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That time of year again, the scammers are hard at it. Had two cretins from OEG trying to barg into my house to check my furnace and A/C. Do some internet research before you even open the door to these thugs. Any Grannies and Grandpas in your neighbourhood clue them in.

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The "Weed Man" folks have been bad here recently. I believe that they are trained to not accept no as an answer... but there's more.

Apparently, the door to door folks get paid "something" if they can get you to agree to a follow-up phone call. They get a little upset when you say no. I've had to close the door in their face a few times already this year.

Time to dig the power washer outta the basement!


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I love living at the far end of a dirt road cause I haven't seen any door to door yahoo's since I've been here, other than the jehovas doods my 1st summer here. After I finished telling them exactly what I thought of them and their religion, they never came back.

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I had one of those jerks knock on my door at 7:00 PM on a Friday nite in February. He got really pi#*y when I told him that there was no way that he was getting to look at my water heater at that time and that unless I got word from the company that I rent from that they were coming, he wasn't getting in. I literally had to slam the door in his face. I e-mailed the rental company that nite, and sure nuff, they hadn't sent anyone around.

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Our dog usually notifies us of any movement on the street :blahblah1: The last two that stopped by, got their intoduction to the "4 Legged Pirranha" after the 3 standard "NO" answers from me. I'm surprised that I didn't get a bill for the one guys designer jeans :whistling: Should have seen them turn tail........OOPS! How'd he get out? :clapping:

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Sort of in the same boat as Lew, we haven't had any "door to door" people here in many years. They seem to like to hit more populated areas or it could just be that I gave the last ones 30 seconds to get off my property before I called the cops.

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