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  1. Quality post Dutch, I’ve also now seen some people playing the “travel, work, gathering and other covid related government implemented restrictions impede on constitutional rights and freedoms” card, yikes!...but I won’t say anymore lol see post above! Lol in other positive news, the head of health canada believes that we are finally about to hit the curve towards the peak of the virus meaning that if we stick to the good job that the large majority are collectively doing in canada that we have a chance to get past the peak and back on the decline in the number of cases. Death tolls are still higher than expected due to the outbreaks in nursing homes, but overall recovery rates and transmission rates are actually some of the best in the world!
    4 points
  2. Well first of all, didn’t the municipality of port Hope just close the river access anyways? most of the ramps are closed in Ontario. I personally think any public dock should also be closed to avoid contact with moorings. but to stop fishing entirely for people with private access to lakes, or that can access via some other means...use your common sense. im not holding my breath though that the river rats ruin it for everyone else next week when they flock in droves to park accesses etc that are closed. what’s strange to me is that fishing regulations have no problem applying wildly different rules for various bodies of water and species but the fishing debate is somehow singular all or nothing? call me crazy but joe blow going out in a canoe with his kid on a lake somewhere is far far different than everyone stacking up on the pier at port dal. I’ll be fishing softwater for the first time in 5 months tomorrow, the tinner is rigged and waiting to be pushed into Georgian bay. And I sure as hell won’t be interacting with anyone lol, and definitely far less than the tim Hortons drive thru!
    4 points
  3. ventilators keep them alive but do nothing to cure them or make them better , they hope if they keep them alive a while longer their immune system may kick in and cure them
    3 points
  4. The WHO is not without problems, but it is a well oiled machine compared to the Trump administration now trying to blame them. Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO's Health Emergencies Programme: "In the first weeks of January, the WHO was very, very clear. We alerted the world on January the 5th. Systems around the world, including the U.S., began to activate their incident management systems on January the 6th. And through the next number of weeks, we've produced multiple updates to countries, including briefing multiple governments, multiple scientists around the world, on the developing situation — and that is what it was, a developing situation." On January 23, the WHO issued a press release containing a mission summary of their site visit to Wuhan, which included the following statement: "Data collected through detailed epidemiological investigation and through the deployment of the new test kit nationally suggests that human-to-human transmission is taking place in Wuhan." On January 24 respected medical journal The Lancet published Chen Wang, Peter W Horby, Frederick G Hayden, George F Gao, "A NOVEL CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK OF GLOBAL HEALTH CONCERN". It warned of "human-to-human transmission," "the risk of much wider spread of the disease" and said "the time to act is now." Now let's look at what Trump was saying around the same time: January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” February 25: “CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.” February 25: “I think that's a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.” February 26: “The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.” February 26: “We're going very substantially down, not up.” February 27: “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” And now, with 35,000 dead and climbing, Trump needs someone to blame. And he wants America to believe it was the WHO and not his own incompetence that put the USA where they are today. Here he is practicing his denials:
    3 points
  5. Be safe and be well. This will all come to an end soon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    2 points
  6. Well no fishing in the AM ,so drink a bit ,be happy and ,sleep in .LOL Me belly is full of my traditional BDAY dinner, Tuna casserole. HAPPY HAPPY
    2 points
  7. I have read numbers from 50 - 80% on ventilators die. I think that number will come down because I am hearing about more positive outcomes when ventilated patients are flipped to their stomachs. Time will tell. @MJIG it's my understanding that in the true absence of any underlying health conditions, otherwise healthy patients who have negative outcomes are suffering from an immune reaction called a "cytokine storm". There is still a lot to learn about this virus so take that with a grain of salt until confirmed. A quick read on cytokine storms: https://www.newscientist.com/term/cytokine-storm/
    2 points
  8. Exactly right. Target the problem areas, leave the rest of us alone.
    2 points
  9. I think this is the kind of scenario that Ang is referring to, and it is exactly what opening weekend of trout season will look like in many, many areas. That's the problem.
