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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2021 in all areas

  1. I took this picture on Christmas eve 2019 the last time I saw my dad before his passing. It was taken at his retirement home in London Ontario. The retirement home used to be a monastery.
    5 points
  2. The ICU's have always been full. Well before Covid. The Emerg has always been FULL, well before covid. I dislocated my hip 15 years ago and woke up in the public hallway back then, so this is NOTHING new to hospitals and our healthcare system. Our govt has never been accountable for the joke we call a health care system in Ontario. Understaffed for as long as I can even remember. S.
    4 points
  3. It's well documented? Then why not provide a reputable link to a trusted news source stating such? Why a trusted news source you say? Because all trusted news sites have editorial oversight over anything they print to avoid getting sued. So another breathless conspiracy theory? How many people are in on it? Thousands? Tens of thousands? Millions? We have the governments of every democracy in the world and their health care sectors in on it. Big business, and of course the world wide news media. There would be countless others. Do they all get a slice of the pie? Too many people really WANT to believe a conspiracy, for that we can blame the motion picture business!!!!!! Can you actually believe that we are in a pandemic and that vaccinations are solving this giant uncontrolled pandemic as we speak. You will see the results of this very soon in Ontario. Our US brothers have probably noticed it already, and even those in the hit hard states will notice it soon like us. Get your jab. Protect yourself, do it for your country. Herd immunity works. Vaccinations gets us there super quick.
    3 points
  4. ...of $287 for a lure. Now I need a rod that can swing a 43oz bait.
    2 points
  5. Seriously, the border is closed. Can't be anymore basic than that.
    2 points
  6. I have a cell phone that pretty much lives in my truck and is basically only for emergencies or if my wife needs me for something while I'm out driving somewhere. I don't even remember the last time I used it. My landline in the house it how I communicate with people
    2 points
  7. Month long closure was just renewed yesterday to May 21st. Expect that every month until year end...
    2 points
  8. This is the thing people don't get. It's pretty easy to go fishing without making stops for fuel or Tim Hortons or anything else. If someone can't wrap their heads around this, then they definitely should be staying home.
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. Pretty well everyone I know is aware so I figured I might as well share my experience here with freinds that I haven't met, a few I have met, thankfully. A week ago Wednesday I almost died. I had some unknown infection that went septis and that's not a good thing. Apperently, as I have zero recollection, my wife came home from work around 6PM and found me on the kitchen floor and had a hard time to rouse me. Called 911 and they took me to the War Memorial Hospital in Hagersville On. I apparently was going on and on in some unknown language telling a freind to move his car so the ambulance can pull in, Joe was 60 miles away at the time. I remember nada. They transported me to the Brantford Hospital from there. The 1st thing I do remember is having CT scans then a woman talking to me. She was a surgeon that was called in to perform emerg. surgury as that thought I had obstructed or ruptured bowels. I remember clearly that she said " Sir you are a very ill man." I said I don't feel ill." she replyed "Your blood pressure is 80 over nothing, believe me if we can't get your BP up you are going to die on us." Not everyday someone tells you that. I had no reaction at all and she asked me if I understand what she said, I did but didn't freak like some might. OK Readers Digest version. They pumped me full of fluids and drugs and I am here to tell the story. 4 days in Intensive Care in the Brantford hospital, transfered back to a room in Hagersville for 4 more days. I am so impressed by the 4 Doc's that took care of me and especially the entire staff at both hospitals including the cleaning ladies, they work thier buns off, each and everyone. Not only do they have to do the work they are covered from head to toe in garb, masks, hats, face shields, yellow gowns from head to toe, the work they do is hard enough normally now they must be dressed like Aliens and Steelworkers to do it, a nurse told me that there are times they need to change thier scrubs twice in a 12 hr shift because they are soaked to the skin. It took me 3 days to have a normal bowl movement and get my legs and abdominal muscles strong enough to get in and out of bed. 99% of the pain was in my abbs and I looked 10 months pregnant with my gut so big and tight I thought I was going to explode. I did have to drink a gallon of what tastes like bay water from Hamilton next to Stelco, mmmm good. They actually weighed the result. It took up to just Sunday to be able to walk without a walker or cane. I hurt from head to toe. A small price to pay to stay alive. But I seriously thoght they were trying to kill me with what I was given to eat, what eat? I was on a liquid diet for 6 days., and I gained 5 pounds!!??? Everything tasted like hand sanitizer! A tricky part is to guess the time it takes to undo all 4 I.V. sites, remove blood pressure cuff, etc,etc. and get to the commode or toilet when the gut is rumbling as the enima is doing what it is meant to do and not make a mess for some poor soul to clean up. Oh my gosh. Many say I am full of it, in this case I agree. I used to call The Hagersville hospital a large Vet's clinic. I take it back,, I am truly sorry, together they helped save my life. I am penning a hand written thank you as soon as possible, I think they would appreciate that. Oh yea, I didn't see the white light but there were a few times in the past when we had Blast Furnace breakouts that I did see that light plus I saw an image of my Nani, (Grand Mother in Italian) standing in front of the light. Another story for another time. JD/out.
