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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2020 in all areas

  1. Lets not forget our elderly and not just our family members; but the seniors in our neighborhoods. Check on them to see if they're OK; in need of supplies or errands too be done. Today my wife is off from work; (They started rotating days at the service department of the car dealership; where she is a service adviser) she called the people we new in our neighborhood that might like some help. At the same time she asked them if they knew of anyone that might be in need of something. Only got three people take her up on her offer; most said that they were OK. She did a grocery shop for a couple of homes and one stop at the service Ontario to get a license plate sticker for our next door neighbor, Why this 80 year old man wanted his sticker I don't know? The car hasn't moved for the last two months; but he was upset that his plate had expired. LOL She dropped the groceries off outside at their door and they had the cash or a cheque in their mail box for her. Yes she wiped all of the containers, boxes and bags down with an antiseptic cloth before leaving the stash at the homes. I was proud of her for making the effort; one she plans to continue doing. Dan.
    4 points
  2. I can’t trust anglers from picking up their own garbage so I certainly am not going to trust them that all will comply with social distancing. Fishing is a recreation for most of us, it is certainly not essential. Dave Chong said no fish is worth dying for during an ice fishing seminar and I agree but it applies in all situations. Once you get or give the virus, there are no ‘do overs’, no take me backs. I’m smart enough to know when I don’t know what I don’t know. There’s so much to this we and the medical community does not know yet. Health care and front line workers are dying trying to save people. If you don’t have your health, you have nothing, at the very least maintain what health you have. The arguement to compare fishing to other activities that are essential is ignorant during a pandemic. Stay at home and self isolate as much as you can, it is the most effective way to avoid infection.
    4 points
  3. I am still reading all the posts, but in case this point does not come up, I would like to throw this out there. I would love to be fishing as much as anyone. Have you given thought to this: There is way more to this than just "social distancing"! By encouraging you to STAY HOME, there is less chance that you will run into an accident or something that will force medical and other first responders to have to tend to you. The more of us that are out on the roads, the percentage of likely hood of this happening. These first responders and hospitals are already maxed out. I know you can stay a distance from each other at the ramp and in the boat, but it is bigger than all of that. Just Stay Home!
    3 points
  4. The ones I tied are more for a fly rod with an indicator,. I did a few up this morning with a jig head .
    3 points
  5. Just starting . Will work on some with crazy legs and rubber bodies . It,s a start
    2 points
  6. Actually, unless things have changed in the last few days, a lot of hospitals, in this part of the world anyway, Lindsay area, are not maxed out. I have a sister that works there and she says its really nice working there right now, people are staying at home and not running to emerg for sniffles and cut fingers, the sort on non emergency stuff people always swamp the place with. Not disagreeing that first responders need to be able deal with whats important right now, but its a misconception that hospitals are swamped with covid patients. Most people are staying home to recover, only 3% of patients in the country are need of critical care to date. Unfortunately, when this is all said and done, i imagine the emerg units will return to their normal state of chaos, mostly for no reason.
    2 points
  7. Good on her Dan, we live on a street where on one side is all retired seniors and I see people dropping stuff off and those that can go out for a short errand.
    2 points
  8. Friend I have known 60 years out in BC got a 22' Proline hardtop last year, would be perfect here in Ontario as well
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. Is that David Spade wearing the white shirt? Kind of looks like him.
    2 points
  11. Now what would this world be without all the misinformation.
    2 points
  12. https://teslamotorsclub.com/blog/2020/04/06/tesla-shows-off-ventilator-built-with-model-3-parts/ HH
    2 points
  13. This is all I can find of course kicker motor and downriggers will not be on it
    2 points
  14. I went ice fishing to a back lake with a friend a couple days ago. We both agreed to keep our distance and did, but there was definitely a chance for transmission. We shared 1 axe (auger), minnow bucket, ladle (scoop), I borrowed a hook, we passed close to each other a few times on the trail and around the campfire. I don't like rules, but to help the politicians mitigate the problem they created out of ineptitude and incompetence, I'm going solo until this pandemic subsides
    2 points
  15. https://www.ofah.org/covid19closures/
    1 point
  16. Caught a lot of bass, day and night using little 1/8 th ounce hair jigs that didn't look as good as those!
    1 point
  17. My daughter's been in Toronto Western Hospital for a week now....not the virus....and she says it's unbelievably quiet in there and almost seems like there's nobody around other than medical staff.