    2 points
  10. That number would also be misrepresented in the infection rate. As it stands now the group getting tested are those more likely to get infected which would increase the percentage. If all segments of the population were tested the percent infected would drop.
    2 points
  11. Opening the boarder IMO is just silliness .
    2 points
  12. Canadian numbers, overall, are looking better, but Ontario and Quebec are still posting big numbers. I can't see anything opening up here till end of May. Earliest. I think the time has come to finally clean out the garage. stay safe, and be well everyone
    2 points
  13. ...I want to reply...but I promised I wouldn’t 😂 theres now huge protests in Kentucky with people waving trump 2020 flags begging to go back to work. ohio, art, please stay safe guys, sounds like this is going to get way crazier for you guys down there.
    2 points
  14. Throw some old Christmas trees, pine trees ,old branches tied to blocks in the water casting distance from you dock and it will attract crappie build it and they will come
    2 points
  15. The photo has nothing to do with the radio interview where your post came from , it may be a stock photo of ford
    2 points
  16. No issues here with mine G . Marks the bottom easily at top speed .
    2 points
  17. Only if the model is G2N or G3N then they can be networked together. I have a Helix 7 G2 and i can't link it with my newer graphs which is a bummer. The units DI feature will work best until about 5mph above that it doesn't read. Even with the highspeed ducer you won't be able to use the DI above 5mph. The high speed ducer will only read 2D at high speed . I have the stock HD ducer for my Helix 7 si and using 2D image it sometimes did read the bottom and sometimes didnt on my tiller doing at about 25mph. But at stated above it could've been where I placed it.
    1 point
  18. happy birthday Brian, No chunky Cheese this year? Did Terry get your the extra boat? You health is the best gift keep well.
    1 point
  19. Bad install bad readings and most don't know or won't admit they screwed up.
    1 point
  20. Well, it looks like my state is going to partially open back up next week. We are definitely not a hot spot. the confirmed cases are .0009% of the population with a fatality rate of .03%. Of the fatalities, 72% were over 65 and 87% falling into some form of high risk group. I am glad. I need a haircut like a fat baby needs a Mama.
    1 point
  21. Have a very Happy Birthday Mr B!
    1 point
  22. Hey. Happy birthday eat drink and be merry
    1 point
  23. Many Happy Happys Brian! Michael
    1 point
  24. Air pollution is a huge contributing factor for asthma. You did the right thing heading for the country. I saw a video the other day (can't remember where) that said living in a city with high levels of air pollution qualifies as a "pre-existing condition" with regard to COVID-19.
    1 point
  25. I value your opinion Dutch, I don't always agree however. If you think it's a valuable read I am going to read it. I love your home made imogee. I am famous or was for doing my shoulder shrug when the poop hit the fan and it was sort of my "I told you so" body language." As well as many other statements with a simple shrug of my shoulders. It took me longer to type this post than read the article, twice.
    1 point
  26. And all those 700 buck tickets will cure the problem if people are really going to be that stupid
    1 point
  27. It's my understanding that 20% who go on ventilator survive... 80% don't. There has been chatter that ventilators may well be the wrong approach to this virus. HH
    1 point
  28. T-bone, I wasn't trying to "bash" anyone, and of course no person (or country) is responsible for the virus. Pandemics are natural occurrences. I was stating my opinion on the job performance of a politician in response to it. I understand you may have a different opinion and you are fully entitled to it. I was not trying to blame the American people for there being COVID-19 cases in Canada. Sorry if my post gave you that impression.
    1 point
  29. They draw a lot of our inland lakes down in the fall for flood control in the spring, our DNR did that in those lakes with christmas trees and wood pallets, they also attract bass. The fall drawdown was a good time to mark new spots.
    1 point
  30. They are talking about a gradual reopening here around May 1st, I would like to see those new case numbers drop significantly by then, or we could risk an even tougher next round? there will be even more resistance to another shutdown. 20,000+ new cases a day just doesn't sound like something under control?
