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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2020 in all areas

  1. Well my daughter gave a a turkey carcass from the weekend as she can't be bothered to make stock and soup. She has it figured out now, get Dad to do it all and then get soup for nothing. But that's OK, I ended up with 4 qts of soup. So that was a perfect excuse to break in my new dutch oven to bake some artisan bread. Talk about easy. No proofing of yeast, just a 2 minute mix of the ingredients including using hot water. Only a 3-5 hour rise to double in size, a quick fold over and shaping by hand and on a sheet of parchment paper and place in bowl while oven and pot is warming to 450°. Remove dutch oven, place paper and dough in pot with lid on and in oven for 30 minutes. Remove lid and bake further for 10-15 min to crisp up crust. Turned out fantastic, nice crispy crust and nice and soft inside with a texture similar to Sourdough. All for less than 5 minutes of time. . I can see it now being a regular occurrence in out kitchen.
    7 points
  2. If you believe in god. Then it’s their job to give moral guidance the government is voted in to make laws which I am sure they use their own moral compass as a guide we do need wto follow rules and I take it very seriously more then most. I have not been within 6 ft of anyone who doesn’t live in my house I haven’t been in a grocery store a beer store or liquor store No one in my house has gone to work even though one of us could. Your wife kept working. I didn’t judge. we all set our own comfort level and if we are within the law we should leave them the hell alone IMHO
    5 points
  3. I thought I would try for some crappie the other day. No crappie, but ran into this girl.
    4 points
  4. Some may find this interesting
    4 points
  5. So many people trying to impose their moral compass on others if he is follow he rules he is following the rules he is following the rules one could start telling people to not go to the store the beer store nor liquor store because it’s safer not to and don’t accept any home deliveries because that could kill you or infect others. Let’s all follow the rules and do what is comfortable to us
    4 points
  6. I'm losing count of "new members" that have joined in the last few weeks just to
    4 points
  7. Imo. If you don’t accept your mistakes and learn from them moving forward you are destined to repeat your mistakes
    4 points
  8. A fishing partner that isn't on the cell phone all day talking to his wife and family members
    4 points
  9. My info says over 600 health care works and more then half in long term care and the health care world praised the 100 cars full of people who drove to the hospital in Barrie in a parade waving flags and signs and thanked them for their support barrie hospital has 2 covid patients and no staff has it Not sounding overwhelming if the powers that be considered that ok and the PMs family and the leader of the opposition can both go the their cottages for the long weekend I think I can go fishing
    4 points
  10. Ford Says Fishing Season Won’t Be Delayed Kenora, ON, Canada / 89.5 The Lake Tim Davidson April 16, 2020 10:31 am Fishing season will open as usual in Ontario in May. That’s according the premier Doug Ford. In an exclusive interview with Acadia News, he says though they aren’t encouraging any fishing tournaments at this time, due to physical distancing protocols as a result of COVID-19. “Fishing will still be open, but the fishing derbies, we’re requesting, we’re not putting an order in, but I think it’s common sense, we don’t want the fishing derbies to happen.” While a number of boat launches are closed, Ford is encouraging anglers to get out, mind their physical distances and fish from shore. “If people want to make sure of their social distance and they’re on the shore and they want to throw a reel and hook in the water then by all means.” Walleye season is scheduled to open the third Saturday in May. You can listen to the full interview with Premier Ford below. https://www.895thelake.ca/2020/04/16/130396/?sc_ref=facebook&fbclid=IwAR0LhruiZ6fCpEiap0aPLpc1Y0yXMUAhtBpeoRc4_PHEeIej4944lqKETMM
    3 points
  11. I have been disappointed with WHO they started by announcing the wahu virus was no concern then they said there was no reason to stop international travel or trade and that countries that closed borders were over reacting most countries followed their guidelines they were wrong on every account I think it’s time to change the way they do things
    3 points
  12. Personally, i am going to say yes to fishing. I wont be breaking any laws by going, i will be going places where the launches are still open and the chances of seeing more than a handful of people are slim. If they close the seasons, or mandate i must stay home, thats a different story. But if have to go to work, as i am still deemed "essential", then i am going fishing.
