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Angler kills undersize Muskie....cause he thinks they eat all his fish!


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Calm down guys! As far as Muskie guys over reacting, I'd be upset if any fish was treated like this, they all deserve respect. As far as comparing a native sportfish to an invasive common carp, well thats just foolish! Muskie have low population densities, and are slow growing, thats why conservation of them is especially important!


I Got a call from a OMNR C.O. this morning...Made my day, they know who he is, they have contacted the guys that witnessed/video'd it, I'd say they have a pretty good case against this guy!

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I don't believe accidentally hitting a deer with your vehicle is the same thing as clubbing one over the head and leaving it there to rot.


Most of us who badly hook a fish end up eating it instead of releasing it, so at least it's still serving a purpose.



No------I've shot more than I can count with a rifle


And if your badly hooked fish is out of season/slot---your watching it sink

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Calm down guys! As far as Muskie guys over reacting, I'd be upset if any fish was treated like this, they all deserve respect. As far as comparing a native sportfish to an invasive common carp, well thats just foolish! Muskie have low population densities, and are slow growing, thats why conservation of them is especially important!


I Got a call from a OMNR C.O. this morning...Made my day, they know who he is, they have contacted the guys that witnessed/video'd it, I'd say they have a pretty good case against this guy!

great news

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The man INTENTIONALLY killed an UNDERSIZED fish and that's against the law, why would you feel uncomfortable judging him ??



I guess I was not elected judge---just a holder of an opinion---we have politicians that break laws---and there's always someone justifying the actions---how is breaking one law unacceptable and breaking another ok


Junkie goes to jail for smokin crack in Toronto---Rob Ford goes on Kimmel


It's illegal to do many things--in nature that continues to be done---but they still are being done

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I guess I was not elected judge---just a holder of an opinion---we have politicians that break laws---and there's always someone justifying the actions---how is breaking one law unacceptable and breaking another ok


Junkie goes to jail for smokin crack in Toronto---Rob Ford goes on Kimmel


It's illegal to do many things--in nature that continues to be done---but they still are being done


I didn't make the rules, I just questioned why you said you'd feel uncomfortable judging him.

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Everyone is ethically different.


I wanted to get this off my chest. I've got 2 neighbors.


One guy and his kids shoot red squirrels.

"they're getting into my walls!"

me-"Dude, lets take 45 minutes and close off your soffits, done!"

soffits still open and squirrel season still open, he shot one while I was over, poor shot, very ugly scene


another shoots pileated woodpeckers

"they're killing my white birch"

me- "I think that tree is toast"

"yeah, I'm cutting it down"

me- "so why is the gun still out?"


I don't agree with either of these guys, but can't say much, the difference with the muskie clubber is that he is definitely breaking the law

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I do not fish Muskie...caught a couple incidentals in my lifetime...but this has been an interesting read and cross section of views


I believe this has more to do with one's perspective than a higher moral ground


Mike (I believe) mentioned---where's the outrage on speared carp or the likes---still a fish---I think he's right in his thinking


Musky fisherman are outraged at this action----because they have a practical use of this fish for their enjoyment----other fish----less outrage


Would the same outraged anglers--have difficulty blasting a flock of cormorants cuz they eat fish??---somewhat the same logic...no?


I know hunters who shoot wolves on sight cuz they eat deer/moose----till like Yellowstone Park---wolves need to be re-introduced cuz they served a part in nature's balance


The lines in nature are not so defined as our black and white thinking....I'm bad cuz I kill a musky---I'm good cuz I kill a cormorrant


I don't think what this guy did was right....but I feel uncomfortable judging him---cuz like everyone here----I drive sharpened steel into fish all the time---we've all had deep hooked fish croak---are they less dead than buddy's musky?


It's how you rationalize it----some percentage of the population think deer are pretty----And I've pulled the hammer and never even blinked------perspective


Anyway---I have more questions than answers on this subject------because like everything else in life---there's opposing groups who believe their way is the only right way


I try to just get by.



Just for clarification-----I did say I don't think what he did was right--


But if I go around judging the world---it somewhat leaves me open to be judged---and again---I'm just trying to get by


I've got family members that shoot wolves on sight----should I go tell them how wrong they are----or live and let live and try and get to the finish line with a modicum of peace


We've all seen entire watersheds polluted and ruined-- and ALL fish floatin---no matter what the type------but it's business and must be ok--cuz somebody's making a living



Again killing for no reason is wrong---in my opinion---and this is what this is all about--right?