    1 point
  31. WHAT PART OF THIS IS A FAMILY SITE THAT IS PROMOTING GOOD FEELINGS AND TOURISM DO YOU ALL NOT GET??????? We are all part of this and throwing mud at each other and there political leaders is not acceptable. Art
    1 point
  32. You Trump bashers make me laugh...and believe me, I'm not a fan of Trump, but HE is hardly to blame in any of this. Since when does a world problem that originated from who know's where - - China will never tell, become his fault? As a neighbor of the US, it sounds like you are blaming the US that Canada has the C19 virus within it's borders. Just like anyone...when you can't accept any of the blame yourself, you just point at someone else. But I get...some people like to bash others just to make themselves feel better...it's part of human nature.
    1 point
  33. I still urge people to minimize their travel and exposure to people, and to take this virus very seriously. IF we dodge the bullet that is hitting the US and other countries right now I think it will be because of the degree that we were compliant with all recommendations. In fairness though there's nothing in your comment I can really disagree with. The law is the law. Some will do more than the min and some won't and it's hard to call anyone wrong if they haven't broken the law. I have been out of my house twice in the last two weeks, but I will be fishing trout opener, alone. I can hear the laughing now 😂 I will actually be alone because I have a trout creek in my actual backyard, and another good spot a 10 minute walk. In 5 years fishing them I've never seen another angler. I do think Akri is right about the shoot show at places like the Ganny. Based on what I've seen there in the past I can't imagine that lot can behave themselves and they just might wreck it for the rest of us.
    1 point
  34. I'm not an epidemiologist (or a medical anything at all tbh!) so I'll be the first to admit if I'm wrong on this one...but as I understand it, if you recover from the virus and have antibodies in your blood, then you shouldn't be able to be reinfected by the same virus. This the premise on which vaccines work. However, there is something called antigenic drift in play too. The flu virus is a very fast mutating virus (high antigenic drift) that's why you need a new vaccine every year and it covers as many strains as they can include. I hope SARS-CoV-2 is not like the flu in this way, because if so a successful vaccine is less likely.
    1 point
  35. I was gonna crack wise about your top speed and then I realized I better not, you might be faster than me!
    1 point
  36. I can’t find the word tragedy! Lol
    1 point
  37. And I thought I was going to see a thread telling of someone's death. Tragedy is a word to describe something a bit more serious than cancelling a fishing derby. Even those that are going to lose big money that the event generates I would say it is sad but tragic it is not.
    1 point
  38. This makes sense to me. Fish, but don’t be stupid about it.
    1 point
  39. Everything "public" is cancelled from now 'till NEXT Fall. No concerts, no fishing tourneys, no car shows.. even Moparfest has already cancelled this years event in Kitchener.
    1 point
  40. Ford Says Fishing Season Won’t Be Delayed Kenora, ON, Canada / 89.5 The Lake Tim Davidson April 16, 2020 10:31 am Fishing season will open as usual in Ontario in May. That’s according the premier Doug Ford. In an exclusive interview with Acadia News, he says though they aren’t encouraging any fishing tournaments at this time, due to physical distancing protocols as a result of COVID-19. “Fishing will still be open, but the fishing derbies, we’re requesting, we’re not putting an order in, but I think it’s common sense, we don’t want the fishing derbies to happen.” While a number of boat launches are closed, Ford is encouraging anglers to get out, mind their physical distances and fish from shore. “If people want to make sure of their social distance and they’re on the shore and they want to throw a reel and hook in the water then by all means.” Walleye season is scheduled to open the third Saturday in May. You can listen to the full interview with Premier Ford below. https://www.895thelake.ca/2020/04/16/130396/?sc_ref=facebook&fbclid=IwAR0LhruiZ6fCpEiap0aPLpc1Y0yXMUAhtBpeoRc4_PHEeIej4944lqKETMM
    1 point
  41. Said goodbye to my 96 Yamaha 20hp today. Bought 5 years ago with zero issues until a few weeks ago. Now I can get something newer and head off the grid with no worries.
