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Wake & Splake 12/12/15


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This trip has been a little while in the making & you couldn't have asked for better weather or company so the wait was definitely worth it. Chris posted a open seat for a Minden/Haliburton area trip & one guy PM'd him. I make great time getting to Chris's place on Saturday & shortly after we're on the road to meet up with Brad & Steve (sorry guy's don't know your on-line names). Greetings all round then down to business, map comes out & we start to pigeon hole it. Brad & Steve are avid backwoods guy's & have fished just about every lake in the area & some as recently as last weekend. We settle on Lake X & the target species is Splake.



As soon as we hit the lake the guy's have a spot they'd hit a few weeks prior & did really well so the head over while Chris & I head to another spot. Saw one fish surface so I start chucking spinners & Chris is on worm. No luck for us but Brad & Steve tied into one quite early & nailed a few more before moving on. We wrap around the lake to a spot Chris knows & after a little while I get into one. Float goes down but I thought it was because of the bigger minnow, after a few seconds you knew it was a fish & wait a few more seconds to hopefully allow it to fully swallow the minnow. Set thew hook & bang, fish on. Fish flashes & I see half the minnow out it's mouth & think not hooked & a few seconds later he was off. Swearing ensues as I look into the deep trying to spot the bugger, not paying attention the minnow was floating on the surface boatside when WHAM he or another one hit it hard.



Get him in the boat & released. We hit the shore where the other boy's were & conversations start up with ease. Talk about Lake xx & Lake yy & fish stories galore. The action seemed to die down so We decide to hit a few connected lakes to try our luck. Once we hit Lake Y it's decided we'd blow through this lake for Lake Z, beautiful lakes these were.



We hit a few spots along the way with not much happening. We were to land on the island until we spied this spot & b-line for it.




Great drop off but Chris would bag the only one at this spot but what a beauty it was.




Lots of fishing talk later Brad brings up a secret lake that Chris knows. Brad & Steve have never fished it so Chris tells them how to make their way into this lake, too much for it to happen this day but Sunday is a whole other day. Chris receives a text on Sunday with this





They hit pay dirt on this lake, nothing huge but lots of action. I think it's safe to say that us 4 will be fishing together again maybe even quite often as time allows. I echo Chris's remarks in another thread, OFC'rs are a rare breed & haven't met one that has been anything other than fantastic. Great day!!


Final shot, Longmorn is a decent whisky, this 16yr replaced a far superior 15yr a few years ago, its good but the 15 was a hell of allot better





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I sure hope that you guys blindfolded Brad and Steve !

Even blindfolded, Im sure they would still find the lake.





There was no use blindfolding them because they already knew all the lakes.


Your name came up in conversation msp.





You have your priorities straight Bri, good man. It looks like you guys had some fun on Saturday.

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Chris---why so glum??. If I'd caught a speck that size I'd be grinning from ear to ear!! :)

I guess I missed a good opportunity. Double dang darn!!. It looks like the expression "...and a good time was had by all' would apply here.

(BTW, I understand it's considered good etiquette for the guide to let his guest catch(or at least land) the biggest fish. :lol: )

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Thanks for the great day guys. New friends, beautiful lakes, awesome weather and even a few fish to top it off. You're right, you can't beat a trip like that.


It's funny, a few weeks ago I was praying for an early ice season - now I'm hoping it holds off a couple more weeks.


And chris.brock is selling himself short - He's like an encyclopedia for the area.

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