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Kijiji Stories, NF


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I've bought and sold a lot of stuff on there, it's a great tool.


It's pretty comical the way things happen though.


I'm trying to sell a snowmobile on there now. I get home from shopping with my wife today, 10 minutes earlier a guy Email offers a price, says he will come right over, cash in hand, take it away, for that reduced price. I think about it for a few minutes, then reply "sure, I'll do that". Never heard from him.


I just Emailed him a few minutes ago, "so when are you coming to pick it up?" Hahaha


Same sled, a few days ago, a guy proposes he takes the sled on credit, no money down, 40% interest, and he'll get a lawyer to write up the required paper work so it's legit. It's a $1k asking price. There was a story about his nephew had his sled stolen and he wanted to replace it as a X Mas present. I scrooged out on this.


The later at night the Email, the more bizarre.


I've got a lot more stories.


You guys likely have stories too.

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Great topic Chris. Well for me I was selling my DVD collection for $1 a movie. Couldn't believe how many replies I got, so I just picked one and asked him how many he wanted. He told me he would come by and check it out. He gave me a time so I would be ready for him. When I heard someone at the door I got up from the couch and headed to the door. As I got closer I noticed this guy was big and weird looking. I mean really weird looking where I thought it was Sloth from the Goonies. Not kidding guys. Anyways I had all the movies laid out on my kitchen table so he would be in and out. When I invited him in he tried to close the door. It really freaked me out when he did that cause not only do I have one of my favorite characters of all time (Hey you guys lol) in front of me, but I'm only 5 foot 5 so if he wanted to do something I'm not sure what I can do. Lucky he was in and out and I managed to not only make about twenty bucks, but also I found out I was able to piss and crap all over my floor in record time.

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Yeah, especially in the city here, you still should take precautions. No matter how harmless the person seems, I'll never say when I'm at work or come over when my wife is home alone. That story about the guy near Hamilton selling a Dodge comes to mind.

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Great topic Chris. Well for me I was selling my DVD collection for $1 a movie. Couldn't believe how many replies I got, so I just picked one and asked him how many he wanted. He told me he would come by and check it out. He gave me a time so I would be ready for him. When I heard someone at the door I got up from the couch and headed to the door. As I got closer I noticed this guy was big and weird looking. I mean really weird looking where I thought it was Sloth from the Goonies. Not kidding guys. Anyways I had all the movies laid out on my kitchen table so he would be in and out. When I invited him in he tried to close the door. It really freaked me out when he did that cause not only do I have one of my favorite characters of all time (Hey you guys lol) in front of me, but I'm only 5 foot 5 so if he wanted to do something I'm not sure what I can do. Lucky he was in and out and I managed to not only make about twenty bucks, but also I found out I was able to piss and crap all over my floor in record time.

ha ha ha thanks for the laugh...

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I sell a lot of stuff on kijiji, any time I have something thats taking up space/I know I will never use again, it gets posted up for a good price and sold to some guy within a few days. Here's what I have found out through my kijiji experience:


The weirder the item you are selling, the weirder the buyer will be.

Case in point: sold my second acoustic guitar on kijiji, buyer was a guy looking for a cheap starter acoustic for his kid. Sold a bunch of creepy old porcelain dolls that were my great grandmothers, buyer was an equally as creepy guy who looked like he was trapped in the 1970's!!!!!!


Also, if you can, it is always best to meet people in busy public places (gas station etc), unless you absolutely have to let them come into your house

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I guess I have been lucky I have sold 2 trucks and at least 4 boats oh ya and 2 sleds off kijiji as well as other things and I have never had a problem !!! Ya you get some idiot lowball insult guys and always the no shows but I have never had a scam try and rip me off I always say to the potential seller "cash in my hand takes it " period !!!!! The first one who does that wins !!! But yes I know that people have had horror stories from there just don't ever accept anything other than cadh not checque not pay pal not anything just cash In your hand !!!!! And yes I get the phone calls too about trades and my cousin will pick up your boat and I will deposit the money or send you a checque !!!! I just hang up !!!!!! "Cash only" and first one who does it takes it " pretty simple way of doing it !!!!! Cheers and good luck !!!!!!!

