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So Sad


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Things sure have changed over the years, I can remember back in the beginning when I would post GPS lat/lon to a favorite fishing spot because I wanted others to enjoy my good fortune and it was always a pleasure to share it. Today I won't even post about a good catch because as one member put it one time "everyone knows what lake you live on"!


In a way I do have to agree though, now if you post a good day of catching and give any details you can be sure that you will have a crowd around you the next time you go and they aren't always ethical fishermen. You are right, it is sad!

Edited by Big Cliff
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It sure is sad as I enjoy reading the good posts and checking out the pictures. I love the ice fishing ones as I have been to busy to get out ice fishing over the last bunch of winters well we also have not had safe enough ice for me to enjoy fishing for pickerel and Walleye yes we get them American pickerel up here LOL.


If you look at the responses to the threads with fishing reports there are not near as many reply's to them years back everyone would be chatting about how they did and we would all chime in now they can sink to the bottom with just a couple good jobs.


I also found no matter what you target there will be some that will have to complain and bash on a person for showing background, holding wrong, it laying on the boat floor or dirty ground. These are all things that are a learning curve but when guys JUMP on a poster right away that might make others say why would I share my pictures. We can all help them learn by leaving comments about proper ways to change there pictures or handling of fish but the bashers seem to get into the thread first at times and things have gone south before they had a chance to learn.


I to have been bad for not sharing all my trips out its seems that time slips away and I don't get them to the board all the time but I enjoy sharing our time on the water. I also find that I don't reply as much when Im on my phone checking in as I am usually at customs waiting in the transport or at a customers waiting so I read and think that I will check back and reply but usually forget.


I do enjoy some of the off topic NF posts but really enjoy living through others posts when I'm not fishing.

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I also found no matter what you target there will be some that will have to complain and bash on a person for showing background, holding wrong, it laying on the boat floor or dirty ground. These are all things that are a learning curve but when guys JUMP on a poster right away that might make others say why would I share my pictures.


I think that pretty well sums it up right there Mike

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Good observation Vance. And I thought it was just me... lol


Fishing reports and responses seem to have lessened over the years, here and most other boards. I still continue to check in but don't stay around near as long as I used to.


The thing is, even 'general' fishing information is on the decline, like chats about techniques, tackle and such. I hope this changes and I'll try posting more myself to try and become part of the solution( and not problem ).


My two cents.

Edited by Mike Pike
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I think it is an internet wide problem many fishing forums are declining because of the crap when sharing info

backgrounds in photos too much info about the location holding the fish wrong releasing it wrong why would you keep a fish that big why would you keep a fish that small why would you keep a fish why would you release a fish


but this place keeps chugging along because fishing is the common thread but everyday life is discussed here...friends and family don't just talk about fishing and that is why this place works

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Definitely an on-the-point observation Vance. I used to be an active contributor to this board some years ago (when the site had limited functionality, old skool style) but found that it's membership had changed. Not for the better and not for the worse, the change was about how fellow anglers shared advice and knowledge in a way that I thought was at a surface level. Nonetheless, I wish you all happy fishing as 2014 approaches!



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It's not the members ruining for everyone else, it's all the lurkers that use this place for nothing more then information gathering who will show up to your spot the next day after you've landed a nice bright chinny :)


Should have a separate members forums that requires 50+ posts to access. Wanna post your highly detailed fishing report? Go for it.

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I think Mike P is right, we use this site now to create great friends and fishing links us together. Two of the guys who I fish most with were met on this site. I think it is a shame when we post reports and try to show techniques and it just sinks to the bottom. Mike Parker and Pete's posts on musky fishing should be tagged at the top. Maybe we need the mods to tag some others for a few weeks so people do get the fishing reports, sadly everyone knows which lake I am on, if they really want to fish with most of the guys don't take their spot just ask I am sure most would find a seat in the boat.

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there are other sites, private sites with posting requirements, that are used for report sharing.


public sites like this one are more of "community" meeting spots.


I believe that is the reason they brought "community" into the website address.


Also, techniques seem to get good response. I remember one recently about drop shotting.


Another about jigging umbrella rigs for muskie.


