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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2020 in all areas

  1. You look on google earth for cottages with their own boat ramps. Then you drive by to see if they came up from the city if not ,you launch there and park in their driveway the fine for trespassing 80 bucks the fine for launching at a posted ramp 800. Bucks you do the math. LOL
    3 points
  2. Well, I got tested for Kung Flu. Great news, it came back negative.
    3 points
  3. I'm still here guys. Thanks for the well wishes
    3 points
  4. I've ordered 2 giant rubber bands and a ramp from ACME. Most of the ratings were very good but someone with the handle W.E. Coyote only gave it half a star. Photos to follow.
    2 points
  5. It’s about managing densely populated areas, zone 17 includes most of the population of Ontario, whereas as in Zone 1 its only Moosebunk and his family, a few beavers and an elk.
    2 points
  6. What happened? I got a pretty good idea what happened There's been lots of great Ontario outdoors people here, great anglers and great characters, people who have done lots of crazy trips with crazy experiences because of their obsession with fishing, they fish 24/7, who have found this site and then have been pushed away by the old boys club group of guys that treat this forum like their own personal blog and shun anyone who isn't in the original club. that's my take on it, if you scroll through the list of members you'll probably wonder- what ever happened to that guy, and that guy? where did they all go? Ric's alive and well, I see him on FB, I've got lots of friends on FB and I don't really know who they are because they left here and didn't keep their handle and sent me a friend request because of our interaction here I'm not calling you out Dax, quite the opposite, I liked how you guys butted heads, it was entertaining, it was the bullying, pile on, you're not one of us boys club mentality that killed a bunch of good posters here it is what it is, a personal blog for a small circle of friends, outsiders not welcome
    2 points
  7. Hi all, Wabigoon Lake has been very mediocre in terms of crappie fishing on the ice this year for me, that is until half way through March, and now it is on fire. In some areas it does not seem to matter where you drill holes, they are everywhere and some nice size ones too. Ice is going to go fast this year as soon as night time temps approach the +℃, GET 'EM WHILE YOU CAN!
    1 point
  8. Throw a rake or a lawnmower in the truck and spend a half hour as repayment. You’d probably end up with permission to a private ramp.
    1 point
  9. You should have gotten yourself a chicken! You would have know where the eggs were. We had a drive by, one car still to arrive. It was amazing seeing them all at once. We played by the rules and it was done in 15 minutes.
    1 point
  10. It sure seems somewhat encouraging.
    1 point
  11. Finally got things together and was going to the cabin today but there was an issue. I've been battling a fierce flu bug since mid-January and haven't been out but once in January. I guess the battery went flat and froze due to me not plugging the sled in for months and today I went to start it and nada. Even after being plugged in for a couple of days she was dead flat. 😪 Got a new one from CT and it's currently on the bench charging. Maybe I'll get out tomorrow. 🙄 I can't believe that battery only lasted 12 1/2 years. Worthless piece of crap.
    1 point
  12. As I see it this is evidence that what we've done up to now is working.
    1 point
  13. I just had a wonderful easter egg hunt. I hid them yesterday and sure enough this morning I found the note I had left for myself on the fridge telling me there was one. Now I wish I had left a map of where I hid the darn things. This getting old is kind of fun sometimes 🤗 Whoops, just found another one LOL 😅
    1 point
  14. I missed this before. Very cool link
    1 point
  15. Old Ironmaker if you click on the link I provided you can see most of ships in the world. Can zoom in or out to where your looking. By moving your mouse to point at a certain ship it will give you information about it. Clicking on it will give even more info.
    1 point
  16. Too soon? I don't know I missed a few medical classes in Epidemiology studies. I saw on TV that the Covid outbreak in NY is traced back to Europe not China.
    1 point
  17. Hi Rick, hope all is well up there. Every time I see Pike Mike on TV I think of you. Oh yea and Bannock Bread, when I see it on the menu at the Rez restaurants I think of you too. Ticha's doing good, did you know that a cosmetician is an essential service position? Actually they basically closed her dept. and now she is the head security customer counter at her store. They only let 15 people in at a time and she chases them through the store telling them to get their allotment of toilet paper, pay and leave. With a please, thank you and a smile of course. Call me if you wish. No texting, I'm getting the O.A.S. pension.
    1 point
  18. Not sure if it’s to early or not; but life has start somewhere getting back to “normal” Lets just hope that the “new normal” is what we’re wanting/hopping for? Dan.
    1 point
  19. I am happy to camp right here with my royal crown on ye head Wayne .
    1 point
  20. Only thing worse than being a dough-head, is being a dough-head and putting it on Youtube: no cold water gear, no rod leashes, gear not secured to the boat. Doh!
    1 point
  21. Like living to a ripe old age? Sumptin' like that Beans? That's what I'm looking forward to Cliff, and if it means not taking the boat out well that's what I am going to do, look forward to living longer and doing my absolute best to ensure I am not the one that passes on this thing to people I love and care about, simple as that I am going to tell you all what I say to everyone I know that goes for a ride to get out of the house because they all say they aren't in contact with another soul and not harming anyone. The idea is that if for any reason 1st responders need to be called out resources are squandered. Vehicles should be on the roads for 2 reasons. 1, to get to and from work if you are considered to be essential. 2, to get to and from grocery stores, pharmacies and getting fuel to get to and back from an essential job. I think that is pretty simple. I won't delve into the discussion as to whom and what should or shouldn't be essential. I will say this though, our 1st responders are the most essential people we have right now. Please just stay home. It's tough, it's boring, it's terrible but it's better than being dead. I don't know how hard that is to understand. In my humble opinion and that of the leaders we elected to make the tough decisions for us just stay home. Nice fish but please just stay home.
