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With Blackberry in the shape there in???????????NF

davey buoy

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Looks like they will eventually be bought out.What would you think the support will be like?.My wife was given a Bold recently with a new two year contract that cut her mothly bill by $10.Newer phone,etc.Bonus for me lol.

Thinking on changing from my cheap Samsung phone,and nagotiating a new contract.I like the keyboard and texting is on my mind. Rogers in my case are supplying the service,anything to be worried about?.Thanks guys as always.Dave.

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They havent upgraded any of their old phones, simply brought out the Q qnd Z. Every other BB on the market is at least a 4 year old design. Essentially Im saying if you want one, you can get a used one for 20 bucks and have overpaid by 10.

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I'm a newly converted iphone user. Had 2 BB's before including the Storm which didn't really impress me for my needs (business, texting, email mostly)


Hate to say it but based on just the phone and not the plan (important difference) I can't really think why I'd go with a BB phone. Samsung phones are getting top ratings on android platform and pretty hard to not like all the stuff I can do on an iphone.


If you can save money on a plan keep your eyes open to look at all the phone hardware choices. I got my iphone 4S at $0 when my plan was renewed with Bell for 2 years

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They havent upgraded any of their old phones, simply brought out the Q qnd Z. Every other BB on the market is at least a 4 year old design. Essentially Im saying if you want one, you can get a used one for 20 bucks and have overpaid by 10.

Really?No wonder my wifes bill went down with a new contract.

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I'm a newly converted iphone user. Had 2 BB's before including the Storm which didn't really impress me for my needs (business, texting, email mostly)


Hate to say it but based on just the phone and not the plan (important difference) I can't really think why I'd go with a BB phone. Samsung phones are getting top ratings on android platform and pretty hard to not like all the stuff I can do on an iphone.


If you can save money on a plan keep your eyes open to look at all the phone hardware choices. I got my iphone 4S at $0 when my plan was renewed with Bell for 2 years

Will do,kinda liked the raised keyboard and the flashing light when there was a text or message.I don't know that with my Samsung until I unlock the phone

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The bold is a great device. The new Q10 is okay too.

If you like texting or emailing, nothing beats a blackberry (old design or not). Keyboard is better, and mail software is better. It's also a better phone (in terms of hardware and antenna)

If you like other apps, go to an android or iphone.

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Yep, what Cram said.


I have the Bold, and like it a lot.


If you want to play games, and use all the newest, and dumbest apps, get an iphone. I can't stand working from the iphone personally.



Sinker 52 years old ,no time for games.lol Appreciate your input as well.Thanks

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Go android, in my opinion. A solid phone with 4.0 does everything my computer does.

Thanks Rich,I have 3 computers at home,sending ,receiving,and text is way more than I need on a daily basis.Text will be a big thing for me lol.

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I love my iPhone 4 and will be upgrading to a new one when my plan is up for renewal. I have not used a BB but from what everyone has told me, the only item it excels at is their mail system. Mine only pushes to the phone every 5 minutes ( this is the fastest setting but I just check whenever I feel like it) where the BB will do it instantaneous. Other than that, I understand why they are having troubles competing.


For your carrier, I used to be with Rogers but switched when my term was up. I was on a three year term and had a phone under my familly plan for my mother. When she passed away, they would not let me out of the contract unless I forked over something like $400.00 so I just kept the phone I until my term was up. When I called to cancel and switch to Telus, they told me they would have waived the cancellation fee for my moms phone. Honestly I felt the right hand didnt know what the left hand was doing. My other issue is that my cottage is near Cornwall and with Rogers, I would get charged roaming when I was still in Canada because the closest tower was in the us. With Telus, this is still a bit of an issue but he phone allows you turn on and off roaming so u haven't had any issues. Coverage in my area is also better with Telus. I still think Vell has the best canada wise coverage but Telus has never given me issues.

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people stil use crackberries?


iphone all the way, intelligent and logical layout, easy to use (if you're not used to apple products the first 2 days might be frustrating), apps are just a bonus, the iphone sitll beats bb hands down before the apps IMO


iphone personal and work cell is a blackberry for now, but are switching over to iphones....I can't stand the tiny keyboard, don't understand how guys can use those things? for my fingers, the touch screen is a lot faster and less typos

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for business and for guys doing dirty heavy work black berry is best


I have dropped them off roofs and it never missed a beat


the company just switched to iphone and the guys are breaking them every day....great for games and taking a picture


but had to get an app just to be able to make emailing groups


and no speed dial

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I havent read any of the other replies..Here's my input.. I own 2 new Blackberry z10's They both work great! They run just as good as my sons I phone running IOS7. If your considering an older BB platform then you wont have to worry about service from BB as they are bullet prof and very affordable..Heck if you want I have a excellent shape BB curve you can have for free if your into paying for shipping. Its locked to the rogers network..Its white and like new. Let me know if your interested..