Fishing reports have better places. (unless we are talking lake ontario salmon reports. chances are most know there are kings off bronte in June/July)

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Should have a separate members forums that requires 50+ posts to access. Wanna post your highly detailed fishing report? Go for it.

This has been tried on other forums. It leads to guys signing up and replying "nice fish" 50 times.

Edited by timmeh
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I will continue ( haven't been able to lately )to post pictures without blurring the background ...

If the reader wants to bash or jump on the poster , then, the reader might need an attitude check , it's simple jealousy and bullying .... besides ,even if someone would find and fish my spot ( which actually belongs to everyone ) it doesn't mean that they'll catch fish ...and if they do, good for them.

Edited by Randy from Sturgeon
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i don't mind the photoshopped reports.


personally, and this is just me, I won't read/watch a "video report".


i like well written, magazine quality reports.


as soon as I open a report with a link to a video I just close the page down.


each to their own I guess.

Edited by Steve
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For me I just enjoy seeing other people doing and enjoying what I enjoy. I also like coming on this forum because 1, I'm from ontario and 2, I want to grow as an avid fisherman and learn as much as I can. I have not been on this forum long enough to comment in to much depth or bash on anyone but I find that very sad that people are scared to post their trips because of fear of a fishing hole being destroyed or being bullied or heckled. For me I don't care if people want to bash me I will just ignore them and I thank every one of you for your advice.

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I like this place because its NOT all about fishing. Sure….we all share fishing as a passion but this really is a community, where like minded…lol…and not so like minded folks hang out. But believe me…if it wasn't minus stupid degrees C outside….i would be fishing and report posting for sure.

Edited by limeyangler
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The site has grown thru the years and it has changed from being a small board where you know everyone. We now have thousands of people from all areas and walks of life. We all come here to laugh and cry as we share our days ins and outs with both old friends and friends we have not met yet. Is one better than the other ,will the answer in a word is no. We all continue to gain from our time here at the board or we would leave. One of the things that would go far in helping this site is if the members would control how they jump on each other for having a different view that theirs. We also have a policy that tries to prevent people from cussing or mock cussing not because we don't hear these words every day but it makes you think about what you have said if you are not using one of the automatic adjectives that you say without thinking. putting a level of how many posts are needed is already in place for the classifieds it is 20 posts and the newbies that are here for a quick ad will immediately send a mod a note and say they can't use the classifieds. Well once it is explained they either decide it is now worth any trouble and don't post or we get 20 nice fish posts so they can get their free ad. At the end of the day the most important thing to remember is you decide what to read and respond to. If you don't like a subject leave it alone. If you can't control your strong opinion then also leave it alone. As a Mod here it is a delicate balancing act between allowing the thread to go in a constructive path and shutting it down because of a few who are disrespectful of other views. The Moderators all have lives that are outside of the board and our time is limited. We read the thread adjust it if possible and if we feel it will go wrong again then we shut it down. Some people all look for a hidden reason on why we did it and accuse us of stopping threads counter to our views. It is one of the bad sides of the job of Moderator but the good part of the job far outnumbers the minimum bad. Thanks again to everyone for the most part patience and civilized way they interact with each other. To the other we will slowly weed them out but in an open community more will follow. Treasure the friends you make here and ignore the ones who aren't will go far in making this still one of the greatest communities on the internet.




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musky matt got it right.....regardless of the forum rules/setup, everybody will get what they want from a forum....lurkers will lurk and get info, some guys will get their bragging rights, some guys just like to chat with like minded people...everybody will utilize the forum however it floats their boat


could care less if somebody posts a steelhead/salmon report about the credit, ganny, beaver, maitland, etc, etc, etc....they're very well known, everybody and their uncle knows where they are, and knows they get runs, they were busy before the internet and they will stay busy, it's part of the game if you're into river fishing


I ended up in a boat with a friend of a friend on sturgeon, buddy threw a hissy fit when I raised a big bass and asked for a picture...because he didn't want the other boats to see we were catching fish...didn't fish with him again LOL



if guys wanted to share pics and info strictly with friends, create a private facebook group for that, members only lol....best thing about this forum is the community vibe


OFC is one of the better forums around...wanna see guys really get upset about sharing info? read a hunting forum during season ha

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