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New and improved gun registry? NO!


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Do what I'm doing and vote for one of the other (not Lib, NDP, Con).

This way your vote counts and will actually make a difference. Sure the party you vote for is not likely to win but if enough people do this the powers that be are sure to notice all the votes going to those lesser parties. ;)

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Do what I'm doing and vote for one of the other (not Lib, NDP, Con).

This way your vote counts and will actually make a difference. Sure the party you vote for is not likely to win but if enough people do this the powers that be are sure to notice all the votes going to those lesser parties. ;)

They really don't care who you vote for as long as it isn't one of the other two. The only thing they care about is getting into power then they break promisses, tell more lies, pad their buddies pockets and the whole cycle repeats itself in 4 years at our expense. Until there is accountability it will never change and who do you think is going to create and uphold that accountability?

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a pipe dream spending another kings ransom. sounds great on tv,newspapers. even non hunters wont agree to more waste. . my vote certainly wont be con,s or fiberals.. they obviously were heavily involved in the gun fiasco.. as for ndp proposal its only that . it wont gain traction .its unpopular even with tree huggers

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Do what I'm doing and vote for one of the other (not Lib, NDP, Con).

This way your vote counts and will actually make a difference. Sure the party you vote for is not likely to win but if enough people do this the powers that be are sure to notice all the votes going to those lesser parties. ;)


another option-


I've done this and will likely do it this election.


Instead of choosing one of the three snakes, when the person hands you your ballot, hand it back and say "I decline to vote". This is also counted.

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They support a similar Animal Welfare Policy which was used to ban catch and release fishing.



"In Switzerland and Germany, catch and release fishing is considered inhumane and is now banned.[5] In Germany, the Animal Welfare Act states that "no-one may cause an animal pain, suffering or harm without good reason".[6] This leaves no legal basis for catch and release due to its argued inherent lack of "good reason", and thus personal fishing is solely allowed for immediate food consumption. Additionally, it is against the law to release fish back into the water if they are above minimum size requirements and aren't a protected species or in closed season."


In season , above the minimum size or makes the legal slot size , it's dinner by law.

Apparently this information comes from wikipedia. (Not a reliable source of information). All the information seems to be at least 8 years old from the wikipedia page. I have to agree that this is fear mongering.

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I was considering NDP for several reasons (repealing Bill C-51 being chief among them), but now I don't know. My riding sways between the Liberals and the Conartists, so I suppose no matter who I vote for, it will be a waste of a vote, and my time. However, the parties get funding according to the number of votes they receive (or so I was told), so it does matter who I vote for.


If I sit back and say, well, this party has no chance of forming government, so therefore I will vote for the status quo... Well, lots of people say that, and nothing will ever change.


I don't see a Libertarian candidate in my riding, at least not on their website.

Edited by Dana
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My dad was once in court testifying for a good friend to try to keep him out of jail.


Half way through, a policeman walks into the courtroom and tells my dad he owns illegal firearms. My dad had forgot to transfer the guns from his old place, or something like that.


The registry made a law-abiding citizen (my dad) into a criminal. To avoid further punishment he had to relinquish all his firearms, most of which were WW1 and WW2 relics passed down from one generation to another.


The gun registry is a terrible idea that no government is capable of executing properly.

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All I know is I am so tired of all the lies and bull spit. For the first time in my life I am considering not voting, as I see it, all I am going to do is vote for a bunch of lies so why bother.


I'm with you there, feels like I'm voting for the least crappy party, rather than the best.

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Why not just vote for the marijuana party? Anyone can draw a penis, but a vote for dope is a vote for freedom, and a finger poke in the eye to law enforcement all in one shot!


Voting for a party that has 'weed' as their major agenda is item laughable. I'd rather draw a penis, lol.

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That was true until recently. Chretien introduced a per vote subsidy paid to parties. That has been phased out.


OK thanks, I hadn't paid much attention. So I guess all my vote will do is show opposition to the big parties, then?


I'd draw a penis, but I'd honestly rather not see Harper get another term.

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All I know is I am so tired of all the lies and bull spit. For the first time in my life I am considering not voting, as I see it, all I am going to do is vote for a bunch of lies so why bother.

Wow, I feel the same way Ciff. Never thought I would reach this point, due mostly to the privilage status that has been afforded to me by all the veterans who fought so hard for our right to vote. I met a woman in Minden who just wrote in Jesus' name and voted for him. Not my route but I guess it got the message across to the one person that probably saw it. The leaders of our Country should be some of the smartest and brightest people of our Country, yet they can't even balance their bank book. I will probably skip the vote this year. I see local people running for parties that they wanted nothing to do with in the past. That tells me they are career driven and really has nothing to do with making this a better and more affordable place to live.

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Voting for a party that has 'weed' as their major agenda is item laughable. I'd rather draw a penis, lol.

Hey man, you draw penis, or whatever appendages you like.... Me, I'm going green, and I don't mean green party. Down with the man, screw the police, up the proletariate, we are the 99 percent, I'm voting for doobies. Oh wait a sec, maybe I'll just vote for good old Lego head and the conservatives again!

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Just saw an ad on TV about the new Wynne sex ed program being forced down our throats, said "paid for by the government of Ontario" Bull spit, Wynne paid for it using my money without my permission just like she is paying for all kinds of stuff. Yesterday I was listening to the radio about her selling hydro; said she didn't care what people thought, she was doing it anyway! Funny, no one I talked to voted liberal but she got a majority??????

Edited by Big Cliff
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Just saw an ad on TV about the new Wynne sex ed program being forced down our throats, said "paid for by the government of Ontario" Bull spit, Wynne paid for it using my money without my permission just like she is paying for all kinds of stuff. Yesterday I was listening to the radio about her selling hydro; said she didn't care what people thought, she was doing it anyway! Funny, no one I talked to voted liberal but she got a majority??????

All the government workers got scared they were going to lose their jobs...now she won't give the teachers a raise, except I read tonight the Catholic teachers got 1.5% and a 1% bonus...thats 2.5 in my books, not zero like she said

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Hey man, you draw penis, or whatever appendages you like.... Me, I'm going green, and I don't mean green party. Down with the man, screw the police, up the proletariate, we are the 99 percent, I'm voting for doobies. Oh wait a sec, maybe I'll just vote for good old Lego head and the conservatives again!


Do what you gotta do, anything is better then the big three at this point :)

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Quite a few people forgot to register their firearms the first time around and that was when people weren't really sure if the program would work or not. Now that everyone knows how expensive and useless the registry is I think they'd be lucky to get 50% of the firearms in Canada registered. With the registry being gone for a while now, every single person owning a non restricted could simply say they sold their guns after the registry bit the dust and they no longer have said firearms.


It just won't work, unless illegal copies of the registry were kept....



The registry was such a horrible idea that any party who says they'll bring in another registry is just asking to lose votes.

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