    1 point
  11. I used warped cedar 2x6 that I got from the clearance bin for cheap, they where bent the right way for trailer bunks. I just used outdoor carpet and carpet glue with stainless steel staples. That’s all I’ve ever done and they last for years. I do leave the bottoms open rather than covering them completely!
    1 point
  12. Back in the day Donovan Leitch convinced some of us that smoking banana peel was the way to a legal high. You would not believe how hard it is to keep a banana peel lit. The banana is close to free but the hernia you got trying to smoke it was expensive and painful.
    1 point
  13. If you think this in ending in a month I think you better be prepared to have the boat on stands for much longer than that. With this logic, are you allowed to ride your ATV? Go hunting? Drive anywhere in your car other than to get food, booze, or go to work? Can I do curbside pickup for a project in the backyard to keep me sane? Lots of ways to end up in the ICU..... but towing my boat to a ramp to go fishing by myself is a highly unlikely one. Much more danger in the trees I was cutting down over the weekend.... should I have not done that on my own property because of a risk of going to the hospital? I have been thinking about other people for a year now.... that doesn't mean I should be robbed of doing outside activities that in no way show any data to rising case numbers. Is there another place in NORTH AMERICA that has Boat Launches and Golf Courses closed based on nothing? Its ridiculous.
    1 point
  14. Call around to the smaller places like Nexicom. Bell will wholesale the old copper line service (even works in a power outage for a corded phone) but any of the new Fibe (Fiber) or cable based are still Voip so they suck.
    1 point
  15. We have a landline and a landline phone that we only plug in for emergency. Like yesterday.
    1 point
  16. and when you get that lure snagged do you hire James Cameron and his submersible to retrieve it? 😮
    1 point
  17. “cheapest Stressless chair was $6200. “ the price of the chair adds more stress then the chair could ever take away.
    1 point
  18. An new Cadillac Escalade is $102,000 USD. Rappers better start working the B's and H's harder
    1 point
  19. Wishmaster don't look like anything special. I don't think the fish care to be honest
    1 point
  20. No need to do anything, Rogers will apply the credit automatically on your account. https://about.rogers.com/news-ideas/an-update-for-our-valued-customers/
    1 point
  21. If you look at the active cases for Finland they were doing reasonably well until March, then their active cases went straight up and they haven't been able to bend the curve at all. Sound familiar? You tell a great story but time and time again your "facts" don't check out. There is some truth to what you say but big picture you are always off the mark. If people want hope look at the countries with the highest vaccination rates, Israel and Gibraltar. Gibraltar hasn't had an active local case in weeks all due to there extremely high vaccination rates. Israel is lifting restrictions step by step. Face masks are no longer required outdoors. The conclusion is obvious, get your jab. Protect yourself, do it for your country. Herd immunity works. Vaccinations gets us there super quick.
    1 point
  22. It's a once a week here at the house! Best way I have found to empty out the fridge of it tender left over morsels! HH
    1 point
  23. they aren't because unless you have antibodies in your immune system already (which you won't unless you have either had the virus previously or been vaccinated and allowed the time for your immune system to build them up) having a good immune system does very little to stop yourself from being infected if exposed. thats how viruses work. its not the same as bacteria. Viruses are very good at infecting otherwise healthy people who have strong immune systems. thats why are they such a problem.
    1 point
  24. They actually activated the parking lot ICU at Jo Brant about 2 weeks ago and moved all the non-oxygen requiring patients from the ICU into it. Jo Brant's real ICU is at 50% bed capacity because of Covid isolation requirements from the province/feds.
    1 point
  25. I'm still on a total pho kick. I never really use the same recipe, but what an amazing food! Almost as versatile as a sandwich. Havent made one yet that isnt absolutely delicious
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. You should see what a Wishmaster muskie lure goes for, lol.
    1 point
  28. Thanks Geoff, better than OK, my wife says my additude is more positive than before. I actually noticed I am laughing more and taking my health and what I put in my body like I did before I was 40. . I am asking her if we can go for a walk, all year I made excuses not to go. I am up to 30 minutes walking every other day. Last week it was 5 minutes and I was gassed. Going to try 35 mins tonight. Spall chik no werk.
