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Are illegal drugs a major problem in Canada as they are in the states ? I'm from a small town 14000 and it got bad around here a few years ago. Meth and such.

Posted (edited)

a man in my area was just convicted of manslaughter for mixing fentanyl with cocaine and caused a woman to overdose and die.he got 10 years

Edited by offgriddin


" The wholesaler distributed 2.6 million hydrocodone tablets and 2.3 million units of oxycodone to a pharmacy in a West Virginia town of only 1,400 people between 2011 and 2015, the Justice Department said. One of the pharmacists operated in that town, the indictment says. "

Not all of them honest businessmen may be honest? I think overdose kits are available everywhere now.


China is knowingly exporting illegal drugs to north America..combine that with opioids making big pharma rich , politicians taking money for political gain and everyone in between making a hell of a lot of money.. theres no real incentive to put an end to it other than punishing the ones that are addicted, especially in the US where you have privately run jails making profits on incarceration.. 

  On 7/21/2019 at 4:23 AM, offgriddin said:

a man in my area was just convicted of manslaughter for mixing fentanyl with cocaine and caused a woman to overdose and die.he got 10 years


I'm hearing that they are lacing pot with fentanyl for, which is very scary.

Posted (edited)

big money. The only way it stops is if people stop using them. When there is a market, there is a seller its as simple as that.

Ive never used drugs myself (weed doesnt count people)

Nor am I happy at all when people I know use them. With people cutting all types of stuff with Fentanyl youd have to love playing russian roulette taking cocaine or meth or even ecstacy at this point.

Dont do drugs, go fishing.


Would you consider Barrie a small town anymore? Cause holy cow the problem is going completely off of the rails there. I only pass through regularily and dont live there and I am noticing the problem growing exponentially. It almost is a given now that 50% of the times i pass through Barrie i see something completely messed up. Seems to be Meth thats causing the problem up there now.


St Catharines sure isn't the place I remember 60 years ago as a kid, the area near the old hospital they are demolishing is bad with obvious druggies, Church and Niagara seems to be the epicentre of drug use.


Brantford has been hammered with opioid use as well. It says something when the washrooms at Timmys and the library in that town, have sharps containers. Which I think is a smart idea as it gets syringes off the streets and parks. 


Substance abuse is an epidemic throughout Ontario. And it will get worse. Lack of enforcement, political will, moral conscience says it all. The youth of much of our modern society no longer have  the promise of a bright future where every dream was possible. We've given most of our industry and manufacturing to the third world while creating unrealistic financial goals for the next generation, crippling debt outrageous inflation. Many born since the 80's see no hope or promise for the future and wait for the socialized silver spoon to look after them.

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The world is in a sad state of affairs set to burst. When I don't know but I fear for my kid's and grand kid's.

Posted (edited)

The simple answer to the question is YES. We have the same problems here as you do in the States. From small towns to big cities. Remember we only have close to 40 million citizens here while you have close to 400 million. So you may have more addicts than we have people. But prorated the problem is just as bad, unfortunately. If someone here says their city or little county, town, village or hamlet doesn't have a drug problem they don't get out much or have their heads buried in the sand or up their arses. It has effected everyone from the teens experimenting to your 75 year old Aunt Milly who has been hooked on Opiates for years since she had that hip replacement and her Doc was handing her out Oxy's like candy on Halloween. 

My crystal ball tells me this thread will be locked soon. 

Edited by Old Ironmaker

Would depend on how much you retrack the thread there old fella. ^^^^^^ Small towns can be very bad, some of the people I have hopping/walking by my place on the main highway is scary. Cameras can help for sure. Just going in our small town, and many others it is a mess, nevermind the cities. We all have our share but like others have said it is growing like crazy. Keep your vehicles locked and windows up, keep the house locked up with windows locked. All you can do. I heard a few times now about people cutting screens open on house windows and people waking up to find someone in their house. Things are changing, but it is a mess. 

