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My annual Opener Report


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Some of you may remember my previous opener reports. For the past 2 years, I have been taking my son out with me for trout opener. That night, after Alex goes to sleep, I spend a good hour, if not more, typing up a report to share with fellow anglers/fathers on OFC. This year was no different. Except for, I got the report typed up, and was literally about to insert the last picture, and my computer had a glitch and sent me back 3 pages. :wallbash::wallbash: So I slept on it, and am re-typing it all this morning for your long winded reading pleasure. I posted a pile of pics, but there are no fish, and they are 99% all of my son...


If you don't have time for the full story. I'll give you the coles notes first.


My son and I hit out usual spot. We got skunked as usual. Then we headed over to the Elmvale Maple Syrup Festival. Then off for a healthy lunch picnic at a local waterfront park. Then over to the Tiny Marsh for some bird watching. Hit up a Simcoe forest on the way home for some shed antler hunting. Shortly after we got home, we took Alex's new balance bike out for his first ride on it. Some South St Burger for dinner, and the boy was sleeping at 7:15!!


If you have a few minutes, and want to read the full story, I love typing up reports with lots of pictures. I'll never be as good as a Solo, or Moosebunk, but I still really enjoy sitting back, reflecting on an event, and putting it in to words for others to enjoy. Even if it's just a few friends online.


My morning started off with Alex waking up at 7:15. We where on the road, and heading north by 8am. Last year I gave Alex an old junky ice fishing rod, and he thought it was a stick, and kept throwing it in the water. This year I thought he would be ready to start learning how to reel. So I gave him one of my long ice fishing rods, and a half decent, cheap spinning reel from one of my perch rods.


Here's a few pictures of Alex 2 years ago.







This is Alex last year



We got to the spot to find out that the shape of the river had changed a bunch from last year, and the water was up a bit. I knew we weren't going to catch anything in this spot. But this is our spot, and so that's where we went.


Alex got in to it right away, and had a great time. I would cast his lure out for him (a Little Cleo spoon with the hooks removed) and he would reel it back in slowly. He could't quite get the balance of the rod, and his hand positions right. But after I corrected him, he would be able to reel his lure in, then splash it around in the water for a bit. He took lots of breaks to throw sticks and stones in to the water between casts.


Here's a bunch of fishing pics for our morning















We fished for about 2 hours, and then dropped in to my sisters place on the way over to the Maple Syrup Festival. Alex got some time to play with his cousin while I chatted with my sister about some plans later in the day. I may have a little bias opinion, but these are possibly two of the cutest kids alive..





Then Alex and I picked up my old neighbour, and the 3 of us headed in to Elmvale with hopes of a pancake breakfast. Turns out, with the 50th anversary and all, that it was completely rammed with people. The line up for pancakes would have taken at least an hour, if not more. So we got what we where going for, and got out of there! The radio said there was 30,000 people there.





After we dropped my neighbour off, Alex and I hit Orr Lake park for a picnic. This is one of my favourite spots to take Alex to play.







Once lunch was done, we headed back to my sisters to grab the other 2 cousins, Cam and Nate. Then the 4 of us drove over to the Tiny Marsh to try go see some Sand Hill Cranes. We walked all the way out to one of the bird observatory stands, and climbed up to the top. But the wind was howling, and there where no birds flying. As we where heading back down the stairs, my youngest nephew says "So Uncle Nick, I guess this trip was a waste of time then eh?". I didn't have a quick answer, so I just said, "Yup, we're going to have to come back in the summer when it's warm outside". Then we did the long walk back to the car with out tails between our legs. About 200 yards away from the car, all 4 of us dead in our tracks, and look at each other. Then we heard it again. Sand Hill Cranes make a very unique noise, and we all head it. Within seconds, my oldest nephew (an avid bird watcher) had a big Crane in the glass of his binoculars. After skunking on trout, and no pancake breakfast.. It was nice to actually have something rewarding like that happen!!!


Here's a few pics of our bird watching







I dropped the boys off with smiles on their faces (and mine!) Then Alex and I headed of to our next adventure for the day. We stopped off at a Simcoe Forest for a little shed and antler hunting. I have only ever found antlers once, so I didn't expect to find any. And we didn't. But we still had a ton of fun in the bush. I had a few very proud moments as a father during our walk. If it's not obvious, I am trying my hardest to raise my son to be an avid outdoorsman. When we where looking for deer sign, he was actually pointing out tracks and scat well before I could see it. He even saw an Owl in a tree a good 150' away, and identified it as an Owl before I could!!


Here's some antler hunting pics.







After we got home, I decided it would be a great time to show Alex his new bike. I bought it earlier this week, but then it snowed for 2 days straight. So it's been hidden in the shed! He got to try it out for the first time, and we went for nice bike "ride" down the road for almost an hour.



After all that work today, I didn't feel like making dinner. So we went to South St Burger for dinner. Alex hit the hay about 45 minutes earlier then usual, and slept like a rock all night! The kid really is amazing. For a 2 year old to spend an entire day outside with dad, and not complain once, not cry or fuss once. No naps, sporadic meals, off his normal schedule... He really impressed me yesterday. I can't wait until next year.


Hey, thanks for getting all the way through my bad grammar, and long winded report! If only haldf a dozen guys read this, it will be worth while!! I saves my favourite picture for the last!




(Joey.. Do you see a connection to you in this picture??)

Edited by N.A.W
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Really nice to read. Thanks for posting. I love the bent rod pic as well.

I have two little guys as well (maybe not so little anymore). Your little guy did very well for a long eventful day. I need a nap just reading it.


My oldest is 10 now. This is the first year that I am not asking him to come fishing with me. He is asking (pleading with) me to take him.

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