    3 points
  13. No issues here with mine G . Marks the bottom easily at top speed .
    2 points
  14. Y adapter and the simple 2D transducer is what you want. Although I've got no issues reading up to about 35mph with my 180T transducer. I think it's all in the placement.
    2 points
  15. I live on the edge of a lake, have my own launch, only fish with my family members. I’m going fishing, if the damn ice ever melts 😄
    2 points
  16. Easy to sit on your computer chair and criticize these people....I don't envy any of them, tough time to be a 'Leader' And making up stupid names for people, pathetic, immature behavior!!!! Grow the F up!
    2 points
  17. thats what confuses the heck out of me. The faction of folks that think that the economy will do better by simply making everyone go back to work...im not sure how just letting the virus run its course and kill everyone will make the economy run better? Very confusing. Some models suggest that 100,000 people would have died in Ontario alone if we didnt take any measures at all...I have no idea how that would be a good thing for the economy ?
    2 points
  18. I'm not sure how much blame I would put on the WHO? It takes a lot of cold hard evidence before you recommend something that may shut down a major portion of the world's economy? and if you're wrong? finding believers in what you say could be even harder the next time? Personally I believe or governor has done a good job trying to keep this under control, but there are people protesting in Columbus because he shut things down. It's a human tragedy and a fiscal nightmare for all countries dealing with this?
    2 points
  19. Make your own. Get an old style pressure cooker; one that has the spigot in the lid. Coil up (In 8-10" loops) 10 feet of copper tubing; the same size as the cooker's spigot. Connect the coil to the spigot with a short section of hose and a couple of hose clamps. Hang the coil vertically with a downwards slop (Maybe 10-15°); with the other end of coil stuck inside an open container. Fill the cooker half way with tap water, put the lid on and then put the cooker on the heat to boil. You'll now have distilled water. Also if you're inclined; you can start making your own screech. LOL Dan.
    2 points
  20. I too believe they have outlived their usefulness and are now just head down in the big food trough making sure they are well fed. Along with the rest of the upper clown crust, Theresa Sham, Patti Babble, etc.
    2 points
  21. No harm no foul thanks for the note it means a lot to me. I try hard to be impartial here and apply the rules fairly to all Nationalities. The mission of this Forum has always been to allow kids to elderly people to come here and not be afraid of what they get to read. We also have not ever had a political or religious thread end in a good way hence the rules we follow. I want to give you all some insight on this Forum. The mission of this Forum has not changed since day one which is to support T.J. (our fearless leader and my good friend)at https://duenorthmarketing.com/ which is how he makes a living. While he started this site many years ago I have been here since the beginning and when the site needed someone to step up and keep it from going under I took on the site and became a co owner here. We both dug into our pockets and we did some major updates to the site and the security on it. Another gentlemen entered the picture called Blueyes or Chad who is our IT guru and to date has spend a wack load of hours fixing and addressing our problems and to date has also not taken a dime for compensation. So please go easy on me I am here to keep the vision of the site in focus and make it a place where people from all Nations can see how great Canada is and spend money at the places that support the fishing destinations we dream about. Thanks for letting me speak Be safe and be well Art
    2 points
  22. No "want".. I already have mine! Thanks!
    2 points
  23. I got a nice surprise on my last outing to Simcoe. It was released to surprise some one else.
    1 point
  24. This makes sense to me. Fish, but don’t be stupid about it.
    1 point
  25. Next time I make baked beans,I will eat them the next day . Even though they were very good last night ,do they ever taste better today and even thicken up .
    1 point
  26. I’m stilll going fishing 🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  27. I have different makes on my dash. One I use for gps while running the other for regular depth then when I’m trolling or casting i switch to other transducers so they don’t need to be the same make. You could even go with one that is just a fishfinder with no gps to save money. But of course bigger is better and the more bells and whistles the better. Lol And if available ,the same make could be networked together for more function
    1 point
  28. big guy I'm in the same situation but work more on the maintenance end. Until orders start again we are shut down.
