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President Trump?


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I read Trump's win as a complete and total rejection of everything Obama.


Obama yes, but it doesn't end there. This was a message that anyone willing to give the current state of politics the finger and ruffle the feathers of the status quo has a place in today's system. This can't be pinned solely on Obama or any other democrat. It's about change. This is a large scale version of Rob Ford. He portrayed the image of anything but a politician and that's just what TO wanted.

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Donald ripped the band aid off US politics, and the voters didn't like what they saw and voted anti establishment more than for Trump.


With both Congress and Senate having a majority of Republican members he has cart blanch with whatever he wants to do.


I wish him and the American public the best.

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This may have been a message to both political parties here, a non politician wins? Maybe it's time for them to stop concentrating on what they want? and start showing more concern about what the people want?


He took a lot of rust belt states, I don't think a lot of people were down with Washington's trade deals? We have managed to survive every president so far?

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A victory for all the baser instincts---hatred, racism,bigotry.


They set their clocks waaay back----like to about 1920!!


My advice to Americans would be to read up on the politics of Germany in the 1930's.


ht tps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch


LOL, coincidence? Look at the date.

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"Across the Midwest, across the Rustbelt, I understand why a lot of people are angry. And they see Donald Trump as their human Molotov cocktail that they get to go into the voting booth on Nov 8. and throw him into our political system, I think they love the idea of blowing up the system,"


This was probably a majority of the rationale used when people made the choice to elect him in.


No matter who you were behind down here, its no time for gloating or for sour grapes.

Edited by Blaque
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Wow! Hillary doesnt even address her supporters.

That says something about her character.




I'm sure if the Republicans had a less controversial candidate it would have been a real blowout.


I think the same may have been true for the Democratic candidate.






And we did better by electing Trudeau?


I think we did. And I didn't vote for Trudeau.






You cancelled your membership to Steelhead Manifesto?

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I'm amazed this many of you have knowledge, and opinion, and seem to quite passionate about all of this. When Canada has an election, I'd bet there's only a handful of people in the US that have any idea of who is even running, or any knowledge of how the system works. I'd bet there is even less a chance that anyone cares.


Don't worry...as I've said before....Donald Trump won't be running the country. He'll certainly take credit for the successes and failures within his tenure though.


As an American, it was clear Hillary tried (and almost succeeded) to buy the election. And if I would have had to withstand four years of hearing her shrieking voice I would have surely moved to your side of the border.


Donald or Hillary...really doesn't matter much. Life here in the states rolls on...as it has for many, many presidential elections.

Edited by T-Bone
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I'm amazed this many of you have knowledge, and opinion, and seem to quite passionate about all of this. When Canada has an election, I'd bet there's only a handful of people in the US that have any idea of who is even running, or any knowledge of how the system works. I'd bet there is even less a chance that anyone cares.


Don't worry...as I've said before....Donald Trump won't be running the country. He'll certainly take credit for the successes and failures within his tenure though.


As an American, it was clear Hillary tried (and almost succeeded) to buy the election. And if I would have had to withstand four years of hearing her shrieking voice I would have surely moved to your side of the border.


Donald or Hillary...really doesn't matter much. Life here in the states rolls on...as it has for many, many presidential elections.

Im with you on that!


But im glad donald won. Itll change politics in the US as we know it.


And if hillary had successfully bought the vote, cold wart pt. 2 was about to get uglier and possibly hot

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Well I'm not a Trump fan but we agree on one thing ..... NAFTA wasn't good for the US or Canada despite what the CEO's tell you. I think he'll stop the rhetoric and he might actually run the country with its citizens in mind. Remember government don't run countries anymore corporations do.

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