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Horsing Them In - The Summer Report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I have been wanting to put up a few reports this year but have been just too darn busy with work and the farm.


Although I have been busy working like an animal to support the new farm I did manage to get out for 3-4hrs the odd

evening and horse a few fish in. I even got to join a favorite fishn bud for trip up north.










So with out further ado here is how my summer started straight from the horses mouth!



After a long couple weeks of work I was really chomping at the bit to get into some fish and decided to saddle

up for a little back woods walleye. Grabbed my trusty ol fishn pole, a sardine can full of worms and headed up

to Dunworkin Lake for the night bite.










The evening bite on this lake can be hot on the right night and this night....... it was on fire.




Tasty walleye after tasty walleye were horsed into the boat with a couple smaller ones kept for a snack.




Best of the night was this big old golden stallion.





I tell ya after catching all those walleye I was hungry as a horse.

Back at the farm I decided to grill me up a steak and do up some fresh walleye in Cajun mix for a little extra kick!





Hold on to your horses!

Before I tell you about the rest of my summer here's a funny one I love telling the boys.


So I met this lady the other night at the bar and after bringing her home and showing her a couple of photos........

she had to admit that I was half man half horse!


Alright! Alright!

Enough horsing around, back to the report.





Since moving out to the farm last year I have been taking advantage of waters closer to home. This allowed me

a few hours of horsing them in during the odd evening.


Like some big mouth bass.





The odd night after a game of horse shoes I would switch over to a game of craps.





It just wouldn't be summer with out at least one quick trip for trout.

I decided on bows and portaged the old tinny down the trail into sleeping bear lake.





Fishing was slower than usual but I did manage to horse in this girl.





What better way to end the summer than with my bud the Moose on a long awaited fishing trip up north.













Time to giddy up and get ready for the ice season OFC'ers

Edited by Selfmade05
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Do you actually carry that mask around with you and put it on every time you catch a fish? Bizarre, yet funny, in a weird kind of way.


Thanks for the laugh!


Just this year in order to build this report.

Best was catching the guy peering around the corner of his cottage while I was taking pics of the bass. Im sure he had a second look at the drink in his hand. lol

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Horse walks into a bar, bartender says " Why the long face? "


I think you better put an extension on the exhaust on your tractor, someone is suffering from the effects of Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Or maybe you pull the plow yourself.


As far as the report nice fish, but I agree it's something about it that is very, very disturbing. Humor is sometimes an acquired taste, of which I apparently have none.

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