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some members MIA from OFC, NF


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not that I agree with their opinions most of the time, where's Sinclair and Billy Bob?


I enjoyed the friendly banter with these guys and enjoyed reading their posts even though I would be gritting my teeth often


can anybody think of any other members MIA?



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Internet communities grow and change every day. People lose interest, some take a break and show up a month or a year later. Some find a place that's more to their liking. Some even pass away. People often say "Remember the good ol' days?" well, believe it or not, you and I are living them now. Make the best of them. :)

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Internet communities grow and change every day. People lose interest, some take a break and show up a month or a year later. Some find a place that's more to their liking. Some even pass away. People often say "Remember the good ol' days?" well, believe it or not, you and I are living them now. Make the best of them. :)


yeah, I hear ya Roy, we're not getting any younger, we should appreciate what we have today


some threads got a little ugly and off track and eventualy locked down, but a big part of OFC for me is common guys/ gals chatting about fishing and politics/ hockey/ music/ or whatever caught their eye that day


edit- I'm definately not a veteran on this site, but the newer people on here are great, to name a few I like to read- Locnar, Christopher K, Tayzak15, Twocoda, there's many more too

Edited by chris.brock
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There is a loooong list of members who don't post here any more. Most have moved on, or been banned for silly reasons. I don't blame a lot of them for leaving, the najority of them have been banned for silly reasons, a lot that the mods here just take personally.


I don't come here for fishing reports. Its the non fishing stuff that I come here for.


I do enjoy your weekend reports though, chris. I'm familiar with most of the water your fishing, and can relate.



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Yes there is several long time members that just do not post anymore and that is sad sometimes as some just didn't like the way the board was heading and they get frustrated as to not being able to express their opinions without getting banned or having their threads locked up !!!!! And they think that other members are allowed to do just that some are just lurkers now and won't post anything anymore !!!!!!! To each their own I guess. ...?????

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Yes there is several long time members that just do not post anymore and that is sad sometimes as some just didn't like the way the board was heading and they get frustrated as to not being able to express their opinions without getting banned or having their threads locked up !!!!



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I have followed this site for many many years way back before the changeover and probably back to the early beginnings. I have never felt a need to post on it much, an I believe I registered here at one point in order to contact someone on the buy and sell. I have seen many names come and go, and found it interesting to read the posts and sometimes the silliness. Some of the names mentioned in this very thread I'm not surprised might've been banned! Others, like that DipLip guy probably just lost interest in posting. Some will have gone to private sites. Many of them in a huff. A lot of people take the Internet way too seriously, and probably need to step back from it. Websites will always take the slant of the ownership, or moderators and no one is capable of being entirely fair to all people all the time. This is the Internet, it's not real life. If your not making friends or creating relationships outside of the web, there is an issue and you need to shut down your computer and step outside! This is an entertainment outlet nothing more, and people who have gotten too involved in the drama probably need to take a break, or move on! Just my thoughts on Internet soap operas!

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I've been an active member of this board for over 11 years now and in that time I've seen a huge number of good guys leave this site, but I've also seen a huge number of great guys join up. Guys come and go on this site, just like all the rest, on a regular basis. Sometimes they'll post that their leaving while other times they just quietly slip out the back door never to be heard from again. Sometimes it's sad to see them leave, while other times we don't even realise that their no longer with us until someone brings up their name.


I remember back when I first joined up, there weren't nearly as many members as now and if a regular didn't post for a few day it was noticed and we'd actually wonder where he was. Now with so many members, if a regular doesn't post for a month hardly anyone even notices it.


Crazy place, this internet :lol:

Edited by lew
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Yup. We mourn the missing on a daily basis. The ones i got close to, i am still in touch with so thats fine.I feel if you like somone enough, then get thier civilian contact info. That way you can stay in touch no matter what.

This has been an evolveing experience for me. A great place to meet people and share views. When i first joined, i was completely off the wall. I even had to fight to remain here after being Q'ed and banned a few times. I finally got it though. Like some wise man made me realise. "Less is sometimes more" B) (you know who you re my friend)

I still check in here on a daily basis to make sure no one needs my special humor to keep then on thier toes though. ;)

This has been a great few months though. Less locked threads and more informative threads. Keep doing it boys and girls




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