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Karma... it is a three way street correct?


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We’ve been through a lot in this household in the last few years, but the last three weeks have been the longest in history. I’m hoping that some of the Karma that we’ve put out to others here on OFC comes back to pay us off ten fold.


Our daughter Jennifer, now 25 years old… the one that spent half her life suffering and then bravely beating her Crohn’s issues 2.5 years ago, with surgery, all while going to University and still managing to graduate with honours has a new battle on her plate to win. We’ve been tight lipped while she waited for answers and so she could tell her friends directly and not have them find out through the grape vine. That she has done late today.


Complaining the last ten months or so of joint pain and hip/leg issues, but still putting up with it and playing volleyball at Ryerson U twice a week despite the pain…. as she didn’t want to let her team down. Thought she had the family arthritis curse. Lots of physio, massage therapy, was even trying acupuncture…… but nothing but a handful of T3’s a day kept the pain dulled. Thankfully she lives downtown and she kept on the Doctors at St. Mike’s and after seeing a few doctors and having some Xrays they sent her for an MRI. She thought she was going in to see if she had Arthritis, so went alone to Toronto General for the MRI. Unfortunately the Dr. that sent her for the MRI had already seen something on an X-ray but didn’t bother to tell her or forewarn her. We talked to her pre-scan by phone and she was sitting in a hallway chair staring at a poster of Terry Fox. Odd she thought… then in for her full body MRI and out to the waiting room. Three Oncologists come out to tell her there’s a 90% chance that she has cancer in her right side pelvic bone.


She/we then wait a gruelling week to get into Mount Sinai for a biopsy a week ago Monday that will see her in for 3 days and then probably on crutches after they cut into her right hip. Support from my Brother and his wife and Jennifer’s boyfriend… all there to hold hands as we bring her in at 7:30 am…. not to see her again until late in the day, one of the longest we’ve ever sat through. Then even worse, we are told… “Surgeon and his team don’t do rounds until 7pm”!


Only thing they confirmed that Monday night at 7:20pm… she indeed had cancer, but the lab would have to confirm what it was. Two possible Sarcomas or Lymphoma. Late Wednesday night we were able to bring Jennifer all the way back home with us while she/we waited on results. So four nights here at home where we could keep an eye on her and then even though she’s on a total of 24mg of Hydromorphone a day… she wanted to go to work on Monday and we weren’t about to slow that determination down. As a test run I made her walk to the gate and back Sunday morning. That’s 1300 feet each way and she passed that test with shear determination. So work it was and Leah drove her back to the city and she put in her full day…. walking to the subway from her apartment and from the subway to work and then back again. Leah stayed two nights to be sure she was indeed okay and then came home.


Minutes before Leah walked in our door on Tuesday afternoon, they finally called Jennifer to advise her that she was one of the “(un)lucky” people out of the THIRTY or so that get diagnosed per year in Canada with Ewing’s Sarcoma / Bone Cancer vs the tens of thousands that get diagnosed with “normal” cancers. Wednesday morning she was to see the head of Medical Oncology at Mount Sinai and he was to give her the treatment protocol and to do another biopsy. This time drilling a hole in to the left side of her pelvic bone, to see if it’s spreading in her marrow.


A week this Monday, the 15th, Jennifer starts her Chemo. In on Monday and home Tuesday for the first kind of chemo mix. Three weeks later she goes in Monday and doesn’t get out until Saturday with the next chemo mix. This will continue for a total of 10 visits. 5 of the overnight chemos and 5 of the full week chemos, so she’s looking at minimum 7 months on Chemo and somewhere in the middle they will determine if they need to remove the/part of the right side of her pelvic bone and at the end do radiation treatments.


In between, being the trouper she is I suspect she’ll try to go to work, but there is no doubt that she’s going to miss lots of work in the next year. There will be lots of travel and parking fees for family etc while the experts at Mount Sinai keep our child alive. She has the In Chief as her surgeon, Dr. Wunder, and the head of Medical Oncology as her consulting Doctor, Dr. Blackstein. These two teach not only in Canada but all over the world, how can she/we go wrong with them. We are honoured that they took a look at her size, child like looks and these two heads of Oncology at Mount Sinai took her case on personally. They’ve told her that it’s currently localized and curable…we’ll go with that!


She’s in good spirits and eating and she needs to, considering the fact that she only weighs 96lbs thanks to her past Crohn’s issues. She gets her courage and drive from her mother that’s for sure!! It’s sure not from me and I’ll be the first to admit that.


I’m just sharing our life this week because it helps me mentally to type it out..… not trying to upset anyone else, nothing asked for in return, but some thoughts, prayers, howling at the moon or what ever it is you do. Karma can be a wonderful thing I’ve found, and why when I’ve seen others here on the board in similar situations (that I may not even know) I do my part to try and help them out. It’s a reciprocal thing, or at least I’ve always hoped it was. I often wonder why our family is getting so beaten up over the last few years, but then I think back to what a little bugger I was in Sunday School at Trinity United! Paybacks are a b it ch.


I took pictures of her before and after her Crohn’s surgery and she beat that, so she asked me to do the same during this battle. Like I said she’s got a very positive attitude and will beat this monster! I lost my father to Cancer, oddly when I myself was 25 years old…. we WILL NOT lose our daughter.


Her she is going in for her biopsy…


Edited by irishfield
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Yes Wayne, she is going to beat this. As we've discussed recently, she is so strong willed and ahem, stubborn ;) that nothing can hold her back. I have been and will continue to keep my positive thoughts coming her way.


I believe it is your parental caring that carries her through, as she has many of your attributes (poor girl :lol: ) Did I mention stubborn :P


But in all seriousness, stay strong you two, you've certainly been through alot lately.



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They’ve told her that it’s currently localized and curable…we’ll go with that!

Sounds like you have the best of the best taking care of your daughter and things will be fine. She is in great hands on the medical side and with all the love and support you and Leah have for her, it will be beat. Be strong and we here at OFC will be strong for you and the family as well.


You are in my thoughts and prayers.



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Wayne - if paybacks are 10 fold - the freindship and support you have shown around here will give you and your family enough Karma to knock this thing right out of the ball park. Know that best wishes and thoughts are sent to you and your family from ours.

This scourge cancer touches too many -it seems weekly now that someone I know has this devastating news. The only good thing is, especially where you have doctors of the calibre supporting your case, the outcomes now are so much more positive than when we were 25.

With the grit and determination obvious in your famliy and the thoughts of all your friends on the board and from other places I am confident you and your family will perserve and succeed.

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I can not imagine what you are going through

but there is hope..."They’ve told her that it’s currently localized and curable…"

and that's enough good news to hold on to


and we are all pulling for her

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.....

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Appreciate you sharing this Wayne, I was kinda thinking something was going on up your way. Patsy and I will keep her (and all of you) in our prayers. She has weathered storms for quite a while now and there's no reason to believe she won't prevail through this one either. These kids are tough and determined - that alone goes a long way. Keep us posted my friends.

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Sorry to hear this ... I am upset for all of you. Bloody hell....life can be so cruel. I believe Jennifer has been through quite enough. Makes no sense.

Prayer is powerful but I would also like to help monetarily...you know for whatever Wayne.

Is there a PO Box or a bank account that I could drop off a little something to help.

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I am sad to hear that Jennifer is doing battle again with such a serious adversary. I send both prayers and Karma to all of you. If you have an address that we can send cards of well wishes to Jennifer I am sure we can help support her in the times of low spirits and adversity. I know that this has been tough on both Leah and yourself and hope that you can draw strength from all of us and make it thru this current issue without harming your health or mental integrity.


With deepest sympathy



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