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Hey Justin!

Big Cliff

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I'm all for helping others but when we have Canadians being treated like this it's time you re-think your priorities!




And this is a woman who at 82 years old, took two busses and a sea bus to get to a part time job just to help make ends meet.

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Easy to see where this thread is going. This isn't an either or scenario. You come across as having a major chip on your shoulder and a great deal of resentment towards non Canadians. You manage to work it into countless threads. Obviously the woman should not be recovering in a homeless shelter but that's completely its own issue.

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Easy to see where this thread is going. This isn't an either or scenario. You come across as having a major chip on your shoulder and a great deal of resentment towards non Canadians. You manage to work it into countless threads. Obviously the woman should not be recovering in a homeless shelter but that's completely its own issue.



so enlighten us, why is it we're spending all this time, money and resources to make sure that non canadians have, a place to live, warm clothing, and a job. meanwhile we have how many tens of thousands of homeless canadians that can't make ends meet? Why can't we take care of our own people like we take care of non canadians and refugees? Thats right, its because canadians aren't the minority, and minority makes the government look good.


Im all for helping others, but we need to make sure that everyone is being helped the same way.

Edited by FloatnFly
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so enlighten us, why is it we're spending all this time, money and resources to make sure that non canadians have, a place to live, warm clothing, and a job. meanwhile we have how many tens of thousands of homeless canadians that can't make ends meet? Why can't we take care of our own people like we take care of non canadians and refugees? Thats right, its because canadians aren't the minority, and minority makes the government look good.


Im all for helping others, but we need to make sure that everyone is being helped the same way.


well said and my biggest beef with that whole process bullpucky

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On another note Justin,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Leave those fighter jets where they are. You are not doing us "CANADIANS" any great favors pulling them. IMO, you are showing weakness.


I hope this dosent come back to bite us hard.

Edited by Brian B
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this is all on the landlord. they should have to cover all her costs while her place is being renovated and really, was she even given any notice that it was being done ? I'd be letting people know who the bldg owners are and shame them tbh.to do this while she;s in the hospital is just plain mean. this has nothing to do with JT imo.

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Without being specific, some Canadians are in their situation by course of their actions (or inaction). It's about people: Canadian or not. Most of these "non-Canadians", many of them children, left their country because of war. It's odd to read some of the comments with that story and how people want government to take care of people, perhaps the same people that don't understand or despise taxes. How much socialism do you want and how much are you prepared to pay. Now here's to hoping Simcoe produces 7 inches for the lakers.

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Without being specific, some Canadians are in their situation by course of their actions (or inaction). It's about people: Canadian or not. Most of these "non-Canadians", many of them children, left their country because of war. It's odd to read some of the comments with that story and how people want government to take care of people, perhaps the same people that don't understand or despise taxes. How much socialism do you want and how much are you prepared to pay. Now here's to hoping Simcoe produces 7 inches for the lakers.


Amen. So many people are jumping on the 'help our own' wagon and most of the ones that I personally know don't ever raise a finger to help the homeless or the vets in this country.


If you're on Facebook, i encourage you to check out the Humans of New York page - and in particular, the series of stories done on the victims of war and other mindboggling atrocities in places like Syria. It's beyond heartbreaking. The comments I read on news articles about the refugees coming to this country make me embarassed to be a Canadian. We are humans - help for all where possible.


I would rather my tax money go to help these people than some one like the guys down my street who smokes a pack and a half a day, drinks like a fish, and in no short time will be adding to the strain on our health care system that I pay into.

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Amen. So many people are jumping on the 'help our own' wagon and most of the ones that I personally know don't ever raise a finger to help the homeless or the vets in this country.


If you're on Facebook, i encourage you to check out the Humans of New York page - and in particular, the series of stories done on the victims of war and other mindboggling atrocities in places like Syria. It's beyond heartbreaking. The comments I read on news articles about the refugees coming to this country make me embarassed to be a Canadian. We are humans - help for all where possible.


I would rather my tax money go to help these people than some one like the guys down my street who smokes a pack and a half a day, drinks like a fish, and in no short time will be adding to the strain on our health care system that I pay into.

Exactly. It doesn't have to be either or. It can be both. And I can only assume there aren't very many news stories about people who are happy with the system. It's pretty easy to pick out the bad stories. An average person wouldn't be a very interesting news article, now would it?

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I don't know where my post went but it gone regardless. What does the Provincial Heath system in BC have to do with Junior? He hasn't been PM long enough to find all the bathrooms in Sussex Place. Let's maybe give him a bit of a chance, he's all we have for 5 years unless he's given a non confidence boot.


Many of our homeless here have nothing to do with the lack of helping them. For many reasons some refuse help, many because of mental illness. Some Canadians out on the street are there because of addiction. Some because they have had a bad break and are desperately trying to back on track. Some Canadians because they are lazy and won't work. They would rather rob from you and I to get their next fix or beg on the corner to buy their next bottle of Aqua Velva or spray paint to get high.


Helping others in dire need, like these refugees fleeing a war of genocide, is what Canada is and has always been all about, and I'm proud of it personally. If Canada didn't let my Grand Father immigrate here before WW1 I wouldn't be here. He went on to fight for the King in WW1 and came back with a plate in his head. In 1939 he was arrested for being an enemy of the Crown and spent WW2 in the Prisoner of War camp at Camp Pettawawa. Canada isn't perfect, wasn't then and isn't now but no matter what it is the only country to be a citizen of. For reasons like saving refugees.


I'm behind our PM on this one, 110%. Don't forget 49% didn't vote for him so 1/2 the voters will never agree with him.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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