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Target Canada closing

mike rousseau

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A sign of the times, unfortunately.


There was a study done recently that established that 1% of the people have 1/2 the world's wealth. If things keep going like this it will end very very badly! "civil unrest' would be a gross understatement!!


It's actually a far better ratio than in previous centuries. Up until 1600's Europe 1% of population controlled 60% , and the church 30%. That left 10% for 98% of the population.

That mix never really changed until the rise of the middle class in the 1800's and modern industrialization in the 1900's.

make no mistake, that 1% has always been calling the shots one way or another.

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It's actually a far better ratio than in previous centuries. Up until 1600's Europe 1% of population controlled 60% , and the church 30%. That left 10% for 98% of the population.

That mix never really changed until the rise of the middle class in the 1800's and modern industrialization in the 1900's.

make no mistake, that 1% has always been calling the shots one way or another.


Yes, but the collapse of that old feudal (or maybe quasi-feudal) system gave rise to 2 world wars and made communism so appealing. That's what I meant by ending very badly!

Things are more unbalanced now than they were 30 years ago---we are heading in the wrong direction towards the edge of a cliff.

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Yes, but the collapse of that old feudal (or maybe quasi-feudal) system gave rise to 2 world wars and made communism so appealing. That's what I meant by ending very badly!

Things are more unbalanced now than they were 30 years ago---we are heading in the wrong direction towards the edge of a cliff.


At which point another 1% new order will take over. That was what happened in Russia, and what happened in China. The "Party" merely replaced the aristocrats and blue bloods.

History merely repeating itself, yet again.

Edited by bigugli
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As I mentioned earlier in this thread my company will be affected by target leaving. A sister plant released over 20 employees last Thursday. I just got a call from a buddy in on day shift and he said it has started at our plant today.


Wish he had not called me. Now if real nervous about heading into work in 30 minutes.


Although it would mean much much more fishing time this winter......

Edited by crappieperchhunter
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Steve I am truly sorry to hear about the layoff's. There are plenty of resources in place for the Target employees but what about all the support industries?


You have been there a long time so I am sure that if there is a cut back you will be one of the last to go but I do worry about all the young ones (as I know you do) that have gone out and bought houses and started families based on what they thought was a secure job.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an update for anyone interested. Our plant terminated 19 employees because of Target closing....which is about 20% of our staff. Fortunately I was not one of them.


I just posted this to see if anyone else on here has had there company affected by Target closing.

Edited by crappieperchhunter
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  • 1 month later...

Seems like they're dumping a bunch of positions in the US now as well. :(






MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – A new round of layoffs is underway Tuesday at Target’s Minneapolis headquarters, one day after Gov. Mark Dayton met with the company’s CEO.

Target announced that they would be eliminating about 1,700 positions from their team, primarily from headquarters locations. Also, roughly 1,400 open positions are to be permanently closed.

“While today’s news is difficult, it’s important to know that we will continue to make investments in our business and team — particularly in areas such as digital, personalization, data and analytics, and engineering — to position Target for future success,” a spokesperson said in a released media statement. “Today is a very difficult day for the Target team, but we believe these are the right decisions for the company.”

Target said that cut employees would receive more than 15 weeks of pay and additional severance based on how long they worked there. SEC filings indicate that Target will spend approximately $100 million on severance packages for this round of cuts.

“Target will also provide each team member with career outplacement support, access to free executive education courses, and will pay the employer portion of their benefits coverage for the next six months,” the spokesperson said.

Employees said that a couple dozen upper managersicon1.png were let go on Monday.

Following his meeting with Target CEO Brian Cornell to discuss the impact this will have on the state’s economy, Dayton said Cornell assured him Target will keep a strong presence here in Minnesota.

Last week, Target announced plans to cut thousands of jobs, mostly at its headquarters in Minneapolis. Those cuts will happen over the next two years as part of a cost reduction and restructuring plan.

