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A little Ice fishing Rant


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As some of you know.  I am kinda, sorta ADDICTED to ice fishing.

Before I got divorced.. I used to fish every weekend, usually both days.   🙃

Now a days, I get out 2 times every 2 weeks if I am lucky.  I have my kids half the time, and that works out to every other weekend keeping me very busy with my family.  My son has hockey Saturday and Sunday.  My daughters have indoor soccer and dance.  Life is just very very busy right now.  Which makes each ice outing way more meaningful to me!

I often catch flack from people for ice fishing, sometimes my X-Wife, sometime coworkers, random people I chat with, those pesky haters on the FB pages who won't fish on anything you couldn't drive a freight liner on first. 

So I had a few whiskeys the other night and wrote up a rant and was going to  post in on one of the FB pages.  But before I hit send, I thought I should best just save it and read it again in the morning.    

I never ended up posting my rant, because there are WAY to many people on these FB pages that are not actually passionate about ice fishing.  Like the hunters who call themselves hunters, but only go moose hunting once every 3 years and never actually get out and hunt on a regular basis (I hunt waterfowl every other weekend and bow hunt deer when I can... I'm out 20+ times a season)

In my head, when people are giving me flack about ice fishing, I tent to compare it to more "acceptable" sports in my rebuttal.  Hockey is often the first thing that comes to mind.  Everyone loves hockey right...  It also involves ice, and is a winter sport that many people are extremely passionate about.   So my rant that I typed up was how my twisted mind compares hockey and ice fishing.   Pasted below for your reading pleasure..  Comment if you like (please..)

Happy new years to everyone!!!!  

""""""Random thought for the day...  feel free to chime in.  Fare warning though, it's a bit of a long read.

I don't play hockey.  I ice fish.  That's my winter sport.   Opening/closing day is like a silver stick tournament.   No hockey player has ever missed one. Ever.  

Each ice fishing trip is like a hockey game.  Each time I go to Cabalas or bass pro it's like hockey practice, or a trip to Hockey Life to get new gear..

Nobody ever gives a hockey player crap for going and playing their sport.. for loving it with everything they have.   It's the opposite, its encouraged!

Some people need to realize that ice fishing is some people's life.  Their extreme passion.

Early ice is dangerous.  But I know the risks. Ice in general is never truly safe.  BUT..More people get seriously hurt playing hockey than ice fishing.  Broken bones.  Concussions. Serious cuts.  Long term serious mental health issues.  Abusive coaches..sexually, racially and physically. 

I know it might seem odd to be comparing the two.   But I often catch flack from people for my desire to ice fish.  Specially early ice.   And you see it in these FB pages constantly.   Ice Anglers getting ripped on for doing what they love.  "Not worth a measly perch"... "why risk your life and the rescuer's life for a fish"...

It's not about a fish.   It's about the passion to be jigging on the ice.  Walking on the water.  It's euphoric.   I don't need to be rescued.  I have more money invested in ice fishing and safety gear then the average hockey player has in gear..   more tax payer money is spent on ambulance rides from the arena to the hospital and all the other issues people fail to see related to a career in hockey.   The ongoing health issues of high level hockey players in their later years...  crap, I'm from Barrie and I know lots of health care workers.   Dan Malone (former leaf player) has spent thousands of hours at the hospital in Barrie.  Beating the crap out of nurses just like he beat people on the ice.  Google the cost to keep a person in a hospital for a day...  one NHL player alone is worth many many many ice rescues if you look at their medical bills during and after their career. And in Dan's particular case he severely injured many health care workers during his stays.  Many feel his behavior is directly related to his concussions he sustained from hockey.   It's ok that he kicks the crap out of nurses though.. because he was a famous hockey player.

I just hope some people out there will some day understand why guys get out and ice fish, particularly early ice anglers such as myself.

This is 100% a whiskey rant.  Feel free to rip apart the particulars, but it's the general idea of it that I felt like puking out there for everyone to stew on.

