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Well, the SOLD signs went up last night NF

Big Cliff

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Home inspections, septic inspections, well testing..... stress beyond belief, it's all done and as of 5:00 pm we no longer own waterfront property in the Kawarthas.


It's been a long haul but part of that was our fault. Initially we got taken in by Property Guys with all sorts of promises: Things like "it will be on MLS" (what they didn't tell us was it wouldn't be on our local MLS board) there is tons more but suffice to say it cost us almost $5000.00 and two months. If you are ever thinking of going that route, talk to me first, I'm not saying it can't be done but it isn't what they say it is.


We finally realized that this wasn't working and listed with a local agent, a really nice young man Scott Robinson from Century 21 and he lives just down the road from us. Scott was fantastic, had a professional come in and stage the house, got arial shots done, put together a beautiful presentation and he paid for all of it!


In less than 5 weeks we ended up with multiple offers and sold at full asking! I guess "more than asking" would have been better but then to me that would mean it was priced too low. Closing is Sept. 7 so we do get to enjoy one more summer here and it looks like it is going to be a good one.


We have had 16 wonderful years here and it's hard to leave it all behind but I just can't do all the work that is needed to keep up a property this size anymore. We will be staying in the area, just downsizing to something with a small yard and a house about 1/2 the size of this one. Something where I can get up in the morning, walk out on my deck with a coffee and not have to think about all the things I have to get done today.


We are going to have a big garage sale in a couple of weeks and a "moving sale" toward the end of Aug. so anyone in need of furniture or anything give me a shout, drop by, pick out what you want and make an offer (but you can't have it until the end of Aug. LOL.).


Now I have to go empty out our storage unit so I can find stuff again!

Edited by Big Cliff
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well you had 16 great years on the water, an opportunity I passed over years ago and still regret. Your new place will allow more and different adventures, esp when you get the diesel pusher (r u still getting an rv ?) and hit the blacktop ;)


savour this last summer Cliff !

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Congratulations Cliff! I know it must be a little bittersweet leaving your place, but another chapter begins.

Selling and buying a home have been one of our most stressful endeavors as well. The agent can make all the difference in the world and unfortunately one of ours was terrible. Good luck!

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Congrats on the sale Cliff. It is bittersweet I'm sure, but every closed door opens a new one. I'm sure your next venture in life will be just as good as always!


If you need a hand with anything, let me know!



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congratulations on your sale, i am currently looking at starting the process and after having spent 26 years in the house, it is a really daunting idea of having to sell or give away 90% of my stuff. (can you see my tears), but in facing the reality of getting older and more restricted in the amount of exercise i can do, it must be a project that i have to undertake.


I was surprised to see the cost of the Property guys and what you got from them. guess i won't be taking that route.

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Glad to hear you got your price Cliff but sad to think you will not be living in that nice house anymore...I understand only too well about not being able to doing the upkeep...I only got to mow the back yard yesterday then it got too hot...

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A bitter sweet win Cliff. I'm happy that you got through it and got your price. We are going on 21 years here and I know it can't last forever. Living on lakefront sure is a different lifestyle with the good far outweighing the bad. Our armour rock wall slid onto the beach last November during a Gale storm and I need to get an excavator here in the fall. Not cheap. Don't try to move yourself. Hire a pro. We aren't 40 anymore.

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Thanks for all the kind words and offers, much appreciated!

well you had 16 great years on the water, an opportunity I passed over years ago and still regret. Your new place will allow more and different adventures, esp when you get the diesel pusher (r u still getting an rv ?) and hit the blacktop ;)


savour this last summer Cliff !

Not sure about the RV thing, when I start to look at cost we can do a lot of road trips in a year for a lot less that the cost/maint./fuel.... of an RV. One step at a time LOL.


congratulations on your sale, i am currently looking at starting the process and after having spent 26 years in the house, it is a really daunting idea of having to sell or give away 90% of my stuff. (can you see my tears), but in facing the reality of getting older and more restricted in the amount of exercise i can do, it must be a project that i have to undertake.


I was surprised to see the cost of the Property guys and what you got from them. guess i won't be taking that route.

Oh, that's only part of it, they put everything through an outfit called My Move Reality. Want to advertise an open house, $25.00 per. Want your listing on the local MLS, $795.00 extra, want to change wording in your listing, $20.00, fail to notify them promptly of an accepted offer $500.00 penality..... oh there is so much more and they out right lied about so many things. I am actually thinking of talking to a lawyer about it!


Seems a visit to reminisce the good times is in order. I'll check with M & see if we can pick some dates :)

You know that no matter where we are, you guys will always be welcome in our home! Just let us know when!


How the hell am I going to send goodies to him now?

I have a carb that needs looked at! I'm on my way!

We'll still be in the area LOL.


guess I should get u out for one more walleye slay there old man hehe

Once we get moved I'll be way more available to get out and slay walters with you, you still have so much to teach me :whistling:


need anything moved you know who to call

Making a list, checking it twice !

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It must have been hard to make that final decision Cliff, but I'm sure you put much thought into it. I have lived on 1 acre water front for 30 years and that idea has been creeping into my mind and it's going to be the toughest decision I will ever make. The work is getting tougher and tougher to keep up with. You sold at the right time, when homes around here are flying off the market.

Good luck at your new place, glad you're staying in the area.

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It must have been hard to make that final decision Cliff, but I'm sure you put much thought into it. I have lived on 1 acre water front for 30 years and that idea has been creeping into my mind and it's going to be the toughest decision I will ever make. The work is getting tougher and tougher to keep up with. You sold at the right time, when homes around here are flying off the market.

Good luck at your new place, glad you're staying in the area.

When it got to the point that by the time all the work was done (and that never seemed to happen anymore LOL) I was too tired to go fishing I knew it was time to sell.

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Almost in the same position as you Cliff.


We purchased here on Pigeon Lake in 2003 when I was still a young and strong 55 years old. It gets harder every day. I used to cut the whole area in a day including trimming around every tree and bush. Now I do it in shifts. Half the front water side yard one day, the other half the next. Road edge yard the day after that.

I can see me making the same choice as you in about two or three years.

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Debbe and I drove by into Lindsay yesterday and where wondering if you had sold yet but didn't have time to stop in for a visit. Very Happy for you both Cliff. It will be an adjustment after you settle into your new place....both you two will make the best of it and enjoy it...because that's who you both are.


In the mean time enjoy your remaining days on the water at your lovely place. I'm envisioning you two enjoying a glass of wine out on the back deck toasting the beautiful sunset you get there and being thankful for your time there but also getting excited about the new path your heading down.


All the best from Debbe and I to you both.

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