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2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF


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Perhaps now, given I refused to vote for the current government.... And with no real alternative to choose from.... Some of you may understand my position. Big Cliff???


Ontario needs to stand up together, to say enough is enough. That will take more then an election, it will take bumps and bruises


Hudak has and still does look out if place and lacks credibility, not to mention his personality is less then likeable.


Horwath? Let's just say she is a Hamilton native..... And has a "reputation" insert the first syllable here..


We really had little choice in terms of change.


I for one welcome change, via civil disobedience if required..... Seems the sheep chose to keep crap the same....


Enjoy the crap you voted for.... I chose not to vote for crap.


I think OFC should start our own party


And you know what??? I would support it!

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Not fair to blame the GTA. Peterborough, Ancaster, Kingston, Brant etc went Liberal so their support was not just urban centres. Hudak is paying for his 100 000 and Million Jobs mistake. When economists call out your plan and you argue it, then your plan is doomed to go down in flames.


PC's need a leader who has a better personality and can connect with people. Hudak was not that man. Far from it imo.

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Not fair to blame the GTA. Peterborough, Ancaster, Kingston, Brant etc went Liberal so their support was not just urban centres. Hudak is paying for his 100 000 and Million Jobs mistake. When economists call out your plan and you argue it, then your plan is doomed to go down in flames.


PC's need a leader who has a better personality and can connect with people. Hudak was not that man. Far from it imo.

True enough but the fact remains the GTA holds the hammer and have been crippling the province for the last 11 years and will continue to do so!!!

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Perhaps now, given I refused to vote for the current government.... And with no real alternative to choose from.... Some of you may understand my position. Big Cliff???


Ontario needs to stand up together, to say enough is enough. That will take more then an election, it will take bumps and bruises



Yup, the futility of it all is what drove my decision. My single vote has not made the Liberals opposition any more palatable. Give me better options and I'll show support.


Like JoeyT said, as a rural resident, not looking forward to paying for items in the GTA.


I hope Nipissing district gets a 'Northern Ontario' party next election. It would be nice to have a local leader that actually represents the north.

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So it looks like the GTA decided the whole provinces' fate, yet again...just sad, really

Oh stop it. The people of Ontario spoke and spoke Red. Blame who you want we lost. The GTA didn't speak for us all. They hammered the PC's by not the 2% I predicted for the PC's it was a blowout. Take it and accept it. Toronto didn't vote them in, if they did prove it with number not rhetoric.


Lose grasiously, don't whine. Man what a shocker!!!!

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Good to see that few bought into Hudak's hokey (voodoo) economic plan!!! Economists left right and center called it nonsense.

So is it good that many more bought into a party of criminals? Is that your version of an intelligent choice? When the liberals forced cut backs that resulted in the loss of 34 staff from the hospital in North Bay last week were those cuts somehow different than what Hudak might have done? It's amazing how glib people can be about an election that effectively gave a glowing endorsement to people who stole billions from us. It's all so sad.

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I got my ballot, and handed it back to the lady, "I decline to vote"


she had to look through her handbook to figure out what to do, she said that was the first time she had ever seen that (Jokeville, ON)

There was no one worth voting for, but certainly rewarding criminals should have been the last result.

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yeah ....so it isnt Torontos fault entirely....i think its safe to say that if you make your Kool Aid with Lake Ontario water...it has detrimental effects on the whole province and your abilities to seperate fiction from non fiction...


Who was it that said "crime doesnt pay"

Kool Aid.jpg

Edited by Twocoda
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CBC is calling it a Liberal majority


Seems Hudak is in part paying for the sins of his federal father


and I did'nt vote liberal

Hudak is paying for his own idiot actions. At least now they will cut his throat, hopefully rebuild and come out strong in the next election.... In 4 years ... Sigh. Signed a frustrated conservative!

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I guess Hudak should have lied.


4 more years and Wynne already calling to get to her plan as soon as possible...


payroll taxes, . :wallbash::wallbash:

higher electricity, . :wallbash::wallbash:

more subsidized windmills, . :wallbash::wallbash:

more bloated gov't, . :wallbash::wallbash:

more insider deals, ..... :wallbash::wallbash:



Hudak resigned ... he kept his promise.... I guess you can't tell the truth and get elected in Ontario, people don't care about debt, about living in their means and don't mind getting taxed and billions being wasted it seems!!.


The boss already asked one time if I would be interested in moving.... after all tax free day is 3 weeks before Ontario's (thousands of dollars difference).... its a win for Alberta and jobs in states we are selling the cheap electricity too..

Edited by mosquito
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We can't even agree on tiller or console.

The best thing I've read on this entire thread. You said it Kick.


I am really thinking about moving. We have a rental property in Nova Scotia, with great fishing. Property taxes are less than 1/2 there for the same accessed value. Yes 3 months of nice weather, maybe, that's what Arizona is for. I still can't believe this.

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Hudak resigned ... he kept his promise.... I guess you can't tell the truth and get elected in Ontario, people don't care about debt, about living in their means and don't mind getting taxed and billions being wasted it seems!!.


Hudak was done anyway. If he didn't resign, the party would have resigned him, and he knows it! He hasn't really resigned from anything other than leadership. He is making sure he keeps his elected seat! The ontario PC party needs to burn to the ground, and rebuild entirely, much as the Federal Conservatives did. Maybe then they can hope to form a government. I was done with them during the last election, when they took a turncoat failed liberal candidate in my electoral riding, and trotted him out as a PC candidate. A leopard doesn't change it's spots! Edited by porkpie
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We're all screwed. Absolutely screwed.


To those who actually voted for these criminals - whoever you are - thanks for committing us all to four more years of higher taxes, rising costs, billions in spending on idiotic programs, backroom deals, incompetence, arrogance and outright theft.


To Tim Hudak ... you should have learned from the last time. You know, when it was also your election to lose. And you did.


To those who didn't vote at all - well, your hands are just as bloody. Because not voting isn't rebellion - it's surrender. Thanks for throwing in the towel.


Oy vey ... I'll be drinking early today.

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Well I went out and voted but did little good. Now four more years of liberal spending. I'm not sure people realize how bad our provinces' debt load really is. How about to the tune of 270 billion!!!! That's more than the debt of California! We pay over 11 billion a year in interest alone just to service that debt. That's over a million dollars an hour in interest. Thanks for voting in the fiberals again !!!

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