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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2020 in all areas

  1. how you going to get there with no non-essential driving ? The same way Trudeau did on the Easter weekend
    5 points
  2. Not curious at all. What happens in the US has far more effect on us in Canada than what happens in Canada effects those in the US. Also our basic tv packages include many US channels. I doubt that US basic tv packages include many Canadian channels. And the biggest majority of our population lives relatively close to the US-Canada border. The same can't be said for the US population.
    4 points
  3. Ive avoided this thread for weeks now simply due to my personal decision to not overload myself Covid related information and content. This thing is scary, and for our neighbors to the south its perhaps really going to get even scarier before it gets better. Rather than us settling into our pattern of distancing to get through this thing, some people are already starting to turn. For republicans in the united states its become a matter of individual rights and freedoms being violated by Covid restrictions. I dont want to dive into the politics even though I have obviously referenced american politics, lets just say im glad I live in canada where from what I can tell >90% of people understand that our sacrifices are making a difference. We are openly seeing it in the statistics that are coming out this week. We are effectively flattening the curve and our positive projections are aligning with our reality. Canada is going to come out on top of this because we are a nation of smart and caring people. Its honestly making me proud to be Canadian again. The difference in dialogue between our forum and the american fishing form is in stark contrast and I am extremely happy to say that we are on the positive side of things. Good on everyone! Dont let the news also twist your outlook on this entire thing. There is very very little content to cover these days with us all on lockdown, hence the small faction of people not adhering to the rules represents a disproportionate amount of the news content. I go for a walk each day, and people stringently adhere to social distancing guidelines, it even becomes the old dance where one person tries to go out to the road to walk by while the other does the same to be polite. How canadian! My visit to the grocery store was even in contrast to the one i took two weeks ago (I have been doing my best to limit trips) Yesterday not once did i feel frustrated with other shoppers not adhering to the distancing guidelines. People were courteous to step back as you passed, people waited for you to grab items from a safe distance and depart so that they could get their own, and people lined up appropriately according to the measures in place spacing everyone out. We all have our individual levels of precaution, but for the most part we all also have displayed a very common sense approach to this and are in my opinion taking appropriate measures. Some guys are getting out fishing still even but doing so in a manner that appears to be very very responsible. Others take a more hardline approach...either way at least I dont see anyone here moaning and groaning about the fact that their bass tournaments arent allowed to run...good grief! πŸ€” We are a long long way from getting back to the lives we once knew, but at least I think Canada is on right path to getting things back to a more normal existence at least here at home.
    4 points
  4. Globalists need a global crisis that requires global government, not enough people or governments were buying into the global warming /climate change scam/crisis so unleash the virus. Perfectly clear to most of us. πŸ™„
    4 points
  5. hmmmm, perhaps the 110,000 people that have died from the virus may have a different opinion.
    4 points
  6. LOL, well, do ya?
    3 points
  7. Canadians know we live in a global society and most know what’s happening in the G6 countries the us is the closest country that can threaten us , so of course we keep track of what they are doing But on a side note, its been ten year since an American has asked me while chatting on ham radio , if I live in an igloo or if I have to watch out for polar bears
    3 points
  8. I also use bacon when smoking/bbq turkey. Or making jalapeno snacks
    3 points
  9. I forgot, salmon was in the smoker . Will be a nice addition to the layer of cream cheese on the bread . I raise you 5 lbs and call .🀣
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Well New York city is one of the financial and trading capitals of the world, New York stock exchange? People coming in from all over the world to do business or for travel, it makes sense it would be a hot spot? Probably the largest mass transit system in the USA?
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. The virus was born on The Grassy Knoll. Is there a run on tinfoil too?
    2 points
  14. This is a global crisis though, I'm guessing there isn't many people buying new cars lately because they're preoccupied and maybe suffering with what's going on, so unless they have a backlog of solid orders, I doubt there's a rush to get back to production I wouldn't be surprised if there's a recession from the many personal and company bankruptcies due to this china virus I don't think there's a demand for new cars right now
    2 points
  15. I have a lot of friends that think it's all a big conspiracy. In the future it will be clearer what steps worked and what didn't and which countries messed it up. What we should take from this is we can't expect other countries to bail us out in crisis. Made in Canada really does matter...
