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2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF


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pretty submissive if ya ask me. Lots we can do. We own the government, not the other way around.

Now I'm not advocating carrying out the same methods but we absolutely could be taken seriously if we really wanted to! 800 militants are on their way to pay the residents of Bagdhad a little visit after rifling through two towns as a warm up as well as control of a bank that supposedly held half a billion dollars. 800 misfits and look at the results.


Doesn't take much. Just a few thousand vehicles parked around Queen's Park and left there in protest and the people in them surrounding the front steps. Once people surfing Anti-social media got wind of that theres no telling what could happen. Sigh!!!


This is Ontario though and we seem to have the poultry market cornered in more ways than one.

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I guess the unions just knew a bad idea when they seen it


I don't have to put my hand on a hot stove to know I'll get burned

Make sure you guys insert "Public Sector" in front of unions to distinguish between makers and takers. Private sector union folks pay real taxes and most actually earn their keep.

Edited by moxie
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OK I'm done beating this dead horse---you'll get 4 more years the same way I got 5 years after 2011 with who I consider to be the very worst thing to ever happen to Canada


I went as far to consider if Quebec "Had" separated--I would move there---Because I believe even a separate Quebec would have more true Canadian Values than what Harper brings to us.


And my family has served this country since 1812--right up to the end of this thread.


This guy makes Mulroney look like a socialist---and he cleared the mfg house with his free trade deal


So maybe start a club where everyone thinks the same--and everyone can complain in unison


But at the end of the day nothing changes



This is always the result whem you argue with a liberal, the only answer is dont bother, the non stop ridiculous hyperbole is impossible to break through, yes, Harper is the worse thing to happen to Canada, do you actually believe that garbage? I dont like harper much, but look around, the country hasn't changed, how weak and pathetic you must think we all are that a PM who has done nothing radical at all could so easily ruin the nation. But hey. trrops in the streets, women in the kitchen, etc etc, which ones did i miss?


There really should be a test before people can vote, anyone ridiculous enough to think this pm is the worse thing to ever happen to us need not apply, what a ridiculous opinion to hold, an extremist, ridiculously biased opinion. i dont even really want to vote for harper this time, he's had his chance, but there has to be something wrong with the other guy if your indicadive of those who might support him, i would vote against that if not for harper.


You rail against the oil companies, hey, there are supertankers off loading oil in the Bay of Fundy daily, to the largest oil refinery on the eastern seaboard of North America, have been for decades, but now, its the conservatives fault! it's the conservatives fault that many, many liberal governments subsidized the oils sands for decades, that's harper's fault! More pipelines? OMG, there are already thousands of miles of them, anything new must be bad and clearly harpers fault! Changes to the water act that changed nothing, provincial rules apply.


christ almighty, vote for whomever you wish, but get an education.

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I am very well educated FYI


And you can put lipstick on a pig---but it's still the reform party


an embarrassment worldwide---how's our standing in the UN?----He scolds other countries till they tell him to take a hike


That's why Dany Wiliams a PC beloved Newfoundland premier at the time advised Canada in the last election---vote ABC---Anybody But Conservative


And the Bay of Fundy is Not Northern Gateway----You may wish to educate yourself---as you are quick to those who challenge your beliefs


How about veterans having to sue this Gov't


How about Harper continually trying to get around the Constitution with his judge appointments


How about First Nations marching in the streets---"Idle No More"---having also to sue this Gov't over breaking Treaty rights


How about cutbacks in Meat inspectors till we have recalls and deaths


Want More??


So Blarg---save your insults---people have seen this dance long enough

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Not much to celebrate in the Ont election result but it was nice to see Hudak get a swift kick in the gonads. Maybe now the progressive part of the PC party( they haven't scrubbed the P out yet, unlike what's happened federally) can show itself again and push aside the Tea party wannabees that Hudak liked.

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I am very well educated FYI


And you can put lipstick on a pig---but it's still the reform party


an embarrassment worldwide---how's our standing in the UN?----He scolds other countries till they tell him to take a hike


That's why Dany Wiliams a PC beloved Newfoundland premier at the time advised Canada in the last election---vote ABC---Anybody But Conservative


And the Bay of Fundy is Not Northern Gateway----You may wish to educate yourself---as you are quick to those who challenge your beliefs


How about veterans having to sue this Gov't


How about Harper continually trying to get around the Constitution with his judge appointments


How about First Nations marching in the streets---"Idle No More"---having also to sue this Gov't over breaking Treaty rights


How about cutbacks in Meat inspectors till we have recalls and deaths


Want More??


So Blarg---save your insults---people have seen this dance long enough



Educated by who and what though... it obviously isn't or business, history



Our standing with the UN... we should probably leave that idiocy, any organization that would put Iran on the Women's Rights Commission is completely messed up! Iran is the same nation that stones women to death for adultery and supplies Hamas and Hezbollah with weapons.


Do you actually like Trudeau's ideal gov't (China) and making jokes that end up in the Ukrainian ambassador demanding an apology, taking money from school boards and charities for speaking, his lies about open nominations and his dictator like views on abortion and global warming? J.T. is a joke trying to live up to a name that the reality of his father's time as PM has been so aggrandized and distorted it is pathetic too.


