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Cancer has struck me NF


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Well guys, sad as it is I regrettably have to inform you I have been diagnosed with cancer last Thursday. I have had numerous tests performed by the wonderful staff at the Walker Cancer clinic in St. Catharines including blood work several times, Ultra sound on various parts of my body, 3 different CT Scans, Bone scan, & MRI. All of this info has been collected & submitted to my Oncologist. She delivered the results last Thursday in the presence of my myself, wife, daughter & niece. This week I'll be attending classes at the clinic to orient me on the procedure I'll be facing as I prepare to undergo kemo therapy & radiation. Right now the team of doctors have me on medication to relieve pain, deal with constipation & also steroids to help ease the pain of bone cancer. Until such time I play things day by day. Last August I weighed 216 lbs, 7 months later I now weigh 172. Lost 42 lbs, but I'm not overly concerned as this can also be contributed to a complete change of diet, more exercise, no desserts, no pop, no fried or deep fried foods & no alcohol consumption. Early December I was walking 1 km every morning & up to 2 km every afternoon. It was right near Christmas I was experiencing pain in my back, shoulders & kidney area. It was December 15 I had extremely sharp pain in my back & the appointments began. I'll be starting kemo Tuesday February 28 & I'm going to fight this dreaded disease - I'M NOT GIVING UP!! At this time I would ask our community if they have info that may assist me. PM if you wish. I have recently heard of a case where a patient with bone cancer was treated at a clinic in Vancouver whereby they use medication to rebuild bones. If you wish to share a similar story, I'd appreciate hearing from you. Thanx


Edited by wormdunker
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I'm here anytime brother.


I gotta admit I lost sleep over the news. But I know you'll kick butt and things will be good man!


I'm already tried getting in touch with my uncle, but he's gone to the trapper shack will Tuesday or Wednesday. I'll talk to him about it ASAP.


Jenn I and the kids are ALWAYS here. Anything you need.


Hugs my man

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Thanx for the support Manitou. Thanx Wayne also for your thoughts. I knew you would get involved because of what you recently went through with your daughter. I don't know the name of it at this point. I have a scheduled MRI this Thursday on my brain (I warned them it might take a while to find it though)!! & shoulders. Tuesday I meet with the radiologist who will be performing the radiology treatment. Friday I meet once again with the oncologist & I'll be asking questions about the type of cancer. I'll keep you informed.

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My heart sinks a little every time I see someone else diagnosed with cancer. It is never an easy journey. I went through it a few times from 2010 to 2013 and have been in remission for the past 3yrs (hopefully 4yrs this year). You are part of an amazing community here at OFC that is extremely supportive and caring (I know first hand).


You are already ahead of the game with a positive attitude. As the saying goes, going through cancer is 90% mental and 10% physical. Take it one day at a time.


If you need any chemo tips and tricks, feel free to shoot me a PM. Feel free to PM me anytime :)



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Brian I don't know you, but I can't imagine being faced with news like this. All the power to you in dealing with this challenge. Stay strong and positive above all, and find strength in all the support you will get from all around you. You can prevail.


Cheers man.

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Brian, I can't believe they'd be starting chemo or radiation if they don't already have biopsy results and know what it is. They all get treated differently...


Possible in the shock of being told you missed what you have, it wouldn't be the first time and I fully understand how that works.


When you know... let me know... unfortunately I have a full deck of cards when it comes to specialists in the sarcoma field.

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Brian, I can't believe they'd be starting chemo or radiation if they don't already have biopsy results and know what it is. They all get treated differently...


Possible in the shock of being told you missed what you have, it wouldn't be the first time and I fully understand how that works.


When you know... let me know... unfortunately I have a full deck of cards when it comes to specialists in the sarcoma field.

This strikes me as odd as well.


I've sent Brian about 500 texts tonight and I know damn well he's documenting everything in his book, that's Brian.


If you visit this before my texts Brian call me.

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Wow! I'm amazed at the support from our community in such a short time of my original post. Yes guys my plan is to stay focused, stay as healthy as I can be!! Wayne, they may already know the name of the cancer but I failed to ask that question. I'm sure you understand as I have a million other things going through my mind at this time. I want too stay healthy to watch my grand children grow up. Our grand daughter is 6 & grandson is 2. I have lots to live for yet!