How does a Muskie climb the evolutionary scale above many others-----treated with the same fate


Again---more questions than answers

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I'm glad they know who he is and they will take action against, they definitely have a strong case, I also would hate to see this done to any fish, maybe not the Asian carp infiltrating the Great Lakes or snake head but you get the idea, no fish population deserves that on account of being a certain species

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This an important notice to all of the people who type on this forum. All of the words that you type do not go away they are held for legal reasons. People who put into writing that they will do harm to someone else are opening themselves to a legal issue. The records from the forum will be provided to the authorities if subpoenaed ( we have no choice) for prosecution of illegal actions that you confess or imply.


Please do not make comments that can come back and bite you.





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Well said Art. Some people think the internet provides total anonymity, it does not.


What really amazes me is for whatever reason people get as upset or ever more when an animal or fish as in this case is killed for no other reason than it exists. Genocide exists in our world on a daily basis in more than one African nation by the 100's of thousands, ISIS has declared war on all non believers and other Muslims that don't believe what they believe. And hardly an eye is batted in the western world until 2 Americans are beheaded for all to see. I know this is a fishing forum not a political forum but we do have a thread about a Hockey team that is hundreds of pages long.


Another point I wanted to make is that we have a family picture wall going back to the late 1800's. There is a picture of my wife's Great Grandmother standing on the porch at the cottage that was somewhere in The Thousand Islands. There is rope with about 20 fish strung on it. They are all Musky, large and small. It's all about perception. In 100 years someone may be dismayed about the 9 pound Walleye I took a picture of this summer, and ate. Many here may have seen the old black and white pics of barrels of Sturgeon speared at Sturgeon Falls in the 30's.

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Well said Art. Some people think the internet provides total anonymity, it does not.


What really amazes me is for whatever reason people get as upset or ever more when an animal or fish as in this case is killed for no other reason than it exists. Genocide exists in our world on a daily basis in more than one African nation by the 100's of thousands, ISIS has declared war on all non believers and other Muslims that don't believe what they believe. And hardly an eye is batted in the western world until 2 Americans are beheaded for all to see. I know this is a fishing forum not a political forum but we do have a thread about a Hockey team that is hundreds of pages long.


Another point I wanted to make is that we have a family picture wall going back to the late 1800's. There is a picture of my wife's Great Grandmother standing on the porch at the cottage that was somewhere in The Thousand Islands. There is rope with about 20 fish strung on it. They are all Musky, large and small. It's all about perception. In 100 years someone may be dismayed about the 9 pound Walleye I took a picture of this summer, and ate. Many here may have seen the old black and white pics of barrels of Sturgeon speared at Sturgeon Falls in the 30's.



Yes Ironmaker---you can google "Leech Lake Rampage" and also see a dock full of huge muskies hangin in the sun---from the 50's I believe


I also agree with your view on how relative killing one fish is compared to the countless atrocities happening daily in this world----somewhat why I asked a few questions and gave another angle----cuz it was apparently 4-5 pages of name calling and curious comments which Art has to remind people can be used them in a court of law


The web is not the local pub or schoolyard---and recent laws are regulating and scrutinizing it's usage more closely---check out the new and improved cyber bullying legislation---stemmed from tragic teenage suicides


And some of the tirades on certain groups based on Race/Religion or sexual orientation may fringe on Hate publications---another offence---do you want the court to decide that you were serious or not?

If a Sask resident can be fined by The Supreme court of Canada for distributing ant-gay flyers as hate literature----is it worth it?


And at the end of the day I believe if the crap ever hits the fan---it will put our host TJ in a very awkward position---not the way to treat a friend ....no?


There are so very many things we can get angry with.....but anger does'nt solve the problem---there are channels to use if persistent and important enough to you


if it's not worth acting upon---is it worth driving your Blood pressure up over then?


In the orig Post---yep---guy broke the law----take whatever action needed to stop it from happening again----but the rest evolves into a mob mentality.

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Some dude kills an undersized fish and somehow the post turns into a discussion about Genocide, Africa, ISIS, Non Believers, the beheading of Americans, sexual orientation and race/religion


Crazy how this place works sometimes

Edited by lew
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Some dude kills an undersized fish and somehow the post turns into a discussion about Genocide, Africa, ISIS, Non Believers, the beheading of Americans, sexual orientation and race/religion


Crazy how this place works sometimes


LOL…I like it here because of that, sometimes.

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Some dude kills an undersized fish and somehow the post turns into a discussion about Genocide, Africa, ISIS, Non Believers, the beheading of Americans, sexual orientation and race/religion


Crazy how this place works sometimes


Well said Lew. There will always be keyboard cowboys !!


Dax, I applaud you for getting this recognized by the MNR. Pretty sure that was the purpose of this thread, not to solve the world's problems.

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