    2 points
  16. I am happy to see this topic going so well. I thank you all for the replies.
    2 points
  17. Compatibility! Gotta like the same kinda fishing, have stuff in common...
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. This can maybe be taken as a shot at Americans, but honestly I don’t really care, but in my experience significantly far more Americans are completely uneducated about the world outside of America in comparison to Canadians. Some would even go to the extent of calling it ignorance. I.e. if it doesn’t concern America then it doesn’t concern them at all. It’s an unfortunate reality as far as I’m concerned. im also sure a significant component of Americans would have no clue who the British, German or French president/prime ministers are either.
    1 point
  20. New Closures In the interest of public safety, and in keeping with the Provincial Order to close recreational amenities, the Municipality is advising that only passive usage of parks, trails and walkways is permitted. This means that fishing on the boardwalk, docks, and pier south of the CN railway tracks is not permitted and signage is being placed there to discourage group gatherings, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, the Municipal Boat Launch is now closed to the public. The Launch will only be used by Emergency Service personnel, if required.
    1 point
  21. I will bring her groceries if I can put my boat in lol
    1 point
  22. Those I show are my 24v (2x12) trolling motor batteries and the forward one is my 9.9 kickers battery. Another for the Verado in the back. All are 31 series. The trolling motors are flooded lead units and both engine batteries are AGM's.
    1 point
  23. Can you show me where the "no non-essential driving" is in effect under the law province wide? Recommendations do not = laws.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 26,000 + new cases yesterday and 1500 + deaths yesterday stateside, ya we can quarantine ourselves into being a third world nation, but how many are eager to pay the price of rushing back to normal?
    1 point
  26. You have to remember that here in the states we're about 2-3 weeks ahead of Canada on the curve; this is clearly evident in my business of medical equipment and the push of demand now coming hard from up north...fully back to business as usual in the US. And I believe your assessment is not an apples to apples comparison as 'getting back to normal' is now on the radar here...where as 2-3 weeks ago it was fully 'hunker down and stay in place'. I find it curious also the amount of attention Canadians spend "watching" what the US is doing politically and be able to compare and debate it with accuracy (most of the time)...now in the context of COVID-19. Ask Americans what's going on in Canada and 99% would have absolutely no idea...fewer would be even able to tell you who the PM is... That's neither right or wrong...just a fact.
    1 point
  27. The last time I actually had to fill up the vehicle, gas was $1.12. I haven’t been able to buy at the $0.77 price because the tank has remained close to full since there’s no place to go other than the store once a week.I also filled a couple of jerry cans back at $0.96 thinking we’d never ever see such low prices. Back then, that seemed to matter, but now the gas price seems so unimportant. A lot of things we used to be concerned about seem trivial now.
    1 point
  28. Well, my gas milage was good but now I am getting about 4 weeks to the gallon. I have a feeling it's going to take a lot of years to get back to what we considered normal. (If we ever do) All these billions of dollars being poured into aid packages are going to have to be recovered somehow, can you say higher taxes? Higher taxes = less money in our pockets, we still have to have food and shelter so things like new cars are going to be the last thing people will be spending money on. I am sorry to say but I don't think the effects of this pandemic are going to last months or even years, I think it's going to change our entire way of life.
    1 point
  29. No the current run is hair dye. But this knoll you speak of has my interest peeked...
    1 point
  30. so being realistic, why build if there's no demand?
    1 point
  31. Of course there is no demand for new cars now because to many people have little or no income. When you shutter 80% of an economy the demand for most everything goes down. Well except toilet paper.
    1 point
  32. Yes, made in Canada really does matter, in this crisis, and also when there is no crisis and everything's normal, being able to produce stuff and being a seller is the way to prosperity, not being a constant buyer of chinese crap what I have taken from this- the people we have elected and the people they use for guidance are terribly incompetent
    1 point
  33. The other thing to remember is that governments from local on up are getting very few tax dollars coming in. Sooner or later money will dry up if we don't get back to business.
    1 point
  34. You can never go wrong with bacon. Never.
    1 point
  35. Dang. Walleye opener is coming soon. LOL
    1 point
  36. Ok, keep it up guys, after this quarantine thing is over I am going to have to change my handle to 600 lb Cliff 😊
    1 point
  37. We supply plants in Alabama. Also here direct to tier 2 which supply to tier ones . We need them to start up so I can get back to work .
