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American eel

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Good morning


I had an interesting experience last night...


I caught an American eel while trolling cranks for walleye....


Now I've caught eels before while fishing perch with small minnows or catfish with a small piece of worms.... But I've never seen one on a crank... And I've never heard heard of an eel being caught this way...



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Cool! The MNR would be interested in the details, on page 89 of the regs there's a request for sightings. They would like the following info:


Location/waterbody caught/seen


Date/Time of day


Approximate water depth


Estimate of length


Bait used


Name, phone, e-mail, photograph


You can contact them at 1-800-667-1940

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I used to catch them over there too Simon. Pretty big ones too, sad they are in decline there too. Stay up all night ledgering......Used to 6 inchers in the streams when I was a kid. You a jellied eel fan Simon?

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I used to catch them over there too Simon. Pretty big ones too, sad they are in decline there too. Stay up all night ledgering......Used to 6 inchers in the streams when I was a kid. You a jellied eel fan Simon?


LOL...'ledgering'.....thats a term a have not heard in years.....thanks....trip down memory lane. I used to stay up all night too, our house backed on to the Thames at Putney. I guy from across the street caught some HUGE ones on cheese or liver, i would just dig up worms in the garden and catch 'bootlace' eels all night.


Was never a fan of them, could never get past the look, smell and texture. Tried smoked a few times when I lived in Holland...pretty good.


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When I was a kid living in Quebec we use to catch them in one of the little creeks just off Lake of Two Moutains. We would put them into a burlap sack in the river and a guy would come and buy them from us I think we use to get $0.50 each for them (a lot of money in those days). I remember we would grab them behind the head to take the hook out and they would wrap themselves around our arm.

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I remember when I was a little kid, my dad coming home with a few eels in a bucket. Never found out where him and his buddies went to catch them. I'll ask this weekend when I see him. Must have eaten them. I can't remember. There's not much I didn't eat when I was a kid. Matter of fact, that holds true in my adult life too. I have the belly to prove it. :D

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As a kid I caught a few in a net one time while catching minnows for bait in a tributary of Lake Erie here once. It was very early spring and 5-6 of them were in the current around a small depression in the bottom swaying with current like eel grass. Maybe 5-7 inches long, and I have never seen another here since.


While fishing in a water supply reservoir for the city of Norfolk Virginia I had some kind of eels cutting my golden shiners in half. They were much bigger 2-3 feet? Almost had one in the boat, but decided I didn't really want him there!

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