I love hockey.  And am not trying to put hockey players down.  Even though it comes across that way.  I'm at the rink sat/sun every weekend I have my son..  BUT I love ice fishing as much as a high level hockey player loves the game.  And you rarely hear of someone being publicly flamed for loving hockey.  

Cheers everyone! Tight lines, and a crappie new years, cuz we ain't got ice for white fish opener!"""""""




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This is relatable in so many ways. Funny enough I do both and for the most part one of the main reasons I come home to the gta from the lake is so that I don’t miss my hockey games lol I think the only difference is that people perceive hockey to be exercise while they perceive ice fishing as sitting in a shack drinking beer. Which in a lot of people’s cases that’s exactly what ice fishing is. That’s the thing there’s a total misunderstanding about fishing in general. People think that during bass season that I sit in a tinner with a worm on a hook under a float waiting for something to bite 10 hours a day too. People ask me all of the time when I tell them I fish a lot “with worms?”

that’s why we catch flack, people don’t understand the sport at all. They think it’s taking one rod and a reel and a worm and sitting and waiting. That’s the average persons perspective on fishing.

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I understand where you are coming from 

a lot of people don’t get it and give me crap about early ice fishing   They say no fish is worth putting your life at risk. Are you crazy. And what not.  I spud out , I have the floater suit and all safety equipment.  We are very careful.   
I fish a lot summer and winter and thank goodness my wife doesn’t mind me fishing all the time.  It seems some wives say, if you love me you won’t go fishing

my wife says if it makes you happy to go fishing. Then go fishing. She wants me to be happy.  She loves me .It’s not all about her. As it seems to be in many relationships 

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3 hours ago, NAW said:

Cheers everyone! Tight lines, and a crappie new years, cuz we ain't got ice for white fish opener!"""""""

Who needs ice when one has ole blue put together and ready for the AM . :Gonefishing:

My thinking and if you dont like it,well to bad


I played baseball, hockey,golfed ,hunted and fished. She knew this from the start. The door is always open. Nuff said.:ph34r:

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I understand you, I have zero interest in hockey and won't ever spend a dime on that sport.  Everyone has their own interests and people should give that a bit more respect.   Spending multi thousands on kids sports is another burr under the saddle,  people can't make ends meet but spend to no end.

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28 minutes ago, Terry said:

I understand where you are coming from 

a lot of people don’t get it and give me crap about early ice fishing   They say no fish is worth putting your life at risk. Are you crazy. And what not.  I spud out , I have the floater suit and all safety equipment.  We are very careful.   
I fish a lot summer and winter and thank goodness my wife doesn’t mind me fishing all the time.  It seems some wives say, if you love me you won’t go fishing

my wife says if it makes you happy to go fishing. Then go fishing. She wants me to be happy.  She loves me .It’s not all about her. As it seems to be in many relationships 

My x didn't mind all the fishing.  Just got mad when I showed up late..

The new Old Lady LOVES ice fishing.  Only time sh gets upset is when she has to work and can't come!!  Fomo

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Don’t read Facebook or websites and you’ll be fine.  I was on the ice on December 16 down south.  The ice i was on in the area I was on could probably have supported a quad.  There where people on Facebook and fishing sites telling guys that if they went out on that exact lake they would assuredly drown.  You just have to realize that 50 percent of the folks on Facebook or web based sites are casual anglers, and even a lot of the boat owners put up their rigs for the season on sept 30th. I filter out the conversation to what’s relevant to me, and then make my own tracks!  I understand how they feel, because we’re all somewhat nervous and cautious in areas where we lack experience myself included.  There’s only one way to gain that experience ice fishing, and that’s by walking on it.... in pairs, with the right gear ;)

Edited by porkpie
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9 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:

I'll tell you what I've told many people in my life that thought I should be living differently than I was. "I'll make you a deal, you live your life and I'll live mine." 

A bit of advice, stay off social media. 

