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Trent Severn Water Levels


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I have been at this for weeks and been sending emails and heard all their crap excuses and it's still right now a long way from even summer levels !!!! What a joke same crap as usual every year !!!! Parks Canada & Trent Severn water clowns are at it again !!!! I have sent in pics as well !!!! A week & a half ago I was able to walk up and touch the base of the caygeon dam from the downside !!!!!! It's the same crap as usual !!!!!! It's still way below normal and will be

Good for you. At least some of us care enough to yell in the right direction.

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I feel the need to defend the PC guys; I really don't know what they could have done differently. They have had all the dams shut down since the thaw started, trying to hold water back. It seems like a low snowpack, combined with virtually no runoff, has led to the present conditions. Lots of warm, windy days, and very little rain, have meant the snow disappeared without causing much runoff at all.

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Clearly the dams werent shut down if water levels are so low.


I understand its a tough gig, but its pretty sad when we have a 400km waterway, full of dams, with no water in the middle of april.


Its not hard to measure snow pack, and look at water levels, then make a decision.


There is always problems with the system, what gives?



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I sounded the alarm back in febuary the levels just kept dropping & dropping for no reason !!! I have had several discussions and emails with parks canada !!! And they said every excuse known to mankind as to why there is no water !!!! Same crap every year !!!!

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Fields that are normally under a foot of water this time of the year are dry, roads that are usually flooded out aren't even close to being breached, there just isn't the water available to bring the system back up to where it normally is for this time of year.


I expect that droping the water levels so low this winter is also going to have created a massive pan fish kill, years past when they have dropped it in the winter we have seen hundreds wash up just on our shore alone.

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I sounded the alarm back in febuary the levels just kept dropping & dropping for no reason !!! I have had several discussions and emails with parks canada !!! And they said every excuse known to mankind as to why there is no water !!!! Same crap every year !!!!


We did the letter writing, petitions and phone calls to PC decades back before there was email. We got all sorts of excuses and explanations. The worst response we got. from PC was that if we did not like the way things were, we should "think about relocating".

Edited by bigugli
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Half the spawning beds the walleyes use in the spring are still either dry or barley covered with water !!!! It's only just now at low summer levels very sad !!!! We should all be really pissed off because it never gets any better ..... Parks Canada & Trent Severn together are clueless !!!! I'm fed up with them ...... And the MNR is not really doing much about it !!!! Concerning minimum water flows during the walleye spawn .... As if the walleyes don't have enough problems already ....... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Just got back from Pembroke, there is no snow in the bush at all anywhere between here and there so there won't be any water working it's way down through the system, our only hope is for rain but it doesn't look like there is much of that coming in the next two weeks.

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Chemong looked to be clear of ice as was Upper Buckhorn...Observed on my way to and back from the pulmonary clinic in P'Boro...


Taites Bay still has ice (north shore of Pigeon)...


Wasn't close enough to see if the water was any higher...Will try to get down to the shoreline tomorrow...

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I posted these pictures a couple weeks back but things are even worse now.


Here's the bridge at Burliegh Falls a year ago and is normal for this time of year.




Here's the same place 2 weeks ago and you can see how much lower it is than normal




I didn't get a picture but I was just over that bridge an hour ago and where those rapids are in the 2nd picture is basically bare rocks today and about 1/2 the amount of water from 2 weeks ago.


I live at Clear Lake 3 miles south of Burliegh Falls and the lake is about 2' lower than normal for this time of year.

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NO ITS A FOOT BELOW SUMMER LEVLS IN SOME SPOTS AND WORSE !!!! Sturgeon lake was an inch!!!! Below historic low water mark !!!!! It's insane !!!! Same crap different year

Interesting, just saw stony, it's about half a foot down, but not as bad as expected.. Hopefully we'll get a bunch of rain next week and some water will come.

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It's not even at the safe navigation levels yet on the graphs at parks canada !!!!!! I'm really suprised those guys can find their own way to work in the morning !!!! It's how clueless they are !!!!! We are atill waiting for the non- existant snow pack to come down from Haliburton !!!! That's one excuse they told me !!!! Hahaha ...... THERE IS NO SNOW OR WATER IN HALIBURTON EITHER !!!!!!! There is NO water Comming from anywhere .......

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