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I have had great success buying and selling on kijiji; the numbers are staggering when I stop and think about it.

The funniest story I have is from selling spice rack for $10. The lady was coming from 20 miles away and wanted a discount since it was so far away. I let her talk me down to $8.00 and a large coffee.


Here's a couple things that I found work great for selling:


Select a reasonable amount of time to be available for viewing and pickup. Serious buyers will work around your schedule. "AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AND PICKUP SAT AND SUN BETWEEN 12:00PM AND 3:00PM"

Price your item properly; don't add 20% because you think you'll get lo-balled. Price it fair and stick to your price.


Don't be a desperate seller!! If you post an item with obo (or best offer) you'll invite offers, usually lo-ballers. Then they come to your door (if they show up at all) and change their offer because its bigger/smaller/heavier/lighter than what they had in mind. Yet, they are still wanting this item that doesn't suit their needs at a further reduced price. Post your item with the right price and don't say "obo" or "firm".

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I've done well with Kijiji and no real problems.


Best was listing an item at 8:00 AM on a Sunday morning for $800, getting a reply at 9:00 saying he was interested, then him arriving at 11:00 with cash for the full amount and he was gone.


Fastest loot I ever made.

Edited by lew
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I have had more bad luck with kijiji then good luck


they don't show up

they show up and before they see it they tell you they only have half the agreed amount and I should be happy to get that much


they want to pay by cheque after agreeing to cash

and my buddy, they came looked at the tires in his garage, decided not to buy them, came back at 2 in the morning and took them , a chainsaw and many more tools


they did get caught and he did get everything back, but no more kijiji for him

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I've done well with Kijiji and no real problems.


Best was listing an item at 8:00 AM on a Sunday morning for $800, getting a reply at 9:00 saying he was interested, then him arriving at 11:00 with cash for the full amount and he was gone.


Fastest loot I ever made.

And no jail time, It must have been your smile Lew :)

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I've bought and sold a lot of stuff on there, it's a great tool.


It's pretty comical the way things happen though.


I'm trying to sell a snowmobile on there now. I get home from shopping with my wife today, 10 minutes earlier a guy Email offers a price, says he will come right over, cash in hand, take it away, for that reduced price. I think about it for a few minutes, then reply "sure, I'll do that". Never heard from him.


I just Emailed him a few minutes ago, "so when are you coming to pick it up?" Hahaha


Same sled, a few days ago, a guy proposes he takes the sled on credit, no money down, 40% interest, and he'll get a lawyer to write up the required paper work so it's legit. It's a $1k asking price. There was a story about his nephew had his sled stolen and he wanted to replace it as a X Mas present. I scrooged out on this.


The later at night the Email, the more bizarre.


I've got a lot more stories.


You guys likely have stories too.


Geez, this reminds me of online dating. 'The later at night the e-mail, the more bizarre' but that is for another topic.


I've heard there is a big paypal scheme with kajiiji but I'm not sure how it work though. Apparently they pay you through paypal, have you ship the item and pull the funds. Best case scenario you are out the money and item, worst you have to pay fees I think.

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Unfortunately I come across some low life's, they love Kigigi, they probably have sold a few things like tires and chainsaws they stole from sellers.


It is really sad I can remember the name of the guy that killed the innocent guy selling his truck on Kigigi, but I can't remember the victims name.


If I have anything I don't need I donate it to a worthy cause or if it's a big ticket item sell it through my own network of friends and associates or donate it to someone that deserves it. Like the $500.00 inflatable I gave away on another forum, no way some stranger is coming to my property to scope out my stuff. No way I'm telling here what I've been told, I may fold under questioning.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Lots of good luck with kijiji. If the item is priced right, it will move in less than a week. Your geographic location can also impact things. I live in no mans land, so often have to wait a little for a buyer to show up. If you price right, you will still have a few lowballer email offers, but a serious guy will show up with cash and after a bit of back and forth over a couple bucks, your item is gone! If you live centrally, have posted a good ad, and receive nothing but lowballers and crackpots, your price is off!

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Yep Terry... that's my biggest fear. Listing low price stuff just to have someone come for a "good look around".