    1 point
  18. Kawartha Lakes: https://www.kawarthalakes.ca/en/news/covid-19-update-32-a-message-from-the-mayor.aspx
    1 point
  19. I have had the pleasure of filming him a number of times . Great guy and knows how to fish .
    1 point
  20. All expiration dates on or after March 1 were extended until further notice: https://www.ontario.ca/page/extended-validation-periods?_ga=2.37673568.1592670306.1586264313-887641135.1584726326 extending licence plate sticker validation including International Registration Plan (IRP)
    1 point
  21. Thanks for checking pal . No rush here .
    1 point
  22. Impossible pie is a Bisquick-based recipe with either broccoli or asparagus, diced onion, shredded cheese and baked in the oven. It is delicious. My recipe: Doctor Doug’s Broccoli (or Asparagus) Impossible Pie 1 good-size head of broccoli, cut into bite-sized pieces OR about a pound of asparagus, woody ends broken off and discarded, then cut into pieces 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese 2/3 cup chopped onion 1 1/3 cup milk 3 eggs 3/4 cup Bisquick (packed down) see note 2. 1/2 tsp Hy’s seasoned salt 1/4 tsp pepper Preheat oven to 400 F. Mix the broccoli, the cheese and the onion in a greased pie plate (or 2 pie plates, usually, see note 2). Beat the eggs, milk, Bisquick and S&P until smooth, pour over the broccoli/etc. Bake 25-35 minutes until cooked. My batch always ends up too big for one pie plate so I make two. I use whatever comes as a "head" of broccoli in the grocery store, usually two to three heads of course, using both the flowerlets and most of the stalk, down to about the last inch and a half, which is too tough and stringy. I use less cheese than the recipe calls for, and never top it at the end with more cheese. I always use more Bisquick than the recipe calls for, and the batter is still about the consistency of pancake batter. I find it takes longer than 35 minutes, usually closer to 45 minutes, but I keep a close eye on it. It is cooked when you can put a skewer or toothpick or similar into the pie and it comes out clean. The top should be a nice golden brown. You can make the recipe with asparagus instead of the broccoli, but do include the onion whether you use broccoli or asparagus, it really adds a lot of flavour. Indeed, I like the asparagus better than the broccoli. Bon appetit! “Doctor” Doug Notes from April 2020: Pre-heat the oven! This is important!!! A better cooking pan is a rectangular cake pan, just make a bit more of the batter. The end product is nicer and it doesn’t over-flow the rim and make a mess. Italiano shredded cheese also makes a very nice flavoured pie.
    1 point
  23. Can you post a pic and/or the L x W? I have a couple kicking around...
    1 point
  24. Like I said, dance floor. Care to dance fella ? LOL
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Looking good. Mr B knowing you are not on Facebook here are a few jig ideas for you from Big Jim that he recently posted.
    1 point
  27. Guess he also should have borrowed your crystal ball. I’m not sure why only US presidents are being called out for this. Pointless conversation.
    1 point
  28. H1N1 was in 2009. Obama had 7 years to replenish the stocks. 7 of his 8 years in office!!!!
    1 point
  29. I don't understand how people are making the leap from public boat ramps being closed to no fishing or boating allowed. There are two separate entities in play here...the new laws regarding temporary closures of public ramps and the moral issue of staying home. I personally have seen nothing that indicates you must stay indoors at all times. IF you can access your favorite lake without utilizing a public ramp, and IF you will not require stops for fuel, etc., and IF the risk(however large or small) that your well thought out plans will not require close human contact...have at it. Like many of you I have a boat in the driveway that is fueled up and ready to go. I also know which ramps are still open and give me access to the lake. But for now, I have decided to make the sacrifice(and I feel silly even typing that word) to not go. That's just between me and my conscience and has zero to do with anyone else. Maybe in a week or two I'll be out if things change. If people want to go and to them the risk is less than the reward, have a good time. But, last week when I see guys with their boats on the back at gas stations and Canadian Tire, I call Bull. All in my IMHO only.
