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Announcement From Ofnc


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It's been a month since we opened the doors to the new site. The traffic flow for this time of year has been phenomenal. We are about 10% ahead of last year at this time, which surprised us because we had made efforts to reduce the garbage that was happening which we thought would reduce page views by about 25% overall.


In the last 31 days we have had 10.3 million hits, 1.3 million total page views and over 64,000 visitors. Our page per visitor is an astonishing 20+ right now. Considering we did a few things like have 50 thread visible per page and 25 responses per page, this is quite huge. We did 36 GB of data transfer. This is also really huge. This is likely triple what we did on the old server and is a testament to our host.


We launched 3 skin packs and added several new sponsors to our site. We've made the pricing very attractive for our banner ads and between that and our Google ads, we should be able to keep this afloat without more money coming out of our pockets.


In January we will be adding new software as well as upgrading the board software to the newest version. To see the newest version, you can click on the Invision link in the copyright line at the bottom of the page. We're not upgrading just yet cause all the skins are not available for it and we want to make sure there are no bugs in the upgrade script. This site will always implement security updates the day they are available. The newest version available is a core upgrade and not a security upgrade.


With success comes trouble..it is inevitable. We are not babes in the woods and we know the ramifications of our actions. Still, some stuff has come about we were not prepared for and because of it, certain changes will be put in place. Also, we made some administrative changes to reflect the changing nature of the business.


As of last month, this site is no longer the property of the Ontario Fishing Network. It is now co-owned by four members. Since the Ontario Fishing Network board was more than just a site....it was more like a community...we needed to make changes to not only reflect that, but to protect the owners.

Hence the OFC Community was born. While it maintains strong ties to the Ontario Fishing Network, it is not directly a part of that business.


There's a few reasons for this move. First and foremost the nature of the site meant it was important to seperate it from everything else TJ was doing. TJ never really dream't this thing would take on a life of its own. It had grown to the point where it was taking up 90% of his time but only contributing less than 1% of the income. This was an untenable position.


TJ then approached Spiel, Roy and myself and a partnership was inititated. This partnership will likely result in a new Corporation in the new year. The corporation is now needed to protect the families and assets of the sites owners.


Recently we have been under a barrage of legal threats. While the threats are quite without merit as well as a really huge pain in the ass, they have to be dealt with. Unfortunately, because of the name recognition, TJ was bearing the brunt of these communications. It was, in my opinion, a disgusting set of acts brought upon TJ. For this reason we are laying out for everyone to see the list of owners and admins along with their duties for all to see. Also, it is no longer TJ's sole role to accept complaints and he will no longer receive them at his personal email address. All complaints must be sent to [email protected] . Reporting a post will still be done the old way (clicking on the report button on an offending post). The complaint address will be forwarded to a site owner and this will be rotated amongst the group ... likely on a monthly or bi-monthly basis.


Site Admins and Root Admins (owners);




Marty, DanC and Muskiestudd are the site admins and mods. Marty also provides legal advice to the site and his contribution of late has been exemplary. These guys also have full access to all site functions. There's no way we could do this without them. Kirk has also helped us out in the legal area with sage advice on Ontario law.


Root Administrators


Roy- Roy is in charge of making sure the bills get paid. He is also in charge of the Old Milwaukee.


Spiel- Spiel is in charge of overseeing all admin actions and functions as well as his duties with the Fishing News department. He is also the reigning tiller boat champion.


TJ Quesnel- TJ is in charge of contests and promotions as well as advertising sales. He's the best salesman in his height category, bar none.

Rick O'Banion- Rick is in charge of software and graphics. The alpha-geek.


OFNcommu- The OFNcommu name is a non-deletable core admin account. This is used to recover the site in case of an attack and has a quadruple encrypted protection lock.


ALL Site and Root Admins get copies of the "REPORT" button. The first person to get this PM will deal with the report in what ever ways seems fit.


Site assets - The site is run on Invision Power Board and Gallery. Quite simply they are the most secure, finest pieces of forum software available. It isn't cheap, but it is the best. Skins are all done by Kim (member name Dragonfly). The site is hosted by Invison Hosting on a secure server in Virgina, USA.

This site and its predecessors have always been successful due to the participants and alot of hard work behind the scenes. None of us will stand idly by and watch anyone try and dismantle it for any reason.


It is your site. Use it, promote it and protect it.

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I'm in, no problem, anything you guys says goes, thats it , thats all.


KISS priciple, keep it simple stupid, and I am simple, lol.


No , not really, but I will try to not tarnish this site in any way, I like it here.


You let Chris(Spiel) be in charge of WHAT!!!!

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This is such a wonderful site and while I like to pretend that it is without issue and appreciate being protected from a lot of the bullcrap, I can't say enough for the core guys that keep this wonderful place together. I cannot tell you how much your efforts are appreciated.

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I think the new name says it all...it's a community here. There are not enough thank-yous to go around to the admins and moderators. There is a lot of crap you guys have to put up with to keep this site going.


The information and humour this site gives means a lot to the members....my wife and I included. It's not said enough, but I want to say THANK YOU to all who make this community something special....and that includes all the great members here.

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Honestly anyone threatening lawsuits should try getting up off the computer and discovering life outside the confines of free, public fishing forums.


Let me guess, the old "Slander" Bull.

There's no value in me giviing out specifics, but I agree with the last two letters of your response.

Gee...are there voting or non-voting shares available for purchase? :unsure::rolleyes:

I'm working out the IPO now....dang now I violated SEC regs.

