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Cancer has struck me NF


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Good Rick. I know you know your stuff when it comes to healing. If I was in Brians shoes I would be seeing an Oncologist in T.O. to manage the treatments. Not saying that a St. Catherines Dr. isn't good but I want the best and a dear friend is Bone Cancer free for 14 years now because her husband insisted on the best. She had the same bone Cancer as Terry Fox and went to Mt. Sinai in TO and has Terry Fox's Dr. to get the best treatment management available in the country. He saved her life she strongly believes to this day.


You reading this Bri? At least get a second opinion for a game plan from the Jaravinski Cancer Clinic in Hamilton.


What do you call someone that came in dead last in their class at Medical School?




I would want the best available to look at the plan of attack to kick this thing to the curb.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Even though we have yet to meet Brian I feel like I know you (and many others here). Some days I have positive stores to share and others not so much. Today I'm at a loss as to what to say here... My (now ex) Father-in-law has been going through treatment for cancer (not bone like you) and yes he is beating it! I have FULL FAITH YOU CAN TOO just based on your attitude alone! Stay strong fine sir!


PS, as for the medical MJ I will pm a friend who's using it for her pain while she's being treated. If she let's me know I'll pm you but I cannot tell you what each type of 'strand' is best for what when it comes to that stuff.

Edited by GBW
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Thanx guys for all the encouragement & advice. PMs to assist me in the use of weed is definitely an area where I need help - never smoke a joint in my life till last Tuesday. 3 puffs, then I waited about 6 minutes & I felt better.

Fish Farmer - Sorry I didn't call you before posting, but thanx for the kind words

Fishburn - I'm definitely gonna check out the Rick Simpson video thanx

Limey - I know your area a little bit, had a wonderful time on the English River. I'm already planning a trip up your way perhaps for the month of June. I'm planning ahead, but guess what? It's gonna happen!!

Float n fly - Awesome story about your wife's boss beating this dreaded disease!

Wooden boater - Guess what? I will be part of the campfire stories next June!

Big Guy - I WILL BEAT THIS BUMP IN LIFE! 4 in 10 million, incredible odds. Losing your sense of smell & taste are minor detail as you are still on the right side of the sod!!

Ironmaker - Yup I know I have to get the right strain for the right name of cancer. I'm sure I'll be getting the proper name in the next day or so. By the way that was a 30", 9 lber! I hooked it, reeled it in - You were the witness! LOL! Thanx for reaching out to our community to get advice on the use of weed. I never smoked but have recently toked a couple. 3 Puffs then put it out. I'm fortunate that I have a neighbor who has helped me out!! Awesome! Please tell me more about the treatment at Mt. Sinai

There has been a tremendous response here which is great! I'm definitely going to follow up on them. PMs about the use of weed is more than welcome. Thanx Guys

Right now I'm just waiting for an invite to Wabagoon via Limey's guide service! LOL!

F Cancer

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Well OI...if she had "Terry Fox's" Osteo-Sarcoma I know whom her oncologist most likely was and whom her surgeon was. I've spent too many friggin hours sitting with both of them! Why I asked Brian yesterday what his diagnosis actually was.


Unfortunately I'm gone come Thursday am for 10 days.. but if Brian has an answer before I go away I'll give him direct email contact for the Oncologist that took Martin Blackstein's spot and is much further ahead in research. Wish he'd been on board when Jen started into her treatment for Ewing's Sarcoma.. Osteos brother!


If it is Osteo... I can personally put Brian in touch with both of these Doctors.. 



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This news saddens me deeply Brian.


But your a tough dude. Only met you once, but you radiate strength. And you obviously have the moral support from a pile of people!! And that never hurts.


Pm me if you want to chat. My grandma is 85 and has been surviving bone cancer for 3 years. She gave away lots of her things years ago thinking she was going to die within the year. And now you talk to her on the phone and she says she's "better"!! She's got many years left, I am sure! Once she finally broke her old school "no pain meds" mentality. For the first 6 months she hardly even took a Tylenol. The pain nearly killed her. We finally convinced her to put on a patch. And that combined with treatment, she started to feel better in a hurry!!


I'm not worried about you man. Your stronger than this disease. Keep your chin up!

Edited by N.A.W
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Brian, everyone means well and despite that you're going to be overwhelmed with "great advise" You yourself need to put it all through the crap filter and decipher what you need to hear and what you want to hear.


You are going to hear that you need to change your diet.. stop eating red meat.... no sugar.. eat this fruit and that fruit (which of course negates that "no sugar" nonsense). None of that nonsense will change anything at this point in time.


DO NOT sit down and Google your symptoms, it WILL NOT make you feel better and it won't cure you. Trust me fully on that...


As for the pros and cons of cannabis oil, like many things it will work for some and not for others. One of my bestest fishing pals cured himself on this route, from what was otherwise a "get your things in order" diagnosis. He's still going some 5 years later, healthy and enjoying life again. The same thing would have never worked for Jennifer with her Ewing's and the way it spread in the blood stream.