As for the military and veterans, it was the Liberals that sent them into Afghanistan in jungle camo and in those LAV that were no better than a jeep with a roof, no protection at all against anything.. and then the Liberals got them into Kandahar just before the Conservatives took over.


No point in arguing, logic, history and common sense just won't work with a Liberal supporter it seem ....but I will say if you think you are educated Please ... actually try to get some wisdom and understanding of reality.

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Wadda mean?/ Doesn't this qualify as informed political discussion?? :rofl2::wallbash::rofl2:


Agreed, it has turned into a joke.... so many have such an ignorance of history, business etc. they have made a decision and won't let facts get in the way.... even in the Ontario election the guy that created the 6 pallets of fake $100 bills said that less than 50% of the people he talked to had even heard of the Gas Plants scandal, you can't teach someone until they want to know and until then :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: So I'm done wasting time on this thread, there are constructive things to do :Gonefishing: .




So what happens I go read the news on some of the pages I read while waiting for the coffee pot and found this.


5% Pay decrease in Public Sector to help reduce debt.



I wonder when Ontario gets to that point what it will be like.

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Until this country's politicians are held accountable to what they do, what the say and how they perform, nothing can change...and no amount of understanding on the part of voters can improve things. When a candidate runs on one platform and does the opposite, and things go south, it's NOT the voter's fault. It is not too much to ask that elected officials perform as described. Yet we are in a "vote and hope" environment.

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I agree Grimsby...

I was caught off guard by my kids last week. My 12 and 10 year olds came home from school saying that Hudak is bad and that I should vote for the Liberals. I asked them where they got that information and was told "by their teachers".

Needless to say, I was and still am pretty ticked off by the whole thing. Scaring kids into thinking that Hudak is going to fire people (teachers) and that he is a bad man and will do bad things has really got my knickers in a knot!

Not sure how to deal with this though, as I have to tread carefully, with my wife being a school administrator.


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I am very well educated FYI


And you can put lipstick on a pig---but it's still the reform party


an embarrassment worldwide---how's our standing in the UN?----He scolds other countries till they tell him to take a hike


That's why Dany Wiliams a PC beloved Newfoundland premier at the time advised Canada in the last election---vote ABC---Anybody But Conservative


And the Bay of Fundy is Not Northern Gateway----You may wish to educate yourself---as you are quick to those who challenge your beliefs


How about veterans having to sue this Gov't


How about Harper continually trying to get around the Constitution with his judge appointments


How about First Nations marching in the streets---"Idle No More"---having also to sue this Gov't over breaking Treaty rights


How about cutbacks in Meat inspectors till we have recalls and deaths


Want More??


So Blarg---save your insults---people have seen this dance long enough


Actually Canada was ranked has having the best reputation in the world for the third year in a row. Ever since Harper has had a majority we have been ranked number one.

http://www.ibtimes.com/why-canada-has-best-reputation-world-1343189 ... you may want to education yourself a little better :D

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Funny stuff all round---education via Sun Media and financial news now becomes


higher learning---oh and don't forget what The Conservative party mails you to program your thinking


Ask what some EU countries think of Harper lecturing them about fiscal restraint---middle fingers are involved


And a widely held fact---when personal attacks or insults are thrown----your out of any pertinent information


And I know it's easy to default to anyone that disagrees with the like minded as Liberal---but AGAIN...I did'nt vote liberal in this past election


But hey I get it Conservatives are afraid of the Liberals so the smear campaign is always on


Must keep Harper awake at nights when the Capital Commish polled Canadians for the 150th anniversary for the top ten Canadians---and Pierre Trudeau was #1


So go ahead and continue to insult my intelligence level----even have the last word---don't care


Now that Gateway has been approved and lines are being drawn as we speak---History will put Harper somewhere well behind Louis Riel.

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What made a big part of our country to this point has been our natural resources and exporting it plus the hard work it took to do it.
Without maintaining our exports, especially in times such as these, we would certainly be a lot worse off than we are now.
Imagine the outcry when everything our ancestors worked and fought for goes down the drain.
I agree the pipeline needs to go through. Good thing some provinces are doing well.
Ontario needs to do more than pull up it's socks now. Time for many to quit crying about what we want the government to give us for nothing and work for it instead.

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OK Bernie...sound opinion and it was delivered without insults---so I can give a few other angles to consider


For most Of our history---our natural resources were "REFINED " In this country--be it lumber...pulp and paper etc---creating mfg jobs here


this pipeline is shipping bitumen straight to Asia---actually it's a 2 way line---1st Tankers are brought into Kitimat--with Dilution---Benzene, Butane mixture etc to dilute the tar so it will flow---so you now have extra tanker traffic in what is listed as the 4th most treacherous waters on the planet


The Queen of The North went down after being unattended at the helm for 12 minutes


These local jobs are a fabrication after the line is installed with PLC's montioring after


This is key---The remoteness of areas of the pipeline--will make it a logistcal nightmare to get to in emergency---years after they're still cleaning up the Enbridge spill in Kalamazoo Michigan---One Billion and counting


These are just a few hitters on this route---there are alternatives but Your dealing with SH----Who Flanigan (Ex of the harper inner circle called him vindictive and leans to revenge)--now when your "Friends say that about you---well??


One supertanker spill in those dangerous waters will change the game forever---and I also know our forefathers did'nt work that hard to blacken the landscape for corporate greed

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