    1 point
  29. Here is a fly he did and posted on Facebook today
    1 point
  30. I would have called it an "impurity removing tool" otherwise MIB will come knocking, lol.
    1 point
  31. I dont use faux bucktail only the rea stuff!lol! Clouser has an eye! If u mean a tube fly, line goes in from front of tube and out the back. Tie on hook .push hook eye into silicone tube at rear of fly! When fish hits hook pulls out of the back of the fly.fly slides up line! No damage to fly! Lol!
    1 point
  32. Ive tied so many this winter it would take 20 pages to post them all! Lol! Here are some!2 Humpy dry flies, clouser minnow,tube fly,mini hopper,nother tube fly,DDH leech dry,daytime crappy candy,nitetime crappie candy,pike fly,clouser,ddh leech wet, tons more! Lol!!!
    1 point
  33. Well, for now I will be practicing staying home and reading this forum.
    1 point
  34. To get this thread back on track I thought that I would share some information that seems to have just come out but has not necessarily been advertised because it would suggest weaker social distancing measures. the WHO has posted that they no longer believe that the virus can be transmitted in an airborne matter. And furthermore asymptotic people are far less dangerous than originally thought. Their spacing guidance is now 3 feet rather than 6 and I even heard some articles begin to suggest that it needs to be 12! the only danger with people experiencing mild symptoms is that they may not believe their illness is coronavirus due to the mild symptoms and therefore they may not take necessary precautions to avoid coughing etc in public. for me this was important as well because I have been shopping on behalf of my immuno compromised mom and was concerned that I could give her the virus without even knowing it. Turns out that unless I’m experiencing some form of mild symptoms it would be extremely difficult to transmit it to her. So if I am extremely wary of my own health, and can ensure that I don’t have a cough, runny nose etc then I will have no issue continuing shopping on her behalf. more importantly, this means that if you ensure that you wear gloves and sanitize the surfaces that you touch and wash your hands very frequently while not touching your face you can do a lot to avoid contracting the virus. as far as I was aware originally the assumption was that if you came even near someone who was asymptomatic that you were potentially at risk, or if you breathed their “breath droplets” you’d contract the illness. it sounds like you have to come in contact with their saliva and subsequently then touch your eyes or mouth to contract it. For me I don’t plan on changing anything in my routine of spacing between strangers at the grocery store etc. but at least it put my mind at ease that by wearing gloves while shopping and not touching my face, sanitizing products that I’ve brought home that I am most likely not going to fall Sick by going to the grocery store.
    1 point
  35. Good looking barge there Hack Fisherman. What make is it? That transom looks familiar but I don't want to guess. What I like about my boat is it is so convertible. I seldom go out with more than 2 of us. If it's 3 it's for Perch only. I take the casting butt seat out of the bow and put in one of the swivel seats, then only have 2 seats at the helm for traveling and 1 on the bow. That way my 1st mate can sit in the bow seat and monitor the 4 trolling rods while I drive and monitor the electronics. A perfect set up for us. You can never have enough storage space. Personally I would chuck the sleeper seats completely and install removable swivel seats. When you get an 18 footer you would have wished you got a 19 footer etc. etc. etc. Good luck on your upgrade. Good plan.
    1 point
  36. You have a big job ahead of you. What are you planning on doing to make it more fish oriented? I also was trying to decide if I should rip the carpet all out. If I do I will also choose Nautolex to replace it. Highly recommended by many of the 100,000 members of iboats.com. I don't think I will be doing much on the boat tomorrow, we got about 3"s of snow this afternoon and into the evening. It is more snow than we have had all winter long. I have to smirk when I read folks are bored stiff staying at home. I have a good weeks worth of chores I can do around inside our little shack and I know everyone has things that they can do as well. And that doesn't include what I can do with the boat. We just choose not to do them. Now I have snow to make an excuse not to detail our boat. When I bought the boat in 2008 it was early in the season and the water was rough here on Erie where we live so I didn't take it out for a few days and that was brutal. A pal was here and when my wife got home we were sitting in the boat having a pop and listening to some tunes. She brought home a jug of Rum and made us boat drinks including little umbrellas complete with pineapple slices and all 3 of us sat in it until it having proper boat drinks until it was time for dinner. I will never forget those few hours. And I never burned a drop of fuel!!! A few neighbors walked past and must have thought we were bonkers. Here is our 1994 Star Craft 190 Superfisherman 190. I keep her as clean as possible. The pic was taken in 2019.