    1 point
  29. We really should start an OFC DJ service, as we certainly have a lot of spin doctors here...
    1 point
  30. guys, I am 100% on your side that so much of this stuff doesnt make any sense. Without being political our politicians are 100% accountable for what is going on. But lets not get into the conspiracy theory garbage "the ICU's arent full" Theres quite literally only 1,200 ICU beds in Ontario. 750 of them are currently occupied with covid patients. That quite literally leaves 450 beds for every single other person that needs to go into intensive care in the entire province. Think about what you are saying for a second. Basically any person that is in danger of dying ends up in the ICU, what happens if a natural disaster, terrorist attack or any other form of mass casualty event occurs, i guess we are going to leave it once again on the doctors to decide who lives and dies? People pushing for us to not care until the ICU's are literally totally full so that in the event that you get in a car crash you will simply be left for dead because there is no space is a strange way to think. If you want to talk about the Covid situation being a mess, have at it, but lets not completely disregard what doctors nurses and those in the medical field are going through at the moment. My direct team member at work's wife is a nurse, she is not trained nor certified to work with intubated people with severe cases of covid, but guess where she started working this week due to staffing shortages. You guessed it, she has been assigned to the covid ward out of desperation. Please Please Please do not make light of the situation at our hospitals at the moment. I invite you to talk to any nurse/doctor or other healthcare practitioner working with covid patients prior to announcing that your hospital is totally fine on a fishing forum.
    1 point
  31. hmmmm....an accident? One that leads to being in ICU? That is reaaally stretching it. I have been on thousands of trips and never once needed a visit to the hospital. With fewer people on the roads this would be even less likely! How many times have any of us ended up in ICU from a fishing trip? I am gonna put those odds at about 1 in 100 000. Far more end up in there from alcohol and drug use...yet that seems permissible Hospitals overwhelmed? When we were in lockdown last year I went to the hospital. I had injured myself playing hockey before lockdown, but I waited awhile to go because the hospitals were apparently overwhelmed. Finally when the pain wouldn't subside I went in. What I saw was a shock! Honestly you could have shot a cannon through the Guelph hospital! I have never been served so quickly in my life. Checked in, met a doctor, had an xray, met a doctor again to get the news, and then back in my car driving away in less than 45 minutes! There were tons of staff hanging out at the nursing station talking to each other. The hallways, meeting rooms and waiting areas vacant. I acknowledge I was in emerg not icu, but seriously...if icu was so stretched why did they not re-allocate some staff or room from emerg? Lakes will still be there in a month - I hope so! And if they are, I hope my dictator government permits me to use them. Even if they don't...I plan on finding a way
    1 point
  32. Quack cures are a dime a dozen for CV19. So are quack Drs and quack published papers in support of these miracle cures. Rule of thumb, if no national health agency is interested in this then it's not worth my time to go do my "individual research" on youtube or other stray websites. If it had validity and could save countless lives the world would take notice. Pushing this on OFC won't speed up that process. Try politcians, some are actively looking for red herrings.
    1 point
  33. Thank you everyone for the replies. Mike amd AK your posts really helped me do some planning, thank you. Sinker, sturgeon might be on the list, only ever caught a couple in the Notty. Definitely doesnt compare to the west coast monsters. Will post an update once i plan things out. Thanks again
    1 point
  34. its one thing to protest lockdowns because people need to go work to earn money to pay bills and live etc its quite another to believe Covid is all a big scam - that site looks like it leans towards the latter. it preaches removing masks and posts old videos from the early days of the pandemic with information that has since been corrected as we learned more about the virus (eg masks dont work, 50% false positives etc)
    1 point
  35. Don't even think about that! Makes too much sense!!! I'm done with it. Going to do my thing, and not abide by stupid rules any more. If it doesn't make sense, I'm not doing it. I can live my life 100% safe, and still do what I have to do, no problem. Unless you can show me absolute proof that me driving to a boat launch, and fishing in my boat is spreading covid, i will be going. Give me my ticket, see you in court. Don't care any more. Nobody else should either, and until we all stand up together, its only going to get worse. S.
    1 point
  36. All you have to do is look south of the border who has fully vaccinated twice of our population and we are not even sitting at 30% with only single vaccinations in Canada and the trust fund kid in Ottawa is telling us he has our backs while he continues patting his own back . Give me a break!
    1 point
  37. Pick on the easy ones, really unlikely there will be massive crowds with this weather. Beginning to wonder about other activities. Wonder if I'll be allowed to wash and wax my car.
    1 point
  38. What if you get in an accident on the way to your 'essential' fishing trip? ICUs are almost full? What then? Its called a 'Stay at Home order' for a reason. Think of others, not yourself. Not an easy thing for us North Americans to do but its important. Fishing can wait a bit. The Lakes will still be there in a month. My boats back on axle stands till at least May 20th. I'm not happy about it but its the RIGHT THING TO DO. Try it.
    0 points
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