    1 point
  22. beetlejuice beetlejuice
    1 point
  23. 33,000 + new cases in the USA on the 10th and 2000 + deaths. USA is now leading the world in the number of cases, we have China and India beat by multiple times, countries that have our population beat by multiple times. Open it when the daily death toll keeps rising? 2000+ deaths, that is almost the number of people in my entire township. I can understand the financial aspects, but should people have to pay with their lives?
    1 point
  24. Interesting---but if the curve goes down to zero it will bounce right back again once controls are slackened off. We need to keep a low infection rate going until a big percentage of the pop has developed immunity by being exposed. This thing needs to be cooked---we can doit on high and have the pot boil over and make a big mess----hospitals overloaded, people dying like flies----or we can cook it slowly on a steady low heat.
    1 point
  25. "Next big thing"? 😆 Kayak fishing has been going strong for more than 10 years. Every imaginable species in pretty much every imaginable water has been caught from a yak. The only time I don't fish from a yak is when I fish from a SUP. Yes, you can lay out $2K for a yak, but you can also find a fishable boat for less than 1/2 that. Any stable SOT can be a good fishing yak. Specialized fishing yaks have evolved in design so that you can easily stand and fish easily. Closed boat ramps, meh. Expensive gas, meh. Lakes with no boat ramps, meh. Water too shallow for a motor.......
    1 point
  26. Wow $750 is pretty damn steep!!! Looking back over history, if he would have snuck in to the park and been poaching trout during the off season using dynamite, it would have been $100.
    1 point
  27. Ok. I'm a bit of a history buff and hearing the stories my dad has told me; about the occupation of Belgium; during WW2. This pandemic sounds very familiar. Where people for minimal reasons call officials on their neighbors. Sad that people think that they're doing the right thing by calling the "officials" for/on people for things that are not harming anyone. I think these type of things are going to continue; until were afraid to do anything without being prosecuted??? Dan.
    1 point
  28. Please click Here to view the petition on change.org. Hello Everyone, I have started a petition to try to allow boat launches to be open to people who will be fishing (with some social distancing restrictions). I am hoping the fishing community can help obtain some signatures and share the petition. I am not sure if this will make any difference, but it is worth a try! Thanks!
    1 point
  29. Since I am hanging out at the house more now, I keep up with the Port of Mobile here.\ http://www2.asdd.com/dkvs/php/harborreport.php
    1 point
  30. I don’t get some people what do you do while fishing, hug everyone within 40 ft of you I have been fishing 4 time lately and I have not stopped for gas coffee food or sex And I have not been closer then 30 ft of anyone except driving down the road passing other cars, there was a guy at the ramp I waited on my truck till he left. As I ran down the river I saw a guy get out of his truck, he was waiting for me to leave .it is a very safe activity. If walking your dog or going to the liquor store becomes illegal then boating should be too but when you can do things that people are standing 6 feet apart I will fish
    1 point
  31. 1961 Acecraft, 18 foot Replaced the 48 horse with a 60, new carpet, new lounge seats and repainted it
    1 point
  32. My boat is happy to be out of the driveway and now lives on a lake! Just a 14' Tinny, with custom floors and a 25HP on the back....perfect for my small lake :)
    1 point
  33. Mine is a Princecraft 162 Pro w/ 50hp Merc. Mostly I fish local lakes (Eastern Ont) w/ 1-2 people, it's an ideal size boat for that. For getting into the smaller lakes and rivers, I have an old Springbok canoe w/ 2hp Yammie
    1 point
  34. Retire from fishing and sell the boat? That is not just a sad day... but a tragic day.
    1 point
  35. Nice Boats fella's My Baby. 2014 Lund Pro-Guide 1675 with a 2010 Etec 75. Best Kijiji find I have ever had.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Loved my SKEETER and had it for 10 years without an issue on boat or motor. It was a great musky fishing boat and we saw plenty of action together. But when I decided to retire from fishing I sold all my gear including the boat and this was the last day I had her and the new owner picked her up just after this picture was taken. Kind of a sad day really.
    1 point
  38. Those Starcrafts look to be well built boats!
    1 point
  39. Above is my pride and joy. 1994 StarCraft Superfisherman 190. 115 HP Mariner and matching 15 HP kicker. I had her for sale but can't bring myself to let her go. I have gifted 50% ownership of her to a close friend, he uses it as much as I do anyway. I know friends and business etc. Met him on the 1st day of school at grade 10 Football tryout, have survived 2 failed business ventures together , 1 very sucessfull business and I still can't get rid of him. We need todo some work on her this winter but plan to have her ready for spring Cats in The Grand River in April. That's when the 15 pound plus beasts are on the feed bag.
    1 point
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