They come on top of the 550 Minnesota employees Target already let go as it pulled out ofCanadaicon1.png.

The silver lining for those whose jobs are affected is that several local and national recruiters, as well as human resourcesicon1.png managers here in the Twin Cities, are actively reaching out to Target workers who are looking for new jobs.


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If I'm not mistaken it was Loblaws that bought out Shoppers Drug Mart. I should know that detail as my wife is a Shoppers employee. The first thing done was to start cutting redundant positions in management. Area managers might as well visit the Zhers down the street the same day as visiting the drug stores in the same area.


Lets hope some of these jobs Loblaws are offering pay enough to allow a families quality of life to be maintained or at least be able to keep the Wolves at bay. I doubt there are any full time positions paying for benefits, those days are long gone. The "X" generation will be the first generation that will not be in a better financial position that their parents were at the end of their lives. There are some Baby Boomers that will or are not in a better position that our parents were at this point of our lives. We play now and pay latter unlike the previous generation.

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Where I live in Pennsylvania there are three Target's within a 30 minute drive. All of them are huge, well stocked, well staffed, beautiful stores. And I hate them! The stores are jammed packed full of over-priced useless merchandise all made in Asia.


Where I live they do well because all the rich soccer moms and skinny-jeans wearing men would rather shop there instead of buying the exact same thing at Wal-Mart for less money.


I'm proud of Canada for being better than that ..... shame about the jobs though.

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Apparently Target or the liquidator, is over pricing the stock so that you are actually paying regular price when you get the 30% off. someone at the Oshawa Target found a higher price sticker over top of the original price sticker, when brought up to the manager they were told to leave their purchases there and get out of the store.

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Apparently Target or the liquidator, is over pricing the stock so that you are actually paying regular price when you get the 30% off. someone at the Oshawa Target found a higher price sticker over top of the original price sticker, when brought up to the manager they were told to leave their purchases there and get out of the store.

You read that too eh? What a bunch of scoundrels.

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Apparently Target or the liquidator, is over pricing the stock so that you are actually paying regular price when you get the 30% off. someone at the Oshawa Target found a higher price sticker over top of the original price sticker, when brought up to the manager they were told to leave their purchases there and get out of the store.

here is a FB post from my wifes aunt a week or so ago


"So, today Dean takes me to Target in Bowmanville to check out any deals now that they are advertising 25-40% off.

I see vanilla wafer cookies I bought there last time for 1.99, now at the bargain price of 3.49!

I pick up….well actually Dean puts in the cart a box of hockey cards with the $19.99 price already PRINTED on the item and some packs of hockey cards marked $1.99 .We get to the cash register and the items scan at 24.99 for the box of cards and 2.49 for the separate packs. When I point out the price on the box the girl says, “that price doesn’t count.. we have to go by our Corporate Price in the register”

I say, “Corporate Price? Oh you mean the price the liquidators came in and upped on everything in the store?, right???”

Poor girl says, “I’m sorry there’s nothing I can do, sorry”

Target…YOU SUCK…you will NOT be missed…bye bye.

By the way for anyone wondering: Left without the cards…it’s ok Dean will be fine"

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I've never been to a Target store in Canada and ain't goin back. And with all the brouhaha with the closing and the ridiculous "sales" I can't believe people are still going in there.

Ok, it's early but I must be missing something here? "I've never been to a Target store in Canada and ain't goin back." LOL If you've never been you can't go back! :whistling:

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That is something one of the guys at the plant used to say about somewhere he had never been. But based on what he had heard about the place he didn't intend on ever visiting. What he meant to say was something like " I've never been to Beirut and from I've heard never want to, but it came out a little differently.


By the way I have a million of them, sayings not dollars.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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some of the prices seem to be reaching the bargain threshold... music at 50% although most people nowadays just steal it from the net.. I like to have a hard copy myself. If you have time to poke around you can get some deals but it's only a deal if you have a need for the item, otherwise you're filling space with dust collectors...

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