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Sorry to hear the bad news Brian. Well since you have cancer you should tell your doc you want to get your medical cannabis card. Get on some good Rick Simpson Oil and you will need some flower to smoke to ward off the effects of chemo as well. Something worthwhile to watch on utube Running From The Cure by Rick Simpson.

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You have my emphathy Brian...I have been dealing with bladder cancer since July of 2009...6 operations since and a cystoscopy every 3 months...damn tumors keep recurring but it is a relief when my uroligist tells me "all clear" after each check-up...I find the cystoscopies are an uncomfortable procedure but they only take 5 minutes and better safe than sorry...


Hope things work out ok for you...

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not the news you'd like to see on here. keep a positive attitude, set goals for yourself, eat cleaner foods, and do a lot of your own research, don't just rely on doctors advice.


my bosses wife was diagnosed with bone cancer, her bones are basically swiss cheese now, but she was told she had 2 years to live. that was 30 years ago. she did all of the above and was her own advocate


wishing you good luck with your fight, and hopefully you can knock this thing out

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You can beat the son of B, trust me.


Was diagnosed with a very rare form last June, esthesioneuroblastoma, Tumour in my right nasal passage. Only 4 people in 10 million get it. Not a lot of data on it, not much experience treating it. Went through 5 weeks of radiation in July and August, in which the hit the left side of my neck, as I had a suspiciously shaped lymph node as well. Then surgery in October to remove the tumour, various pieces inside the nasal area and the bone between my nasal area and the brain. They then rebuilt the bone with muscle tissue taken from my right thigh. Lost 54 pounds through it all, they took my smell organs as that's where the cancer stems from and I lost my sense of taste as well.


Three months later, clean bill of health, no cancer in nose, no cancer in neck, have maintained my weight and feel great, honestly the best I've felt in years.


Cancer can be beaten!!! So get in the there, have a great attitude and kick its ass. You can beat it too.

Edited by big guy
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Buddy, we have spoken about this and I really appreciate and value the call as well as your friendship you old dick. Like I said get some of that "Stupid Stick" to smoke. I told you the story of a friend of a friends terminal Cancer going into remission and he is here 10 years past what the Doc's told him was his best before date. I asked Ted if I can get hold of him to find out exactly but Ted says he hasn't talked to him since he moved out east but will make some calls. I don't know what strain but Ted said it was Sencimilia, senci? Does that sound familiar all? I know there are members here that can steer you in the right direction for some med MJ. All the guys I know that had to go through treatments did better than the guys that didn't smoke. Just today on CHML radio they were talking about med MJ, there are so many ways to take it in besides smoking, liquid, cookies, candies, patches. Get on the stuff Bri. I tried some homegrown for my chronic pain and it didn't help me, but I was told it wasn't the right strain. Now get better so I can show you how to catch a fish and beat the personal best Walter I put you on in my boat. Was it 8.5 lbs or has it gained weight?


Please guys I know there are many here that know the do's and don't for weed. PM Brian and help him go in the right direction. Please.

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Buddy, we have spoken about this and I really appreciate and value the call as well as your friendship you old dick. Like I said get some of that "Stupid Stick" to smoke. I told you the story of a friend of a friends terminal Cancer going into remission and he is here 10 years past what the Doc's told him was his best before date. I asked Ted if I can get hold of him to find out exactly but Ted says he hasn't talked to him since he moved out east but will make some calls. I don't know what strain but Ted said it was Sencimilia, senci? Does that sound familiar all? I know there are members here that can steer you in the right direction for some med MJ. All the guys I know that had to go through treatments did better than the guys that didn't smoke. Just today on CHML radio they were talking about med MJ, there are so many ways to take it in besides smoking, liquid, cookies, candies, patches. Get on the stuff Bri. I tried some homegrown for my chronic pain and it didn't help me, but I was told it wasn't the right strain. Now get better so I can show you how to catch a fish and beat the personal best Walter I put you on in my boat. Was it 8.5 lbs or has it gained weight?


Please guys I know there are many here that know the do's and don't for weed. PM Brian and help him go in the right direction. Please.

I'm on it Johnny d

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