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found something in the bush yesterday...NF, F for some


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Any frost yet up there? That plant shoulda been processed by now...


Cool find though. You'll have good karma if you let it be..





yeah, there's been frost


you seem to know a little about this stuff, I guess that's why you're called "high" drifter, (just kidding)

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Crazy the lengths people have to go to grow a natural plant for personal use so they don't get thrown in the slammer...

It amazes me the lengths that someone would go to in order to get a few ounces of the sacramental herb for personal use. Some of you might be able to shed light on what I've been told by different members of our judicial system, both law enforcement as well as an Assistant Crown Attorney. If there is merit to this please chime in. I have been told that a citizen of Ontario is allowed to grow no more than 5 weed plants for personal use at any given time. They can not leave the property, can not be sold and must be only consumed indoors.


A neighbour in her late 60,s grows 5 in her garden every spring. Another lookie loo neighbour called it into the local OPP. They came out and told her basically good luck and basically what I wrote above.


This is not the US, no one is going to jail growing a few pot plants in their garden and keeping it at home, I wouldn't save it from year to year as it would be a bit tricky to explain why there is 10 pounds of the stuff in the fridge. I don't grow any for a few reasons. I only over eat and then fall asleep when I smoke it. My aches and pains pound harder after I smoked it and I'm too lazy. My wife partakes in the sacramental herb and she can do it next door.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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It amazes me the lengths that someone would go to in order to get a few ounces of the sacramental herb for personal use. Some of you might be able to shed light on what I've been told by different members of our judicial system, both law enforcement as well as an Assistant Crown Attorney. If there is merit to this please chime in. I have been told that a citizen of Ontario is allowed to grow no more than 5 weed plants for personal use at any given time. They can not leave the property, can not be sold and must be only consumed indoors.


A neighbour in her late 60,s grows 5 in her garden every spring. Another lookie loo neighbour called it into the local OPP. They came out and told her basically good luck and basically what I wrote above.


This is not the US, no one is going to jail growing a few pot plants in their garden and keeping it at home, I wouldn't save it from year to year as it would be a bit tricky to explain why there is 10 pounds of the stuff in the fridge. I don't grow any for a few reasons. I only over eat and then fall asleep when I smoke it. My aches and pains pound harder after I smoked it and I'm too lazy. My wife partakes in the sacramental herb and she can do it next door.


The Feds just changed the medical laws so that authorized medical users cannot grow their own on their own property, you now need to buy it from large-scale producers and get it delivered by courrier. And now they have to smoke it and cannot buy brownies or other means that are less harmful to lungs. Nice open market eh?


That's for medical laws, not sure about the personal side of things... I know its 'decriminalized' to some degree.

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Harper made it law last summer that 6 or more is an mandatory jail sentence.. I honestly don't believe anyone has served any time as of yet under this new law. I have a neighbor that has grown in his vegetable garden every year. Has never been caught and has never sold a crumb..Its all for him..The best part is he is still a elected city official... I only know because I have known him for 17 years and help him with his gardening.. Vegetables not pot.... But ya interesting subject to say the least..It should be legal for personal uses. I also have a feeling it wont be long before it is..With Justin and company pushing for it and the states that are legit we wont be far behind...

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Too bad they didn't worry more about stiffer sentences for REAL criminals.

Right Lew.

The Feds just want the taxes. No thought of real criminals who could care less about the law. Forcing Medical patients to buy or risk going to jail as most will not be able to afford buying from large scale businesses.

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Harper made it law last summer that 6 or more is an mandatory jail sentence.


.It should be legal for personal uses. I also have a feeling it wont be long before it is..With Justin and company pushing for it and the states that are legit we wont be far behind...



After Justin Trudeau admitted to using marijuana there was a surge in his political popularity.

Then all these political folks all started admitting to using. Premiere Wynne, PC Tim Hudak, etc....

Of course mayor Rob Ford bragged he smoked a lot lol


Met someone 10 yrs. ago who tried small outdoor grow-op around Bancroft and got caught.

It kinda wrecked his life was my impression.



Interesting find in woods. A flowerpot of pot

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guarantee the new legislation the pharma companies get on board soon. theres lots of money to be made. then doctors will prescribe on compassion grounds. guaranteed within 3 years.

funny though pots been around since time started pharmaceutical companies not so..

as lew stated in a past post.

theres bigger fish to fry.

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Each year I stumble upon at least a couple grow ops while out hunting, walking the dogs, or ATVing usually ranging from one to 10 plants. But, last year I got the jitters after finding a 1000+ plant grow op that was clearly run by professionals with multiple gas water pumps, tons of water lines, fertilizer bins tied to the water lines for easy fertilizing, and rows upon rows of plants about 4ft tall.


The cops found the grow and did a half ass job of destroying the weed, almost like they intentionally left product behind...

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The cops found the grow and did a half ass job of destroying the weed, almost like they intentionally left product behind...


Maybe they were thinking of coming back after work and cleaning it up a little more.

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