Posted (edited)
  On 7/21/2019 at 4:23 AM, offgriddin said:

a man in my area was just convicted of manslaughter for mixing fentanyl with cocaine and caused a woman to overdose and die.he got 10 years


10  years for murder. Off to a half way house in maybe 4. That says it all right there. Even though I don't see incarceration as a deterrent to crime murdering another human being must result in a lifetime locked away to keep that murderer from doing it again.  But if you are going to be a criminal be a criminal in Canada. You get 10 years for unpaid parking tickets in California and 25 to life for possession and distribution of a pound of weed in many states. Many years ago a real deal wiseguy from Youngstown Ohio told me he knew crews that were robbing jewelry stores and banks in the 70's up to 2000 in Windsor, Niagara Falls and Montreal because the chance of doing hard time if convicted was slim to none here in Canada. There was a CBC report on TV years ago that had interviewed 4 Americans from Detroit that were incarcerated in Worksworth Pen. If I recall correctly a short sentence for robbery and drug trafficking. They were in what was basically a 2 bedroom condo complete with color TV, stereo, outdoor patio and a BBQ. They all said it was the nicest place they had ever lived in their entire lives. Growing up they shared 2 bedrooms in squalor with up to10 brothers and sisters in Detroit, if they had a place squatting and weren't split up amongst family for a small fee, if they could pay. If they were lucky they weren't the ones living out of an abandoned mini van when they couldn't find a place to squat. 

Edited by Old Ironmaker

I have no issues with a discussion on this subject because it is a fact drugs are not the answer and are also out of control everywhere. Please keep the comments factual and not turn into a mud sling about locations and cultures and we are fine. 


  On 7/23/2019 at 12:23 AM, bigugli said:

Substance abuse is an epidemic throughout Ontario. And it will get worse. Lack of enforcement, political will, moral conscience says it all. The youth of much of our modern society no longer have  the promise of a bright future where every dream was possible. We've given most of our industry and manufacturing to the third world while creating unrealistic financial goals for the next generation, crippling debt outrageous inflation. Many born since the 80's see no hope or promise for the future and wait for the socialized silver spoon to look after them.


Probably the best way to deal with drug problems is to deal with the root societal issues like mentioned.  However, that being said, there will always be chemical drug users.

  On 7/23/2019 at 3:18 AM, Old Ironmaker said:

10  years for murder. Off to a half way house in maybe 4. That says it all right there. Even though I don't see incarceration as a deterrent to crime murdering another human being must result in a lifetime locked away to keep that murderer from doing it again.  But if you are going to be a criminal be a criminal in Canada. You get 10 years for unpaid parking tickets in California and 25 to life for possession and distribution of a pound of weed in many states. Many years ago a real deal wiseguy from Youngstown Ohio told me he knew crews that were robbing jewelry stores and banks in the 70's up to 2000 in Windsor, Niagara Falls and Montreal because the chance of doing hard time if convicted was slim to none here in Canada. There was a CBC report on TV years ago that had interviewed 4 Americans from Detroit that were incarcerated in Worksworth Pen. If I recall correctly a short sentence for robbery and drug trafficking. They were in what was basically a 2 bedroom condo complete with color TV, stereo, outdoor patio and a BBQ. They all said it was the nicest place they had ever lived in their entire lives. Growing up they shared 2 bedrooms in squalor with up to10 brothers and sisters in Detroit, if they had a place squatting and weren't split up amongst family for a small fee, if they could pay. If they were lucky they weren't the ones living out of an abandoned mini van when they couldn't find a place to squat. 


it should be first degree cause lacing drugs knowing it can cause harm is premeditated

  On 7/24/2019 at 12:06 PM, offgriddin said:

it should be first degree cause lacing drugs knowing it can cause harm is premeditated


Of course it should. If someone knowingly does something that will kill someone in my mind that is premeditated and should be murder in the 1st degree. They get off with 2nd degree or manslaughter when the words "will kill" is replaced with "might kill.". 


My workplace is huge, but I've had lots of young/ middle aged coworkers die in the last couple years and the cause of death is never revealed.

Yes, I think there is a problem up here too.

Posted (edited)

  Do you guys think small town Ontario is still hardest hit per capita versus city centers? 

  My wife and I love Road tripping and stopping through a lot of smaller  towns in around southern Ontario. It feels to me like there’s some pretty heavy down and out people whether it’s drug use or not in places such as Owensound Midland Collingwood etc. And eastern Ontario such as   Peterborough And Perth. 

 It almost seems to me like they’re more visible in the small towns that in the cities.  That being said I don’t go into the GTA too often. I’m not sure what the core looks like.

 The reason I’m asking, is because I’m wondering if there’s a correlation with the availability of good work.  If the area is economically depressed, so too are the people?   We often consider moving places when we retire and we’ve crossed off an awful lot of them. Just too rough ( I hope I don’t sound like an uppity dick)

Edited by Hack_Fisherman
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