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For me, I can't stand touch screen keyboards.

My fingers are too big and I never know what letter is being hit until it's too late and I have to backspace and retype.

I have a BB Torch 9810 which is a touch screen with a real keyboard.

I have a much easier time with that.

I also deploy and maintain a BB server here at work so we have a bunch of devices out there.


I really love it for email and texting.

Not really one for doing a lot of internet surfing or game playing on my phone but I do use it for weather, directions etc.


I've tried to use iphones and have a terrible time with the keyboard.


My pay as you go Alaska phone is just a cheap LG but it also has a slide out real keyboard. ;)

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The bold is a great device. The new Q10 is okay too.

If you like texting or emailing, nothing beats a blackberry (old design or not). Keyboard is better, and mail software is better. It's also a better phone (in terms of hardware and antenna)

If you like other apps, go to an android or iphone.

Ditto...used a BB for years for business nothing better imho.

I phones and the like are great for texting/apps etc. And of course for teenage girls taking selfies and posting for all world to see.


If your using it for business I would say make the change if not stay with android.


Check out koodo.

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Well over the years I have had 2 BB and 2 iPhones with this one being an iphone5 and for the bang for the buck my BB's were awesome but for speed and apps and surfing the web the iPhone is better IMO !!!! But if you are just going to be texting and don't want games and all the fancy stuff go BB for sure !!! And you can save money

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I slam out dozens of emails each day from my phone and sometimes I gotta do it quick and very wordy...the BB bold (touchscreen with keypad) was GOLD for typing with confidence. Unfortunately work sent me a new Z10 without a touchscreen pad. The operating system is nice and the antenna is WAYYYY better (i get reception at my house now!), but I don't like the touchscreen typing and I can't understand why anyone would want this or any other touchscreen for work...all they care about is being cool and having games and stupid apps?? I get horribly typed out emails all the time and I know why!


Now when I need to send important emails from the field, I'd rather log in to my computer...really wish they sent me a Q10.


Funny, that my company is partially owned by Fairfax, so technically, BB may soon be part of my family of companies! kind of cool, but whatever. . If you email/type a lot in the field, the keypad is KEY. No substitute.


Blackberry is going nowhere, they will have support for your device for many years, I wouldn't worry about that.

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BB android platform is very different to others in selection of apps and costs. I run a BB tablet and synced it to my old phone to expand my device capabilities when on business but their app selection sucks and is maybe 10% of what iPhone offers


I always carried my ipod for music in the car, hotel room, vacations, hunt camp,.....


Now I have one single device and about to swap out my tablet for an iPad and sync everything on the cloud. I do admit that old BB text keyboard was best but I can live without that for the Internet connections and faster performance

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I use the I5 and for using messaging, texting or e mailing it wins with one feature it is the speech to text. It is very good at turning the spoken word into a good solid text. It makes few mistakes unless you have marblemouth or lots of background noise.




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BB android platform is very different to others in selection of apps and costs. I run a BB tablet and synced it to my old phone to expand my device capabilities when on business but their app selection sucks and is maybe 10% of what iPhone offers


I always carried my ipod for music in the car, hotel room, vacations, hunt camp,.....


Now I have one single device and about to swap out my tablet for an iPad and sync everything on the cloud. I do admit that old BB text keyboard was best but I can live without that for the Internet connections and faster performance

BB isn't android. It has it's own OS. New one has a much faster browser than either of the other devices. I would never buy a phone based on this, but your advice is based on a failed tablet and old phone.

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I use an iPhone 5, I am not a teenage girl, nor do I have any game apps on it. What I do have is a bunch of useful functions for work, navionics and a GPS, a pretty good pocket camera, a photo editor that can turn even marginal pictures into half decent ones, google maps a calender and a few other useful apps. I can also put some music on it for the ride to work, and get a couple different email accounts in one place. The blackberry can do some of this. The blackberry itself is not bad, but the usual BB apologists trot out the teenage girl stuff, which is tired and overdone. There is a reason that BB is steadily losing market share, and android and apple are gobbling it up, and it ain't teenage girls!! All that aside, whatever poison you choose, be it BB, apple or android the only advice I would give is to try and get away from Rogers. Wind is great if your service area supports the wind home network, if not have a good look at virgin. Yes bell owns them, but their plans are less expensive, they have Canada wide calling and decent packages, and of course it's on bell network so you have service nearly anywhere! As for upgrades etc, I wouldn't bother, just go buy a refurb and don't get stuck with a particular provider. I simply buy whatever device I want now, and I'm free to take my business elsewhere at the drop of a hat. Good luck!

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