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Do you like fish pics taken "Al Linder" style?


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I don't see what you're blabbing about.




Lol Chris that's a perfect example of the EAP (extended arm pic)


I'm with the OP on this one. I don't see it as showcasing as much as trying to make a fish look bigger to boost someones ego. Honestly, it just kinda bugs me when I see guys intentionally making 2-3 lb fish look like hogs, hoping to fool the unsuspecting. But whatever... With the real big ones you can usually tell but even a 5lb walleye can easily be made to look like a 10+. Just look for the sausage fingers hehe.

That's why as a rule I rarely comment on pics anymore, except for the obvious ones. Even then it's still hard to tell for sure sometimes. A tape picture is great to prove length, and a weight to justify the pic would be nice but I fully understand that posting a weight just puts folks at risk of criticism, as pics are so easy to manipulate.


Btw Chris, that's quite the buddy you have looking in on ya from the garage door window lol. Must be a story there.



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Nope, I agree with you. Some pics there's no way to tell if it's 8lbs or 18 lbs.


Dave, you're hiding your hands in that Beteau pic. If you're 6', I would guess around 22 lbs.


Wasn't hiding them on purpose. ;)

Fish was 45". I'm guessing 25-27#s B)

Edited by DRIFTER_016
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I Like fish pics.I don't care how the pics were taken. They're still much better than looking at pics of what everyone had for supper the night before.The difference between the two is that holding a fish pic out makes the fish look like a pig.....holding your meal out makes YOU look like a pig.

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There's so much trickery when it comes to photography.. If you've got an eye for it, you just laugh at those certain types of pictures... The guys holding the fish 4ft away from their bodies are the best ones though, they look like midgets!

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