As for how to switch.... see what they tell you in St Catherines. Get on their protocol regardless and proceed from there as you gain information. If it is Osteo Sacroma.. let me know ASAP and I'll try to help you connect the dots.

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Many strains are effective, but we need to divide marijuana into 2 categories.


1.CDC will help apoptosis(death) of the cancer cells and help regrow bone cells. This is typically an ingestible oil given via softgel or tincture.


2.pain relief, this is where you want a quality indica strain. Many of these exist and you'll have zero issues finding a quality indica. This will require a little research. I sent you a link to what strains are more effective for each symptom/ailment or disease.


This is all to be discussed with your Dr. Because 1, your also on a potent medication for pain, so this is going to create variables. 2, you need to show him your doing proper research and are willing to battle said disease.


Trust me, your attitude is crucial. Not only for your own well being, but also for your treatment.


Question everything and document it(I know you have your book). If you don't understand, stand your ground as ask him for layman's terms and an example.


Physicians and even specialists can be horrible or awesome, I haven't figured out the science between determining why this is? One Dr is great for Joe, but horrible for marry. And some just suck, some are just awesome. One thing that helps is your attitude! So keep optimistic (I know you will) ask tons of questions, but do it politely. Want bad care? Question a drs knowledge, sure fire way. Most, not all, have quite the ego.


Look at the studies I sent you about immunocal(undenatured whey protein isolate). In my experience treating terminal cancers, this supplement is 3/3 in recovery, worth looking at. And unless you have kidney failure, it's certainly isn't going to hurt.


Chemo and radiation. These methods have come along way from "let's basically kill him and hope his cells recover". Is it going to suck? Yes. But probably not so much for you IMO. Before this you were very healthy and muscular, good mindset etc. You'll get naseated for sure, but that's part of what the marijuana is for. You'll lose your appetite, but that's what the marijuana is for.


Whomever stated avoiding meat and sugar isn't going to help you now, don't listen to that. One gunshot wound is better than 3. Keep off the crap(smokes and booze too)


That's all I have for now bud. Call as soon as your up to it.


And YES! I will fish sunset country with you in 2017.

Edited by manitoubass2
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Hi Brian, my sympathies. I would like to add one other view to the many great replies you have received.


There was a man on Simcoe named Shane. They called him Sly. He was out every winter on his Wilcraft on very thin ice, fishing. CTV would show him out there by himself on thin ice. Thing was, Sly could not talk anymore due to throat cancer. He was the most wonderful guy out there. He would help everybody. He knew his time was limited. He was followed by crowds of people on the lake to the place called Slyville (current location of Sly and his entourage on top of the laker and whities).


One year after I found out about him, Sly passed. I think he had a good choice with his time, like in the movie "Bucketlist". I have just witnessed 2 family members deal with cancer, through chemo/radiation. The treatments were horrendous. And the end still came. Life was prolonged, but it was a terrible existence for the patient and family.


We are uncertain when the end will come. We regret the things we did not do.


I agree with everyone's well wishes and the spirit to fight the cancer. I would just like to mention that you have a choice in treatments, and it is ok to to choose to use your time to complete your bucketlist instead of spending the time you have left on slow death through chemo/radiation.



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I can only wish you the best in what you decide for yourself in regards to treatment.

No one should be told or forced into something they don't fully understand

I only know that no one should deters you from doing what you want!


Keep strong.




if it was not for SlyATV I would be dead.

Edited by GbayGiant
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That's not the news that anyone wants to get. I dread getting any test results from the doctor because of hearing things like this. However, stay positive like others have said. I have seem a few people beat the big C. Looks like a lot of people are thinking of you!

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Get on the bull and ride it out of the corral Brian, it's all you can do. Chin up, positive attitude, tell jokes and enjoy the family as you go along.


The bull may throw you off or you may kick it in the ass... you won't know until the ride is over unfortunately.


Ignore the "my xxxx died of cancer" crowd, they mean well but just don't know what they should really be saying to someone in your position.


One day and step at a time. At least today you know what you're fighting against!



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Thanx once again for the encouragement! I had 2 more appointments to & 1 was with the radiologist. What a wonderful woman! The cancer name is Neuroendocrine. It is not bone cancer, but rather a cancer that started elsewhere & spread to my bones. They have yet to determine it's origin but don't forget there are still test results coming in, & also a brain & chest scan to be completed on Thursday. Tomorrow the radiologist is going to do a scan to prepare for for my first radiation treatment on Friday which will be followed by a consultation with my oncologist. By the way my radiologist is also an oncologist.

Yes I do remember Sly & Slyville. What a wonderful man! His legacy will live forever on Simcoe.

At this time I am very tired after a full day at the hospital, but before I leave - it's chin up,positive attitude, welcome all the advice I am able to!

Also I do like F Cancer has a nice ring to it!

F Cancer

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Wormdunker, We have never met, but this news sickens me! It seems like it is all i hear these days. So many people are being stricken with this disease. I am with you on this fight and wish you all the best. I look forward to you beating this thing in the very near future!


another "Brian"

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