    1 point
  38. Gino Vanelli? I deleted my comment because it's a Holy day.
    1 point
  39. The outbreaks everywhere outside of Wuhan is through travel, mostly air!
    1 point
  40. Finally got things together and was going to the cabin today but there was an issue. I've been battling a fierce flu bug since mid-January and haven't been out but once in January. I guess the battery went flat and froze due to me not plugging the sled in for months and today I went to start it and nada. Even after being plugged in for a couple of days she was dead flat. πŸ˜ͺ Got a new one from CT and it's currently on the bench charging. Maybe I'll get out tomorrow. πŸ™„ I can't believe that battery only lasted 12 1/2 years. Worthless piece of crap.
    1 point
  41. Like living to a ripe old age? Sumptin' like that Beans? That's what I'm looking forward to Cliff, and if it means not taking the boat out well that's what I am going to do, look forward to living longer and doing my absolute best to ensure I am not the one that passes on this thing to people I love and care about, simple as that I am going to tell you all what I say to everyone I know that goes for a ride to get out of the house because they all say they aren't in contact with another soul and not harming anyone. The idea is that if for any reason 1st responders need to be called out resources are squandered. Vehicles should be on the roads for 2 reasons. 1, to get to and from work if you are considered to be essential. 2, to get to and from grocery stores, pharmacies and getting fuel to get to and back from an essential job. I think that is pretty simple. I won't delve into the discussion as to whom and what should or shouldn't be essential. I will say this though, our 1st responders are the most essential people we have right now. Please just stay home. It's tough, it's boring, it's terrible but it's better than being dead. I don't know how hard that is to understand. In my humble opinion and that of the leaders we elected to make the tough decisions for us just stay home. Nice fish but please just stay home.
    1 point
  42. Substituting 35 percent cream for some portion of the milk goes a long way to making it rich and thick
    1 point
  43. The short answer is as long as you have too. Going over by 3 or 4 thousand every once and a while won't hurt anything. Check the oil level, making sure it's full and you'll be fine. Worst case, if the oil starts to look really dirty; head to a lube shop and get the oil changed. Just tell them you only want an oil & filter change and to screw off with all the up selling. Dan.
    1 point
  44. Before you go and buy these AGM batteries, check that your on-board charger has the technology to properly charge an AGM battery. AGM batteries do not like being charged at much more then 2 amps. That's mostly due to the heat that's generated during the charging process; these batteries cannot handle the relatively high internal temps of higher charging rates. A proper AGM charger has the technology to closely monitor the battery temp. It does this by using the voltage and amperage applied to the battery to calculate the temp and then adjust the charge rate. When the battery(s) are fully charged the charger will go into a float mode; as to keep the battery fully charged and not too over charge. Dan.
    1 point
  45. That much eh. WOW, you got one of the good ones . Made on a Wednesday probly .🀣
    1 point
  46. You guys have GOT to try this! Beer can Burgers. Found it on the net. make 6oz meat balls. take unopened can and push down into middle of meatball. Raise hamburger up and around can to about the width of 2pcs of bacon. Wrap with bacon, this will help hole the shape of the burger and well, who doesn't like bacon. Pack firmly around can, you know you got it right if it creates a vacuum around can. (hint, grab can with paper towel for better grip and rotate in one direction as you lift. Fill with your favorite ingredients, today I sauteed onions and red peppers. plus added steamed asparagus. Topped with a couple cubes of Havarti and Swiss. To that I added garlic powder, onion powder salt and pepper. Drizzled BBQ sauce and put on pellet grill for 1 hour at 300. While they were cooking, I made creamy garlic mashed potatoes. Once the "burgers" were done, I set it on top of the potato. What a meal!
    1 point
  47. My 2019 Princecraft Resorter 160BT, 40 hp Merc 4-stroke tiller, with a Minn Kota Terrova iPilot 80 lb electric on the bow, and Humminbird graphs at the rear and bow. Love the boat so far, lots of room and fantastic fish-ability. The big Terrova with iPilot allows effortless trolling and anchoring. A couple of opening-weekend walleyes and a nice smallmouth caught in front of my place on the Ottawa River.
    1 point
  48. Well I have been very fortunate to have had (and still do have) many wonderful fishing partners but the best one was my brother in law Herb. Herb was a lousy fisherman, not very good on the net, but he let me sleep with his sister 😁
    1 point
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