I'll take the fridge, stove, dryer, etc that I have had for sale here in the classifieds to the scrappers first..... before I'll list on Kijiji.

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Kijiji like any tool can be good or bad. I have gotten some decent deals while buying. When selling it is pretty much the same. They call they beg, then they show up days later and want to change the price after making a verbal or email agreement.


As for people coming and having a look then coming back to steal the stuff, that is pretty much a danger anytime you leave your garage door open and go into the house to answer a phone call and come back out 10 minutes later... unfortunately.


It was funny when we were binning the stuff from my parents garage, on the last bin, just as I was leaving for the day. I tossed in 2 kids sleds (wooden with runners) and an old bike with two split almost in half tires. I just got to my place when the phone rang about an item I had listed on Kijiji. This couple had stood me up twice on pick up times, but I agreed to go back to the house to sell them a bar fridge.


I get back to the house, I had been gone maybe 40 minutes, in the middle of the day and the bike and sleds are GONE from the bin.


I was thinking seriously, who ever grabbed them could have come up asked about them when they were sitting beside the house for 2 days, and for helping us for 10 minutes to load the bins I would have given them the sleds, bike, chainsaw, hedge trimmer, winch, car jack, step ladder and thing else they wanted so we didn't have to lug it to the damn bin LOL.


So the couple for the fridge shows up and agrees to take it. Then the price change negotiation starts... I was like okay you have had me come back here 3 times now for this 60.00 item. How about just so you think you won how about 5.00 off. He hums and haws then goes OK.


I help him load it the truck and he goes what is with the bin. I explain we just filled it and I mentioned about someone stealing the bike and sleds. He climbs up on the side of the bin begins rummaging through what he can reach and goes have you got anything else worth taking in there? I sort of glare at him NO, but you should have been here yesterday when we emptied 2 almost full cabinets of mechanic tools in the metal bin. I thought he was going to cry. LOL


Oh and I finally found out what the weight on the "scrap" metal bin was 4187 lbs....

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A few excellent points raised here...


First - I will never meet someone at my house. You just never know if someone will case you out doing so. I usually use the closest Timmies as a meeting place. I also have found that if you are willing to meet people at a place that is more convenient to them they are more likely to pay full asking price and you will have far less no-shows - eg I live in Whitby but work in the west end of Toronto - I just set up a meeting place on the way home after work and bingo.


Pricing your items fairly is another good piece of advice - and try to be patient. Sometimes it just takes a bit for the right buyer to come along for your item. Do a bit of research and look up what your item is worth compared to similar items for sale.


It's a great tool - keeps the clutter at home down and puts a few bucks in the pocket (to spend on more fishing gear LOL) as are the classifieds here - you just have to take a few common sense precautions.

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My wife had a bike she no longer wanted so I said I'll put it out on the front lawn with a FREE sign on it.


The bike was in good shape but rather than haggling over a bit of money I thought maybe someone who couldn't afford a bike would appreciate it.


After an hour or so a lady knocked on the door and asked if it was free and I said yes, that's why the sign says FREE :dunno:


She said she was interested but didn't like the fact that there was a bit of surface rust on one of the rims.


I just closed the door in her face and went back in the house.


A while later the bike was gone.

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I've never had a bad experiance yet. Sold tools, woodstove, cars, truck, And various junk.


If they are coming to the house big ticket items I make sure they see they knock on the door so the dog will go nuts. ( 120 lb bulldog). I also have cameras on the property they are hard to miss. My place is on lockdown you can't get into either outbuilding without alarms going off and if I don't answer my cell phone the cops get dispatched.

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If I put a free sign on an item it seems to sit there for a while. Put a for sale and a fake phone number on it and it will be gonzo overnight. Jim next door had a very ornate antique pump organ that had to be 300 pounds easy, solid as a rock, for free with a free sign, it sat for weeks. He put the for sale sign on at it was "stolen" shortly afterwards. An organ sitting in the rain can't be good but it would have made a great bar with the roll away top. I seriously considered doing just that but looking at how the thing was put together I would never had gotten it apart to do it. Built like a Sherman tank. I love the Winternet some days.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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