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life jacket legislation


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pointing out your opinion is also your belief as well. if you choose to not wear a PFD that is really your decision, however its not much different than arguing against seat belts.


People can do whatever they want, im just pointing out the fact that the regulation is clearly not straight forward enough if people are still getting confused.


I honestly could care less if more anglers drowned while not wearing PFD's...more fish for the rest of us i say.


did I seriously just read that ,sad statemant really

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do you guys feel like its a tragedy when someone drinks and drives and kills themself? or doesnt wear a seatbelt and dies from a fender bender?


just pointing out how dumb it is. We all do dumb things but when i hear stories of guys out on the lakes not wearing life jackets and falling in and drowing all the time, it makes me think hmm maybe that $150 spent on a good comfortable PFD would be worth the dough?


I guess IMO its not much of a tragedy if it can be very very very easily prevented.


My uncle is a retired search and rescue technician, hes told me outright, 100% of the people that he was able to rescue floating in water were wearing a life preserver.


Ask an OPP officer if they enjoy pulling bodies off the bottom of lakes and informing your next of kin.


cant believe im catching flak for stating common sense.

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i dont think you can compare them

drinking and driving is against the law and a hazard to others

not wearing a lifejacket is not against the law and you risk only your own life


thats like comparing murder and farting

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Once the boat stops off comes my PFD.


Same with my kiddos.


But that would probably be much different if I was fishing lake O or any big body of water.


We use float suits at ice out and my kids arent allowed in the boat at that time(but thats also river fishing with strong currents.


There seems to be some grey areas with COs as well. I got a warning last year on a tiny lake, 20ft from shore in a paddleboat, for no PFD.


Off topic but fishing crappie from a paddleboat is fun???


And lol terry???

Edited by manitoubass2
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You can't prevent everyone from doing things that can harm oneself; that's called a police state. Most people that operated boats all their lives know when and where a lifejacket should be worn. I believe many of the drowning situations are renters and clueless of the risks involved with boating until it's too late.

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pointing out your opinion is also your belief as well. if you choose to not wear a PFD that is really your decision, however its not much different than arguing against seat belts.


People can do whatever they want, im just pointing out the fact that the regulation is clearly not straight forward enough if people are still getting confused.


I honestly could care less if more anglers drowned while not wearing PFD's...more fish for the rest of us i say.



There is only one person that is confused about the regulation and he got a $500.00 fine for not having life jackets for his passengers.


I still think this is covered in the handbook you read to take a boaters card test


The last thing I need is another law forcing me to wear a PFD in my boat.

All the CO or OPP has to do is sit somewhere and wait till I take it off to apply sunscreen and jump me with a fine

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You can't prevent everyone from doing things that can harm oneself; that's called a police state. Most people that operated boats all their lives know when and where a lifejacket should be worn. I believe many of the drowning situations are renters and clueless of the risks involved with boating until it's too late.

I would bet my paycheck that most casualties on the water are by boaters with little to no experience, in a situation anyone with common sense would not be in.


Im guilty of not wearing a lifejacket, and i've never needed it....because I dont put myself in situations where I would be at risk of needing it.


And, yeah, there is always the risk of something happening, but I could also be killed walking down the sidewalk, so i'll take my chances.



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This discussion got me thinking. You are out on the water and unless you are Jesus you can't walk on it.


  • The Death Of Common Sense. Obituary Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: - Knowing when to come in out of the rain; - Why the early bird gets the worm; - Life isn't always fair; and - Maybe it was my fault.. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife, Discretion, by his daughter, Responsibility, and by his son, Reason. .. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing.
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I copied this from a discussion on another forum:


You are 26 times more likely to die of a fall than by drowning, why don't we have a program to encourage people to wear helmets while on ladders or roofs?

You are also 7 times more likely to drown from falling into a swimming pool, bathtub, or other body of water than by boating. Should we ask people to wear PFDs when they are within 6' of water? Should we fence off all water?

You are also about 10 times more likely to be killed as a pedestrian or twice as likely to be killed on a bicycle than by drowning in a boating accident. Should we require helmets and body armor?

