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How far will you drive for a day of fishing?

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Kinda more on topic than the NF post about work commutes, I was just wondering if I am nuts or if there are people more nuts than me when it comes to going fishing for a day?


I lived in Hamilton and am now in Mississauga, and at least twice a summer on a day off I will drive to either Temagami or Onaping for a single day of fishing. Temagami is about 450 kms from me and Onaping over 500 one way. I will get done work late afternoon, crash til about 10 pm, then grab my boat and go. I arrive 4-5 am, launch, then fish all day. Usually I am pooped by dinnertime so I pull out, snooze in my truck for a couple hours, then hit the road 6-7 pm getting home after midnight.


I can't be the worst in the forums for crazy spur of the moment trips like that, just wanted to hear if anyone else does stuff like this?



Edited by thegrumpyfisherman
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Im kinda spoiled. Within 2 hours of my door I have more lakes than I could fish in my lifetime, so I tend to not go too far for day trips.



Yup, same for me, although most of the lakes that I would spend 2-3 hours getting into are less than 50 kms from me.
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The longest day for me was leaving my home in Whitby at 2am...driving to Mike Boeger's place and then driving to Pennsylvania for a day of steel heading. First drift was about 730-8am. Off the river by 3, hit the border and then home to Whitby again at 9pm. Was a looooong day but well worth it!

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Driving distance was the main reason I stopped fishing with the first bass club I was in, why would you chose lakes the farthest distance away for one day tournaments? Ya, driving from here to New York state for a one day tournament was right on top of my to do list! Note the sarcasm.


A difference in the mind set of the younger and older members, the younger ones still seemed to consider themselves indestructible? It's supposed to be fun? not an endurance contest? At the end of a tournament us older guys with families liked to make sure we weren't beat to death and could return safely to our families?


Club #2 with the older family guys and their adult kids had a better perspective, schedule the farthest tournaments away as two day events, in mid summer when school was out, and you could also turn them into family vacations at those lakes.


Plenty of places for me to fish within an hour or two of home, why knock myself out? If I felt a need to get away and do some serious fishing? A week or two vacation covered it.

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