    1 point
  30. Thanks for all the replies guys Krattor sounds like a great trip = I don't know much about Erie for smallies but spent a lot of time fishing musky in the Kawarthas and loved it Dutch - mine would be walleye, smallies and musky Bill - I hear ya bass are a great species to target and in Southern Ontario abundant
    1 point
  31. I didn't think that idea had any credibility except among the hard core conspiracy theorists. They would not be convinced by scientific evidence anyway. The only cure for those people is to have the Martians scoop them up and take them away.
    1 point
  32. I think we kayakers might have you beat for getting into hidden spots. That tree on the right was actually across the stream, we cut it with a folding saw. The work often pays off though (face is blocked cause it's my buddy's fish and I didn't clear it with him).
    1 point
  33. And this is why I say take care of your own. Canada has given out $$$$$$$$ to aid other countries, wheres the pay back ? Keep our $$$$$$ here from now on. Also you will see that big name actors are donating millions in the US to help health aid . Where are our big stars ? Oh wait, living state side . Hey Drake, you got some spare change ? Maybe donate, instead of your tootsie foot move vid showing off your mansion .
    1 point
  34. my parents are elderly, my grandma is really elderly, if there is any problems with them I swear I will be arrested for getting in trudeaus face, I’d love to smash his face right now, he’s a spineless pos
    1 point
  35. I haven't been to Hamilton for a month. I drove a neighbour to the Ham. airport yesterday to go back to Florida. The airport parking lot was full to the brim. Someone is travelling somewhere. I went to my club after I dropped him off and James St. N. was thriving, people everywhere, strolling shopping whatever. I didn't see one person in Hamilton with a mask on. They make them tough in downtown Hammertown. My wife is a manager at a national brand pharmacy. She said there was a near riot in her store with people hoarding paper products. They started limiting tissues and toilet paper and customers were losing it. Boomers are the 1st generation that did not have to go to war. I was just old enough to go to Viet Nam in grade 12. My many American cousins were too young to go as well. I believe this is the 1st time many of us my age, 65, and everyone younger has had to deal with a Global wide situation as in this pandemic that has the possibility to effect everyone on the planet. Not just something seen on the 24 hour news cycle half way around the globe that does not effect someone each and every day. It is now and most of us have never felt vulnerable in such a way. Without getting political there is no assurance from our leaders to quell the panic that is setting in. It isn't going to get better just yet. But I do believe in the brilliant scientists we have across the globe. This may just be the type of thing that brings us all a bit closer together as a species, I hope it does because we have never been so divided religiously, racially and politically as we have been as of late. . I heard every conceivable theory from North Korea spreading the decease by exploding missals in the atmosphere to aliens spreading it globally to exterminate us all to take our natural resources. We have cancelled our trip to the Dominican Republic at the end of the month. If mankind survives we will go in the Fall. In the meantime I'll just do what I do all winter, stay home, read a book and delete all my international and national news channels. I'll check in next month.
    1 point
  36. We just lost one of my neighbors, they found him dead in his house this morning. They think he had been dead for a day or two, if it wasn't for one of the neighbors checking on him he might have laid there for a long time. Sandy was a veteran, well up there in years, but up until last Friday still able to drive and get around reasonably well. We weren't close, played cards at the club house once a week but this is a community and we all try to look out for each other. I was just told his wife is in the hospital and they don't expect her to see the end of the week either. Up until now the deaths have just been numbers but when it hits this close to home it sure becomes very real!
    0 points
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