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As a new moderator here, I would have never guessed what goes on behind the scenes. Sure, I've seen the odd post disappear in the past and such. But there's much more that goes on to keep this place running that I would have never dreamed of. Kudos to the mods of the past and I hope that I can carry on the legacy that is required to keep this place a decent and fun place to chat about fishing, and whatever, and most importantly, to meet new friends. OFC is a very special place. I'm proud to be here.

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Maybe Im just old school but I have a hard time understanding how or why anyone would want to dismantle or do harm to this forum. :dunno: .Isnt it just a bunch of people who want to discuss fishing?


I know what you mean....I don't get some people. They get some sort of kick out of it, or they have to much time on their hands..... we should get the boys here to crack their super geek hacker sites! haha


Good work guys - the numbers say it all!



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I'd like to thank the Root and Core admins for a darn fine job well done!!! Y'all have made this board what it is today and should be very proud of yourselves! I've seen this board change and grow and it has all been for the better.


I'd also like to thank the good members of this board, for their time and contributions. The fishing reports are half of what this board is about and it takes alot of time and effort to post them and I thank everyone that has posted one. The "How To" questions and answers, humor, rants, and support (looking for and giving) posts are the other half of this board and adds a certain variety that also adds interest.


To me this board is a little more like a family than a community... quite dysfunctional at times... but a family none the less :lol: ... and without the fine folks behind the admin. controls it would go to hell in a handbag quickly!


So a big THANK YOU to everybody and have a Happy and Safe Holidays!!! :santa:



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I feel shame,as I am part of the reason for one of those acts against this site. :(


I for one will keep my comments to myself,as it seems, a thicker skin is worth much B)



If theres shares to buy,Wyane can you buy some for me.LOL ;)



Thanks to TJ for the call btw the other night, and the backing of all the members here with the numerous pm,s I recieved. :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:



Happy holidays to all ,may you have a safe and maybe a white christmas. :santa::santa::santa::santa::santa:

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unfortunatley im with misfish and I will keep my vitrol to myself

sorry if I have caused you grief in the past

I have never meant harm just get a little aggitated at times

I promise i'll be a good boy in the new year and from now on :angel:


By the way this site the people on it and the individuals that run it KICK A$$


THANKS :thumbsup_anim:

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Ya but...What have you done for us today??? :):):)


Just Kidding...you guys in the background are doing a super job with this site...


You and all the members have provided this old fart with many grand and glorious moments over the past 5 years and also some bad and sad moments also...but that is no different than our immediate family...and that's all part of life... ;)

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Thanks for the support guys, this new setup is going to allow for better moderation, and since the switch to the new setup we've been getting a few more advertisers looking in as well.


I'm so happy that all the mods are willing to step up to the plate for me. Yes our family is a bit dysfunctional at times.. but lol.. what family isn't... I don't think there is such a thing as a functional family anyway (mines fine but they have me to contend with...)


I liked DanC's post about what an eye opener it is to see what goes on around here while we attempt to please everyone.. lol... One of the things that makes this a difficult job for me is that I hate having anyone mad at me.. always have... so I think that over the years I have perhaps let some members stay on too long cause I tried to please them, when in fact most of them looked at this as a vuneralbility.


The other nite (for the countless time) the wife and I sat down and discussed once again what was the point to doing all this... over the years I have come to the brink of closing the board down countless times, it has cause me many many sleepless nights and has ruined many (and I'm not kidding - many a family vacation) I'm too thinned skinned sometimes, I know. Very recently it was Jadens 10th birthday... and I spent most of the day on here trying to keep an eye on what was going on and pming people to try and settle issues down, when I should have been with my daughter. I'm not loooking for sympathy here, but alot of users don't really appreciate what it takes to keep this place going even close to smoothly.


It would be one thing if we were rolling in the cash here, but, and I'm sure any other messageboard owner will tell you its a labour of love and not profit.


Trouble makers will always come and go around here, that's a fact that we can't get away from. Fortunalty with this new setup, its not all on me anymore and LOL.. I have some partners that are gonna allow me to get on with the fun stuff.


Thanks to them and thanks to all board members.

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Great work as usual guys!!


Thanks to all you ADMIN's who deal with all the CRAP, so the rest of us can have a great place to share, laugh (at & with), and cry with others!


OFC is truly something unique, and I'm not sure what I'd do if it went away!! Yikes...I may have to actually work during the day!!



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I have been sitting at my desk today trying to compose a post to say THANK YOU and to let all those involved with running this wonderful site how much I appreciate their hard work and how it would truely break my heart if anything were to happen to it.


I am finding it just about impossible without writing a novel. So, in an effort to be brief but in no way minimize the meaning....


This board/community has made me sit in awe/amazement/wonder, made me laugh and a few times, almost cry. I have been "online" a long time,longer than I have known my husband and over the years I have joined and left many message boards. This is the ONLY website/message board that I have ever frequented that I would actually pay a membership fee to be part of. If there is ever a way that I can help out, Please,let me know!



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WOW...you guys ,the moderators and the admin, and TJ, you guys are awsome and always deserve a round of applause for all the hard work you guys do,to keep us here,and to make it all happen,thanks very much for all that all of :worthy: you guys do... :thumbsup_anim::santa: keep up the hard work,and we will stand behind this site and ,will back you guys no matter what......cheers and MERRY CHRISTMAS :santa::santa::santa:

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Great work as usual guys!!


OFC is truly something unique, and I'm not sure what I'd do if it went away!! Yikes...I may have to actually work during the day!!


LOL Dustin, this is something that I struggle with everyday....keep saying to self don't do it ...ah just for a minute :rolleyes::dunno::lol:


Thanks to everyone involved in keeping this a great place to be a part of!


Happy Holidays!



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