    1 point
  42. So many people trying to impose their moral compass on others if he is follow he rules he is following the rules he is following the rules one could start telling people to not go to the store the beer store nor liquor store because it’s safer not to and don’t accept any home deliveries because that could kill you or infect others. Let’s all follow the rules and do what is comfortable to us
    1 point
  43. I'm not sure how much blame I would put on the WHO? It takes a lot of cold hard evidence before you recommend something that may shut down a major portion of the world's economy? and if you're wrong? finding believers in what you say could be even harder the next time? Personally I believe or governor has done a good job trying to keep this under control, but there are people protesting in Columbus because he shut things down. It's a human tragedy and a fiscal nightmare for all countries dealing with this?
    1 point
  44. Pop’s alumacraft has a nautolex floor. I have two complaints about it. 1. When it’s cold it’s slippery as hell. 2. The side compartment etc where the liner had been folded in, the OEM glue and staples have started to fail as the stuff tries to straighten. So if you have spots that are folded, you will definitely need to give them some extra attention as the stuff tries to straighten out. Nothing I’m sure that by taking extra caution that can’t be fixed. on the positive side of things, holy hell its 1000000% easier to keep the thing clean. It actually seems to somewhat just clean itself. While my carpeted boat is constantly covered in sand and required vacuuming etc, the rain etc just seems to wash all of the sand fish blood and poop etc out of his boat. if you aren’t insane like me and clean your boat more than you do your house and truck and then the vinyl is a great idea!
    1 point
  45. Well my daughter gave a a turkey carcass from the weekend as she can't be bothered to make stock and soup. She has it figured out now, get Dad to do it all and then get soup for nothing. But that's OK, I ended up with 4 qts of soup. So that was a perfect excuse to break in my new dutch oven to bake some artisan bread. Talk about easy. No proofing of yeast, just a 2 minute mix of the ingredients including using hot water. Only a 3-5 hour rise to double in size, a quick fold over and shaping by hand and on a sheet of parchment paper and place in bowl while oven and pot is warming to 450°. Remove dutch oven, place paper and dough in pot with lid on and in oven for 30 minutes. Remove lid and bake further for 10-15 min to crisp up crust. Turned out fantastic, nice crispy crust and nice and soft inside with a texture similar to Sourdough. All for less than 5 minutes of time. . I can see it now being a regular occurrence in out kitchen.
    1 point
  46. No harm no foul thanks for the note it means a lot to me. I try hard to be impartial here and apply the rules fairly to all Nationalities. The mission of this Forum has always been to allow kids to elderly people to come here and not be afraid of what they get to read. We also have not ever had a political or religious thread end in a good way hence the rules we follow. I want to give you all some insight on this Forum. The mission of this Forum has not changed since day one which is to support T.J. (our fearless leader and my good friend)at https://duenorthmarketing.com/ which is how he makes a living. While he started this site many years ago I have been here since the beginning and when the site needed someone to step up and keep it from going under I took on the site and became a co owner here. We both dug into our pockets and we did some major updates to the site and the security on it. Another gentlemen entered the picture called Blueyes or Chad who is our IT guru and to date has spend a wack load of hours fixing and addressing our problems and to date has also not taken a dime for compensation. So please go easy on me I am here to keep the vision of the site in focus and make it a place where people from all Nations can see how great Canada is and spend money at the places that support the fishing destinations we dream about. Thanks for letting me speak Be safe and be well Art
    1 point
  47. And to the Trudeau bashers... Spending time with your immediate family that you live with is OK. That was his wife and 3 kids he was hanging out with!!!
    1 point
  48. My info says over 600 health care works and more then half in long term care and the health care world praised the 100 cars full of people who drove to the hospital in Barrie in a parade waving flags and signs and thanked them for their support barrie hospital has 2 covid patients and no staff has it Not sounding overwhelming if the powers that be considered that ok and the PMs family and the leader of the opposition can both go the their cottages for the long weekend I think I can go fishing
    1 point
  49. I might be 74 but it wouldn't be her hands I'd be trying to hold 😉
    1 point
  50. OK .. that didnt work ... here it is in another format
    1 point
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