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Why did you join the OFN? Why do you stick around?


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It has been almost a year since I signed up for the OFC board (lurked for a very short time before that). I had never really bothered with any of the fishing forums prior to that time.

My initial reason for joining was to gain knowledge, as well as pass on some of my own.


The reasons I have stuck with this board are many. Vast expanse of expertise from members throughout Ontario, as well as other provinces and the US. A really good group of core members, that will take time to voice their opinions and share their fishing experiences.

I have met some great people and made some really good friends in just one year on this board. Have fished more new areas because of these people, and, other than hooking and playing a fish, fishing a new place is definitely one of the most thrilling things in angling...especially when you have success.


Anyways, this is also a thanks to those people (you know who you are) as well as the many I hope to meet in person in the future :thumbsup_anim:

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I just joined a couple of days ago after lurking for a few weeks. I was attracted to the board because discussion is about fishing in a province where I do my fishing - and because it is an active forum. I do read a couple of other fishing forums but the discussions there are primarily about the USA or posts are few and far between.


I usually fish alone so it is nice to be around others that share my enthusiasm for feeling that tug on the line smile.gif


<---- I can see I will need to change my Gravatar though.... There, that's a bit better...

Edited by NWO Fishing
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I found this forum by accident.Back in the begining of July, i had the opportunity to purchase a 14'princecraft, with an 8HP merc and a Princecraft trailer, Brand new from my Brother at a ridiculously low price.He won them at the Ottawa boat show.

I have always enjoyed fishing but never found the time, and never realized how much the wife would enjoy it. I joined to re-learn the art of fishing, and to share in the passion that i found here while reading the forums as a guest.

Its funny, even though i've never met anyone(other than Roy) i feel that i know most of you very well.Reading some threads i find myself saying' wait till so and so reads this, he or she will have something to say about it i'm sure'

And so far you have never disappointed meclapping.gif When i joined, i thought maybe because i was in Quebec, and the name was OFC, that i wouldn't be able to apply the knowledge here, but i soon learned, fish have no borders, and are fully bilingualangel.png

I stay here because i like it here. I enjoy the humor and the seriousness that i find here. and the knowledge contained in these posts has taken collectively 100's of years to acquire.

Long live OFC and its members. I consider you all my friends.



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i joined because tracker made me..

since then i have met a LOT of people that i like, and 2 i dont-lol

you have guys here like roy,spiel,big cliff ect that give great knowledge and help you out.

theres guys on here that have asked me to go fishing with them, and i have a great time with them.

the teach you technics for stream fishing and catching those huge cat fish. :thumbsup_anim:

thanks GBW,Young_one,fisherpete,

just to name a few of the many great people here...





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Sites great for meeting people to go fishin with!


The non-fishing topics get pretty funny...


At the end of the day, despite all differing opinions, its a bunch of good people who love to fish! (that also own computers/can mash a post out/register for a forum)

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I found the site while i was still living in England. I was researching the fishing techniques so i had some idea what i was doing when i arrived to start a new chapter of my life in Northwest Ontario. Because we moved here mid-winter i spent the longest while on an icefishing forum, and was not till almost a year later researching fishing again that i found the site again and realised i'd joined previously......why do i stick around? cuz its awesome!

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I joined a couple years back and have met a bunch of people who enjoy fishing as much as I do. For the majority of the time the discussions are great and as with every barrel, there can be a bad apple or two. They get picked out and we go on. I've met a few of the folks on here over the years and they are good people. Yes some topics go off on a tangent and have nothing to do with fishing but we are a community talking to each other about what is going on in our lives. That is what friends do.

Long live OFC!

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Found the board while looking for some info on fishing....was the first fishing forum I had ever come across...think it was still called a bulletin board back then. Lost track of my log-in info a few times over the years as I moved around the province, but kept finding the board again and never lost my user name :D

Stuck around for the insane amount of knowledge, good people, and because this board continually motivates me to get out and fish!

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I don't recall how I found the site to be honest but I'm glad I did. I have learned a lot and met many great people along the way. I just wish the "hook up's" section was still here as I've been lucky to fish with a few people from the site. Now that skeeter's back he's already PM'ing me to get back out fishing... :thumbsup_anim: Heck, I even got a job because of this site! Shhh, my boss with probably read this when I'm done :whistling: then give me a look like <_< haha.

I come back every day to see what everyone has been up to and look at the great fish porn too.

Tiller? Console? Marshmallows? It's all good. Thanks TJ and crew!

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Unlike some of you; I didn't discover OFC by googling 'fisting', I lost a bet ;)


I don't recall how I found OFC but it was probably a google search of some kind. I do know why I stay. I've met so many great people over the years and even ran into a few I knew from decades ago. It's an active board with a wealth of knowledge and very well moderated. The get-togethers are more than just fishing now, they're a chance to catch up with new friends from all over the map. Its also caused me to try new techniques and fish for species I never would have bothered with in the past. I have to credit the tournament for that. Previously, I had no intrest in catfish, carp, panfish and whitefish but now I make room in my fishing schedule to enjoy them!


Cheers to all I've met, yet to meet and most of all, the mod's keeping this ship on course.


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I found the board in 2000-2001, I had just retired and had begun fishing seriously again, after a long absence.


There were a lot of new line types, fluoro, co-poly, fused, and braid and many new classifications of lures. I was looking for some in-put and clarification...


The main reason I hung here is that there was one guy posting here who spoke English as a second language. He was out camping and fishing every weekend. On Monday he wrote about his successes and failures. It was interesting to read about his successes, but he wrote so honestly about his mis-adventures that, with his slightly fractured English, I would find myself almost falling on the floor laughing. These posts became the high point of my week. In time he has become one of my closest friends and one of the best fishermen I know.


I was investigating braided line at that time, and wrote about my thoughts. Many people had tried it before me, but most didn't like it. I think we were still struggling with the idea of using 10 and 20 pound braid in-place of 6 and 10 pound mono. Eventually these discussions evolved into a mighty thread called "LINE" that went on for so long it was finally closed by TJ. I won an OFC hat by squeezing in the last post on the stroke of Mid-night...I guess I'm still closing threads...grin.


Some of the guys from back then are still here, others are long gone. At least one has past-away. A few like myself drift in and out, but like a bad penny, always return.


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Joined OFC about 7 yrs. ago for local fishing reports. Only thing around for excellent bits of info on where and how to catch fish around Ontario. :Gonefishing:

Got into doing fishing reports myself if i ever get out there :wallbash::blahblah1:

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