I certainly get where you're coming from, but the easy solution is to not let the garbage bother you, basically a "I don't give a rat's ass what you think anyway" attitude. Works for me anyway.

Happy New year

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6 hours ago, Garnet said:

I don't waste my time worrying about what people think. 

I agree with Garnet. Remember that an opinion is like an A**hole, everybody has one!

All of the younger generation like my daughter's in their 20s say that Facebook is now for the older generation like the hockey and soccer Mom's. I can't be bothered with it and suspended my account 8 years ago. Just stop reading it.

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It's not so much the FB mob that gets to me.  I know how to filter through most of the garbage. Although i do get tangled up from time to time. 

Appreciate the comments though folks! 


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I appreciate your passion...but like the others have said, I just ignore those who are going to complain about my interests. Because of your passion in writing, you will also evoke a passionate response from those who read it. To me, its not worth stirring the pot. You have a very supportive community here, just ignore the others. The Dan Maloney part would especially open you up to trouble as this is a very damaging claim (it may be true for all I know, but stuff like that usually doesn't get tossed around loosely...like in an ice fishing rant). Sometimes just writing stuff like this is the therapeutic part...gets the weight off your chest. I think if you post it somewhere where the crowd is less supportive,  you will find a whole new kind of weight added on! Just my thoughts.

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On 12/31/2019 at 12:53 PM, Old Ironmaker said:

I'll tell you what I've told many people in my life that thought I should be living differently than I was. "I'll make you a deal, you live your life and I'll live mine." 

A bit of advice, stay off social media. 

Some excellent advice from the man OI.

Well said JD.

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I get the same from people at work when I tell them I'm going ice fishing on the weekend.

"You're crazy"

"that's dangerous" 


Always amazed when I ask "oh what are you doing this weekend" and I get the answer "oh we're going downtown to a club/bar"

I tell them "You're more likely to be shot, stabbed or run over than I am likely to go through the ice"

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30 minutes ago, Dutch01 said:

I get the same from people at work when I tell them I'm going ice fishing on the weekend.

"You're crazy"

"that's dangerous" 


Always amazed when I ask "oh what are you doing this weekend" and I get the answer "oh we're going downtown to a club/bar"

I tell them "You're more likely to be shot, stabbed or run over than I am likely to go through the ice"

Bang on!!!  

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19 hours ago, Rizzo said:

I appreciate your passion...but like the others have said, I just ignore those who are going to complain about my interests. Because of your passion in writing, you will also evoke a passionate response from those who read it. To me, its not worth stirring the pot. You have a very supportive community here, just ignore the others. The Dan Maloney part would especially open you up to trouble as this is a very damaging claim (it may be true for all I know, but stuff like that usually doesn't get tossed around loosely...like in an ice fishing rant). Sometimes just writing stuff like this is the therapeutic part...gets the weight off your chest. I think if you post it somewhere where the crowd is less supportive,  you will find a whole new kind of weight added on! Just my thoughts.

Pretty much nailed it Rizzo.  I went a little overboard with the Dan Maloney comments.  But I know staff at RVH who have been pounded by him.  Can't get in to the details.   But playing hockey and fighting the way he did really messed up his brain.  It's sad.  I don't know anyone who ended up with a life long brain injury from ice fishing..

I love this community.  Even though it's getting a lot less traffic then I used to back in the day.  It's a spot you can share stories and opinions and not get pounded by all these arm chair warriors. 

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Yes it is slower here since sites like FB but this core group is what brings be back daily.  We have a true passion for fishing as a whole, not just 1 season.  We share and help each other when we can.  Thanks Nick for the rant and I DO get it.  

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On 12/31/2019 at 11:38 AM, NAW said:

My x didn't mind all the fishing.  Just got mad when I showed up late..

The new Old Lady LOVES ice fishing.  Only time sh gets upset is when she has to work and can't come!!  Fomo


My  wife loves to eat fish. My standard line is that if I have no fish I need to be home on time. If I have fish then I can come home any old time I'd like!😁

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