.

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