You are twice as likely to freeze to death from natural cold than drown in a boating accident. Should we require people wear jackets?

What is acceptable risk? I say all this fretting over wearing life jackets is just stupid. I say it's up to each person to weigh the risks and decide for themselves and certainly not up to some condescending finger-wagging ninny or cubicle dwelling bureaucrat what gear I wear on any given day.


Agreed! This fishing season, I decided to start wearing a PFD whenever the motor is running, during the cold-water period. Not interested in wearing one in 25-30 degree weather. My personal choice...we already live in a police state, being bothered every time we go out on the water checking for safety equipment while boaters around us on the water and at the launch ramp use no common sense. We don't need more rules.

Edited by Spanky
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I think you are generalizing the entire population of us who wear inflatable PFD's


I wear mine literally every time im fishing now.


Honestly you should try them out, they are by far one of the best investments ive ever made when it comes to fishing gear.



I too wear one, BUT, it,s always in the back of my mind, if Im knocked out or pass out, whos pulling the rip cord? I fall or slip in and Im done. They are comfortable to wear, but there is a down side.




to be short, no i dont feel bad when people that I do not know die from doing something stupid.


How about the ones you would know? You cant have it both ways here.


I would say to the OP. Try to get the fine lowered and get the jackets where all can get to them fast. No need to lose a life.

Edited by Brian B
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There seems to be some grey areas with COs as well. I got a warning last year on a tiny lake, 20ft from shore in a paddleboat, for no PFD.

Actually where do you see a grey area?

In this case you legally required life jackets.

It's not a grey area just because the CO choose to use his disgression and issue a warning instead of a fine.

The next guy may not be as lucky especially if he has an attitude.

Edited by Woodsman
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Actually where do you see a grey area?

In this case you legally required life jackets.

It's not a grey area just because the CO choose to use his disgression and issue a warning instead of a fine.

The next guy may not be as lucky especially if he has an attitude.

I should have worded that better. We both had PFDs they just were not on.


And the grey area is a No pfd law is never enforced around here for non motored vehicles.


Where I was was also where I swim, lol, and i sure as heck dont wear a PFD doing that!

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If you had the PFD's no law was broken in that respect & the CO was full of it.

Now did he inspect you for the other required safety equipment?

Still not a grey area if they choose not to enforce the law.

It's call disgression.

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I wear my pfd in my canoe unless it's hot and the water is warm. If I was req'd by law to wear it I'd have to jump into the lake more often just to cool off! I would probably still be OK to take my pfd off while swimming but I'd have to put it on when I got back into the canoe in case I fell into the lake. If this makes sense to you give your head a good vigorous shake!! :oops:

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I wear my Auto inflator also 100%. So comfortable I've drove home put the boat away and had a nap and had the wife ask when I'm taking it off.


Several times.


Finally some people that see my side...


If someone I know dies from something easily preventable, its sad but I can guarantee you it would be a hefty reminder to always wear a PFD.


Once again, to each his own. If you are on a small lake in the middle of summer and you arent wearing a PFD, then whatever, but if you are on on Lake O by yourself...you might just end up like the body of that salmon fisherman they found a week ago.


I can tell you right now, the number of us on here that have had close calls or at least know someone who has either died or been close to dying from falling in the lake is probably huge.


My uncle has been in a boat where someone fell off and drowned. My dad has fallen off of the boat and was unable to get himself back in by himself.


Lew thats why i think the manual inflatables are a little ridiculous. If you are in a boat crash there is a very good chance you will not be able to pull the rip cord yourself, hence wearing auto inflatables.


As Garnet mentioned, my cabellas guidewear auto inflate is so comfortable that i go home and lay down on the couch and then realize I am still wearing it.

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Lew thats why i think the manual inflatables are a little ridiculous. If you are in a boat crash there is a very good chance you will not be able to pull the rip cord yourself, hence wearing auto inflatables.


Actually, I have no idea why you directed that comment at me as I wear Mustangs top of the line auto-inflate all the time when I'm in the boat by myself and often when I have a partner with me.



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