    1 point
  37. Gotta slice it chilled and you have to mix hot horseradish in with the katsup. 👍
    1 point
  38. I always put eggs into a hash...........and bacon is good in just about everything!
    1 point
  39. I finished installing the Electric trolling motor installed two fishfinders. One more to install
    1 point
  40. Yeah. But it might be the right time to do my floors. I bought the Nautolex and seats last year. I need swivel seat bases, plywood and styrofoam SM. And some hinges & recessed latches for compartments. I’m up Updating a 70’s Starcraft Supersport to a more fishing oriented boat. And if I get it done and still no launches open, I’ll sit in it, drink beer and practice casting on the lawn. Your cover peeps sound like a good go to. Might be worth the drive. I want a good winter/travel cover. The mooring covers I have don’t last long at 90kmh
    1 point
  41. Oh look, A small one,,,,LOL Nice going jimmer .
    1 point
  42. I am one of the people that pushed for a 'no politics' rule on here. That being said, pretty hard to discuss the current GLOBAL situation without politics coming into it. Art, I like you but I get a bit pissy about an American Moderator on a forum called ONTARIO fishing community coming down on Canadians that aren't happy with the leadership to our South. Frankly, since your current President took over, Canada (the best friend the US has ever had) has gotten treated like crap on numerous occasions!
    1 point
  43. Nurses and psw have been treated like crap for years so I hope this gives them a leg up when they go for their next contract and now they are only allowed to work at one location, I hope they don’t agree to work more hours unless they get a full 8 hour contract they love having 6 part time workers on duty rather then 3 full time workers. So they don’t have to pay them full wages and no sick leave or benefits and no vacation and the worst hours
    1 point
  44. Yeah but most accidents happen at home and most car accidents happen within 5 miles of home. so staying at home statistically will put as big a strain on the health care system as going to the cottage or whatever and they have said the hospitals are only at around 65% most times they are close to100% same with fire departments Facts don’t agree with the propaganda out there
    1 point
  45. Fishing is not closed and everyone needs to make their own decisions! For me, I believe that there are much more pressing matters than whether I go fishing or not! And no one loves fishing more than I do. If you have access to water while being able to properly practice social distancing and non-essential travel then have at it! For me , my focus is more on staying healthy & well, making sure that my elderly neighbours, mother & mother in-law are looked after and figuring how we can all do our part to stem the tide of this horrible pandemic. I am working through my club and friends who have a supply chain to help to ensure that our front line workers are properly supplied with all the PPE that they need! BTW, on the positive side, I'm finally starting to get a handle on re-organizing my garage and gear, something that I haven't had time to do in years! Be prepared for an onslaught of gear for sale! LOL Please everyone stay home & stay safe, remember we're all in this together!
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. My boat ramp is "slide her down the hill" down to my dock in the spring ... and then "drag her up the hill" for the winter ... Pretty sure I'd be a lot safer floating around in old ironsides (getting some good old fashioned covid-19 killing rays) than I would be all cooped up in the "locked down" city ... dodging shopping carts going the wrong way down one-way grocery aisles (even with a mask and gloves) - I'm seriously thinking of redesignating my primary residence just so I wont have to put up with nonsense ... I pay way more taxes and disdustingly more for electricity and phone (and well .. everything) up there just because I'm not a "permanent" resident ... even though I don't make use of most of the services for most of the year ... jeeze .. I definitely need a scotch (Sorry for the rant)
    1 point
  48. Exactly! Thats why they closed the launches. There's no reason to not be in a boat if you live on the lake or next to it.
    1 point
  49. Remember there are dozens of battery brands but only about 6 actual manufacturers.
    1 point
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