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Been saying that for years and I all I heard is how great Kissel is/was.


Yeah, right.


It will take a lot more than a coach to change this group around. Sit players out, no way , Kissel won't allow it.

Trade Kissel....are you kidding, who wants him? He's a "sniper" remember?

Dion, same thing, who wants him? Trade him for a roll of tape maybe.


We'll see in the first 20 games what impact Babcock really has. You can't turn a mule into a thoroughbred, and the Laffs are just high paid mules.

I believe soon as allowed,summer?,you will see some changes.For better?,not sure,but changes are sure to come.A general manager soon would be a good start lol.

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Get the right management(Shanahan, Dubas) with the right coaching staff(Babcock+ more soon) and the right players will come(drafts,trades) and eliminate a negative fan/hater/media base mentality= success.... I.e Blackhawks, Red Wings, Ducks, LA, Montreal, Tampa and soon to be Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Buffalo. No one said 8 stanley cups in his 8 years

years. Its a slow process but the right steps have been taken by Shanahan regarding a true build from AHL to NHL level.

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Sad to see!

Bab's was a good guy, had a good resume with plenty of success and now has been lured into the career ending, black hole of suckdome known as the laffs. Sorry your legacy has been stopped Mike. You were a good man! :wallbash:


Sniff sniff :dunno:



Naw he hasn't been sucked in but if he or anyone in hockey wants to kill a career Toronto is the premier dung hole of an organization to make that wish come true. He knows that it won't happen here simply because you can't undo 50 years of ineptitude in 8 years but his retirement fund is guaranteed.


The funny part is the hockey illiterate leaf fans believe he is the second coming of Christ himself.

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.... If you wont hit, backcheck or fight your gone.



agree with the first two but not the fighting. I'd rather they went after guys who can do more than drop their gloves. Toronto needs speed and creative playmakers and passers. The rest will take care of itself and fighting is dying a slow death anyways and none too soon imo ;)

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I love this grab! Good for Shanny! All the haters will hate this move cause it brings nothing but positiveness and a great start..As for Buffalo ha ha ha looks good on them..

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seriously I think Babcock is a good coach but overrated,but the best,no way,one cup in 10 years and that was shortly after he took over an already good team. In the 7 seasons since other than losing to pitt in the final little playoff success. He ranks well behind Sutter and Quennville IMHO and give Barry Trotz the same talent Babcock had in Detroit and Nashville would of won a couple cups. Washington's success this year was from him. Bad choice Mike you have met your Waterloo.

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I love this grab! Good for Shanny! All the haters will hate this move cause it brings nothing but positiveness and a great start..As for Buffalo ha ha ha looks good on them..


I dunno. Buffalo gets to pick , 2,21,25,31,43 and 51 in the first two rounds while the Laffs get 4 and 24. That's a lot of good young talent in a year or two for Buffalo. Now Toronto .....well....????


I like Buffalo's chances than Taranta's over the next couple of years to get to the playoffs. Babcock is good, that's good with 2 o's not one. Good luck Mike, you're gonna need it.

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We'll see how good he is.....lets see if he can get Kessel, JVR, Bozak to play a little D....perhaps cut the +- down a bit....see if he can get Phaneuf to stop running around trying to beat on the leagues cream puffs...and lets see if he can teach his mediocre goalies to play goal....The Leafs have had some very good people in the organization the last few years with dismal results the MO is the same come in with a lot of fanfare and hype and run out of town short time later...We will see if Babcock can deliver on the enormous expectations being heaped apon him!!!

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I'm a long suffering Leafs fan. Everyone is saying what a good day it is for the Leafs.

I think the reason that Babcock chose the Leafs was because he wanted spring and summer's off.

Edited by manjo39
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I wish the Leafs well but my question is , when they are paying that kind of money out to the coach as well as the players salaries how can the franchise make money. Does anyone know after these expenses what is a profit margin for the season, just wondering

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Toronto is and has been for a long time one of the richest if not the richest NHL franchises. Ticket sales, merchandising, etc etc etc they are a hot commodity whether they stink or not.

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I'm excited to see whats going to happen, exciting times to be a leaf fan and with Babcock I'm sure there will be a myriad of talented players that will want the opportunity to play under him as a leaf and I'm sure the culture in the dressing room will be changed as well on the ice

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I'd like to be a fly on the wall when Kessell tells Babcock "yah, we're not gonna do that" like he did to the assistant coach last year.



I can see it now, "No problem you have been traded to the KHL"!!!!!

"we got a case of vodka and tickets to the ballet in return!!! Have a nice day Phil!!!" :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

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I wish the Leafs well but my question is , when they are paying that kind of money out to the coach as well as the players salaries how can the franchise make money. Does anyone know after these expenses what is a profit margin for the season, just wondering


Seriously??? Are you being sarcastic?


They have one of the highest if not the highest ticket prices in the league; they sell out pretty well every game. They also make money on TV contracts and merchandise. His salary is a drop in the bucket compared the revenue the team rakes in.


The salaries are a fraction of what they would be without the salary cap; and they were making plenty of profit before the salary caps was implemented.


They will not be hurting for cash.

Edited by JohnBacon
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Seriously??? Are you being sarcastic?


They have one of the highest if not the highest ticket prices in the league; the sell out pretty well every game. They also make money on TV contracts and merchandise. His salary is a drop in the bucket compared the revenue the team rakes in.


The salaries are a fraction of what they would be without the salary cap; and they were making plenty of profit before the salary caps was implemented.


They will not be hurting for cash.


The Leafs are the most valuable sports franchise in North America, worth about a billion dollars!!!

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